Publications Florian Goertz (Inspire)
2019, Nov 7, University Würzburg, Germany, Particle Physics Seminar, "Softened Symmetry Breaking in Composite Higgs Models"
2019, Jul 4, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, HET Seminar, "Softened Goldstone-Symmetry Breaking"
2019, Mar 18, La Thuile, Italy, Rencontres de Moriond Electroweak 2019, "All Scalars from one Source: Axiflavon-Higgs Unification"
2018, Oct 16, University Mainz, Germany, Theorie-Palaver, "All Scalars from one Source: Axiflavon-Higgs Unification"
2018, Oct 2, Bad Honnef, Germany, New Physics at the LHC Research Group Meeting, "Extended Dark Matter EFT"
2018, May 24, Bonn, Germany, Planck Conference, "Effective Field Theory for the LHC and Dark Matter"
2018, Apr 20, Obergurgl, Austria, Invited Review Talk at "Alpine LHC Physics Summit", "Composite Higgs theory"
2018, Apr 17, Mainz, Germany, Workshop Higgs EFT '18, "Extended Dark Matter EFT"
2018, Jan 8, University Heidelberg, Germany, Colliding Pizza Seminar, "Open questions of the standard model"
2017, Oct 20, MPIK Heidelberg, Germany, Journal Club, "Composite explanation of the recent B physics anomalies"
2017, Sep 26, Heidelberg, Germany, Workshop "Flavour and Dark Matter", "Axiflavon Theory"
2017, Jun 9, CERN, Switzerland, Workshop 'Netzwerk Teilchenwelt' for Students, "Das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik: Symmetrien und Lagrangedichte"
2017, May 18, ITP Heidelberg, Germany, Teilchentee, "Flavor, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, and Cosmology"
2017, May 15, DESY Hamburg, Germany, Theory Seminar, "Flavor in EWSB and in the Sky"
2017, Mar 29, SISSA Trieste, Italy, TPP Group Seminar, "The Axiflavon"
2017, Feb 2, CERN, Switzerland, BSM Forum, "The Axiflavon"
2016, Nov 4, St Genis, France, CERN TH Retreat, "BSM Physics"
2016, Sep 30, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Conference "Precise theory for precise experiments", "Validity of EFT Approaches in Kinematic Distributions"
2016, Sep 16, Padova, Italy, Invisibles Workshop, "Validity of the EFT Approach to SM Precision Tests"
2016, May 30, University Siegen, Germany, QFET-Seminar, "Testing the Scalar Sector at the LHC (and beyond)"
2016, Apr 28, CERN, Switzerland, Workshop 'Netzwerk Teilchenwelt' for Students, "Das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik: Symmetrien und Lagrangedichte"
2016, Mar 11, IPN Lyon, France, Séminaire, "Testing the Scalar Sector at the LHC"
2016, Mar 1, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, Particle Physics Seminar, "Testing the Scalar Sector at the LHC"
2015, Nov 13, CERN, Switzerland, Workshop 'Netzwerk Teilchenwelt' for Students, "Das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik: Symmetrien und Lagrangedichte"
2015, Nov 6, Les Houches, France, CERN TH Retreat, "Exploring the Nature of the Higgs Boson"
2015, Nov 2, CERN, Switzerland, CMS Exotics Meeting, "Parametrization of 'Non-Resonant' DiHiggs Production"
2015, Oct 2, CERN, Switzerland, Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminar, "Exploring the Nature of the Higgs Boson"
2015, Jul 31, Orsay, France, Conference "Higgs Hunting", "DiHiggs Production and New Physics"
2015, Jul 21, ITP Heidelberg, Germany, Theorie Seminar, "Exploring the Higgs Boson at the LHC"
2015, Jul 8, LPSC Grenoble, France, Séminaire Théorique, "Exploring the Higgs Boson at the LHC"
2015, Jul 2, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, KSETA/GK Kolloquium, "Exploring the Nature of the Higgs Boson"
2015, Apr 28, Mainz, Germany, MITP Workshop: Higgs Pair Production at Colliders, "Higgs-Pair Production in EFT"
2015, Mar 23, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany, Kolloquium, "Ist das Higgs-Boson ein Elementarteilchen?"
2015, Feb 26, IPPP Durham, UK, Particle Physics Seminar, "New Physics in the Higgs Sector"
2015, Jan 29, LPT Orsay, France, Particle Physics Seminar, "New Physics in the Higgs Sector"
2014, Dec 8, CERN, Switzerland, LHC Higgs XS - HH Group Meeting, "Higgs-boson pair production in the D=6 extension of the SM"
2014, Nov 10, Mainz, Germany, Workshop "EFTs for Collider Physics, Flavor Phenomena and EWSB", "Higgs-boson pair production in the D=6 extension of the SM"
2014, Nov 7, Les Houches, France, CERN TH Retreat, "A naturally light Higgs without light Top Partners"
2013, Nov 27, Université Paris Sud, France, Journal Club, "On (minimal and explicit) Z' explanations of the B -> K* mu+ mu- anomaly"
2013, Aug 30, Trieste, Italy, Conference SUSY 2013, "Custodial Leptons and Higgs Decays"
2013, Jun 10, KITP Santa Barbara, USA, Seminar, "Higgs Boson Self-Coupling Measurements Using Ratios of Cross Sections"
2013, May 30, KITP Santa Barbara, USA, Conference Snowmass on the Pacific, "Tau Compositeness and Higgs Decays"
2013, May 16, Fermilab, USA, Theory Seminar, "Higgs Boson Self-Coupling Measurements Using Ratios of Cross Sections"
2013, May 15, University of Chicago, USA, Theory Seminar, "Custodial Leptons and Higgs decays"
2013, Apr 11, CERN, Switzerland, BSM Forum, "Custodial Leptons and Higgs decays"
2012, Sept 27, CERN, Switzerland, BSM Forum, "Testing Warped Extra Dimensions in Higgs Physics at the LHC"
2012, May 31, PSI Villigen, Switzerland, Particle Theory Seminar, "Testing Warped Extra Dimensions in Higgs Production at the LHC"
2011, Nov 1, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, Particle Physics Seminar, "Warped Extra Dimensions: Flavour, Higgs Physics & Precision Tests"
2011, Oct 14, PSI Villigen, Switzerland, Mu3e Meeting, "mu -> eee in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2011, Mar 17, La Thuile, Italy, Rencontres de Moriond Electroweak 2011, "Higgs Physics in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2010, Dec 2, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany, Seminar Elementarteilchenphysik, "Precision Tests and Higgs Physics in Randall-Sundrum Models"
2010, Dec 1, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany, Seminar für Theoretische Teilchenphysik, "Higgs Physics and Precision Tests in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2010, Nov 17, Fermilab, USA, New Phenomena Meeting, "Higgs Physics and Precision Tests in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2010, Nov 16, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, Theory Seminar, "Higgs Physics and Precision Tests in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2010, Nov 12, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, Lunch Seminar, "Higgs Physics and Precision Tests in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2010, Nov 11, University of Maryland, USA, Elementary Particle Physics Seminar, "Higgs Physics and Precision Tests in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2010, Oct 20, CERN, Switzerland, International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010, "Top-Quark Pair Production in Randall-Sundrum Models"
2010, Jul 27, Cargese, France, Physics at TeV Colliders: From Tevatron to LHC, "Higgs Physics in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2009, Oct 21, Mainz, Germany, Annual Retreat of the Research Center "Elementary Forces and Mathematical Foundations", "Addressing Hierarchies in Warped Extra Dimensions"
2009, Mar 13, Munich, Germany, Spring Conference of the German Physical Society, "Elektroschwache Präzisionstests in Randall-Sundrum-Modellen"
2008, Sept 16, Bullay, Germany, Annual Retreat of the Graduate School "Eichtheorien - experimentelle Tests und theoretische Grundlagen", "Flavorphysik in Randall-Sundrum-Modellen"
2008, Mar 6, Freiburg, Germany, Spring Conference of the German Physical Society, "Feynmanregeln und Eichfixierung in Randall-Sundrum-Modellen"
2007, Sept 10, Maria Laach, Germany, 39. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik, "Flavor Physik in Randall-Sundrum Modellen"
2007, Mar 9, Heidelberg, Germany, Spring Conference of the German Physical Society, "Flavourphysik in Randall-Sundrum-Modellen"
2005, Sept 13, CERN, Switzerland, NA48 Analysis weekly meeting, "Search for light 'sgoldstino' in charged kaon decays"