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Cross-disciplinary work on high-precision measurements pushes bounds on dark forces
Atomic, nuclear and particle physicists join efforts to search for new physics and open a new window to nuclear structure
So small and yet so powerful - The hidden power of the smallest microquasars
Researchers found for the first time evidence that even microquasars containing a low-mass star are efficient particle accelerators, which leads to a…
Groundbreaking discovery by the CONUS+ experiment
First observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus Scattering of reactor anti-neutrinos by the CONUS+ experiment.
CTAO becomes an European Research Infrastructure Consortium
On 7 January 2025, the European Commission established the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) as a European Research Infrastructure…
XENON result among Physics Magazine's Highlights of the Year
As they do every year, the editors of the American Physics Society's Physics Magazine have selected their personal scientific highlights of the past…
Quantum electrodynamic theory reaching extreme precision
New “two-loop” calculations tackled a tricky piece of the quantum electrodynamic (QED) puzzle with unprecedented precision: the electron self-energy.…
Professorships in China for three MPIK scientists
Three young scientists from the group of Karen Hatsagortsyan (Department Keitel) received professorships at excellent universities and research…
Naked thallium-205 ion decay reveals sun’s history over millions of years
An international collaboration of scientists made first-ever measurement of the half-life for bound-state beta decay in 205Tl81+ ions at GSI storage…
Electrons from space
H.E.S.S. collaboration detects the most energetic cosmic-ray electrons and positrons ever observed
Sven Sturm appointed adjunct professor
On 20 November 2024, Heidelberg University appointed PD Dr Sven Sturm as an adjunct professor (apl. Prof.) at the suggestion of the Faculty of Physics…
Stern-Gerlach Medal for Klaus Blaum
Klaus Blaum receives the DPG’s most prestigious award in the field of experimental physics.
Long-sought measurement of exotic beta decay in thallium helps extract the timescale of the birth of the Sun
An international collaboration of scientists succeeded in the measurement of the bound-state beta decay of fully-ionised thallium (205Tl81+) ions at…
Soft X-ray Hanle effect for lifetime determination in highly charged ions
For the first time, the Hanle effect was detected in the soft X-ray regime for helium-like nitrogen ions. This opens up a new method for lifetime…
Rotation severely reshapes the decay of diatomic carbon anions
Almost 30 years after the first observation, the origin of the mysterious millisecond electron detachment signal of highly-excited C2− is explained by…
„Die Formel des Widerstands“ – Lesung/Buchvorstellung mit Astrid Viciano
Dienstag 29. Oktober 2024 19:00 Uhr | Otto-Hahn-Hörsaal des Instituts
The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) enters new planning phase
From 10-13th September, more than 70 scientists from 12 countries gathered at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) in Heidelberg to discuss…
SPARC PhD Prize for Stefan Dickopf
During this year's meeting of the SPARC Collaboration the SPARC PhD Prize was awarded to Dr. Stefan Dickopf (MPIK, Division Blaum) für his thesis High…
ERC Starting Grant for Vera Schäfer
In the latest call for proposals from the European Research Council (ERC), Dr. Vera Schäfer has been awarded one of the prestigious ERC Starting…
Ultrafast steering of quantum-entangled electrons
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg have succeeded in selectively manipulating the motion of the electron pair…