CV Holger Kreckel
Employmentsince Dec 2017 | Max Planck Research Group Leader, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg |
Sept 2012 - Nov 2017 | Group Leader (ERC Starting Grant), MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg |
Winter term 2017 | Guest Professor, University of Innsbruck |
2012 Jan-Aug | Visiting Scientist MPI for Astronomy and MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg |
2009-2011 | Research Scientist, Chemistry Department, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA |
2007-2009 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Astrophysics Laboratory, Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA |
2004-2007 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany |
2021 Habiltation | Habilitation (Venia Legendi) in Physics, University of Heidelberg |
2003 Doctorate | Dr. rer. nat (doctorate in nat. sciences) in Physics, Summa Cum Laude, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Advisor: Professor Andreas Wolf |
2000 Diploma | Diploma in Physics, University of Heidelberg. Advisors: Profs. Dirk Schwalm and Andreas Wolf. Thesis: Coulomb Explosion Imaging of H3+ |
1996 Vordiplom | Vordiplom in Physics, University of Siegen, Germany |
WS2023/2024 | Lecture Molecular Astrophysics (with D. Semenov & G. Perotti, MPIA) |
SS2023 | Tutor Experimental Physics II (Electrodynamics) |
WS2022/2023 | Lecture course on Molecular Astrophysics (with D. Semenov, MPIA) |
SS2022 | Tutor Experimental Physics II (Electrodynamics) |
SS 2021 | Tutor Experimental Physics II (Electrodynamics) |
SS2020 | Seminar "Key Experiments of Atomic and Molecular Physics", (with A. Wolf, MPIK) |
WS 2019/2020 | Lecture course on Molecular Astrophysics (with D. Semenov, MPIA) |
SS 2019 | Tutor Experimental Physics IV (Nuclear and Particle Physics) |
SS 2018 | Tutor Experimental Physics IV (Nuclear and Particle Physics) |
WS 2017/2018 | Lecture: Molecular Astrophysics (Innsbruck University) |
SS 2017 | Tutor Experimental Physics IV (Nuclear and Particle physics) |
WS 2016/2017 | Lecture: Molecular Astrophysics |
SS 2015 | Tutor Experimental Physics IV (Atomic and Mol. Physics) |
SS 2014 | Tutor Experimental Physics IV (Atomic and Mol. Physics) |
WS 2013/2014 | Lecture course on Molecular Astrophysics (with D. Semenov, MPIA) |
SS 2013 | Seminar on Advanced Topics in Quantum Mechanics (with A. Kellerbauer, M. Lange) |
WS 2012/2013 | Tutor Experimental Physics III (Optics and Quantum Mechanics) |
SS 2012 | Lecture: Molecular Astrophysics (with D. Semenov, MPIA), Heidelberg University |
2004-2006 | Tutor, Seminar on At. and Mol. Physics, Heidelberg University |
2001-2002 | Instructor Advanced Laboratory class, Heidelberg University |
December 2007 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA |
July-Sept. 2006 | Columbia University, New York City, USA |
May-June 2004 | Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel |
Referee | Physical Review Letters, Journal of Chemical Physics, Nature Communications, The Astrophysical Journal, Physical Review A, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, Phil. Transactions of the Royal Society |
Member | Swedish Research Council / 2020 to 2021 |
Reviewer | External reviewer: National Science Foundation (NSF), USA, external reviewer: French National Research Agency (ANR), France |
Ion Deflector for two-dimensional control of ion beam cross sectional spread, H. Kreckel, H. Bruhns, D.W. Savin, Columbia Technology Ventures, US utility patent application, serial number 12/708,886 (2009)
- P.I. DFG Priority Program 1573, "Spectroscopy of C60+ and Complex Organic Molecular Ions: from Mid-IR Emission to the Diffuse Interstellar Bands", starting date Nov. 2014
- P.I. ERC Starting Grant: ASTROLAB, "Cold Collisions and the Pathways toward Life in Interstellar Space", Sept. 2012 - Nov. 2017
- Co-P.I., D.W. Savin, H. Kreckel, Improved Understanding of Molecular Clouds and Emission Line Objects with Laboratory Astrophysics Studies at the Heidelberg Ion Storage Ring, NSF program: Galactic Astronomy, July 2008 - 2011