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PhD and Masters Projects

Several PhD and Masters student projects are available in the area of gamma-ray astronomy at the MPIK. The division of Prof. Jim Hinton is working on the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) and High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) very high energy gamma-ray telescope systems as well as the HAWC and planned SWGO observatories. Opportunities include development and evaluation of detector hardware, data analysis, and simulations for CTA, and data analysis and scientific exploitation of H.E.S.S. phase-2, including associated multi-wavelength and multi-messenger activities. Further projects are available in the context of preparing the commissioning of LEGEND.

Please contact hinton-open-positions(at) or the contact persons of the specific projects for more details.

International Max Planck Research Schools

PhD students with interest in astrophysical topics may apply via IMPRS-HD.

PhD students with interest in particle physics may apply via IMPRS-PTFS.