We are constantly looking for curious people, who are self-motivated and passionate to learn and explore more about nature and science.
Please write an email to tpfeifer(at)mpi-hd.mpg.de if you are interested in our research in general.
You can also address the research group leaders directly:
Excited atoms&molecules in strong fields
Dr. Christian Ott
Room: BO263b
Tel.: +49 6221 516-577
Ionized atoms&molecules in strong fields
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Robert Moshammer
Room: BO328b
Tel.: +49 6221 516-461
Photoionization time delays
Dr. Anne Harth
Room: BO263b
Tel.: +49 6221 516-583
Highly-charged ion dynamics
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jose Ramon Crespo Lopez-Urrutia
Room: BO332
Tel.: +49 6221 516-521
The cryogenic reaction microscope
Dr. Claus Dieter Schröter
Room: BO335
Tel.: +49 6221 516-244
Ultra-cold dynamics and Collisions
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Alexander Dorn
Room: BO261b
Tel.: +49 6221 516-513