News Division Blaum
Cross-disciplinary work on high-precision measurements pushes bounds on dark forces
Atomic, nuclear and particle physicists join efforts to search for new physics and open a new window to nuclear structure
Naked thallium-205 ion decay reveals sun’s history over millions of years
An international collaboration of scientists made first-ever measurement of the half-life for bound-state beta decay in 205Tl81+ ions at GSI storage…
Sven Sturm appointed adjunct professor
On 20 November 2024, Heidelberg University appointed PD Dr Sven Sturm as an adjunct professor (apl. Prof.) at the suggestion of the Faculty of Physics…
Stern-Gerlach Medal for Klaus Blaum
Klaus Blaum receives the DPG’s most prestigious award in the field of experimental physics.
Long-sought measurement of exotic beta decay in thallium helps extract the timescale of the birth of the Sun
An international collaboration of scientists succeeded in the measurement of the bound-state beta decay of fully-ionised thallium (205Tl81+) ions at…
Rotation severely reshapes the decay of diatomic carbon anions
Almost 30 years after the first observation, the origin of the mysterious millisecond electron detachment signal of highly-excited C2− is explained by…
SPARC PhD Prize for Stefan Dickopf
During this year's meeting of the SPARC Collaboration the SPARC PhD Prize was awarded to Dr. Stefan Dickopf (MPIK, Division Blaum) für his thesis High…
Through the spaceship atom's shield
Part of the science fiction genre is the famous protective shield that spaceships can raise. This is similar for atoms: The electron shell as an…
BASE Collaboration sets records in particle cooling
Major improvements in cooling of charged particles in Penning traps by the BASE Collaboration.
Unexpected deviation in the lifetime – First observation of the nuclear two-photon decay in bare atomic nuclei
For the first time, an international research team, led by GSI/FAIR in Darmstadt, the Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers…
Cold astrochemistry traced in the lab
Pioneering measurements of cold ion-neutral collisions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring reveal an unexpected isotope effect. [Phys. Rev. Lett. / Phys.…
Increased precision in ion trap enables unprecedented measurement accuracy
Scientists led by the Max-Planck-Institutes für Kernphysik have succeeded in significantly increasing the measurement stability of a Penning trap.
Ghost particle on the scales
What is the mass of a neutrino at rest? This is one of the big unanswered questions in physics. Neutrinos play a central role in nature. A team led by…
Klaus Blaum new member of the Leopoldina
The Presidium of the "German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina - National Academy of Sciences" has elected Prof. Dr Klaus Blaum, Director at the Max…
Almudena Arcones Max-Planck-Fellow at MPIK
Origin of heavy elements: Nuclear matter under extreme conditions
Test of quantum electrodynamics and world record mass measurement
Researchers at the MPI for Nuclear Physics have succeeded in testing the theory of quantum electrodynamics in strong fields with unprecedented…
Towards the next-generation atomic clock
Joint experimental-theoretical study at MPIK identifies a metastable state in highly charged lead
German-Japanese cooperation for highest precision extended
They have done a good job, and their cooperation will be continued: After a successful review, the German-Japanese Center for Time, Constants and…
How cosmic rays influence space chemistry - cold molecular ions measured in the Laboratory
Scientists from the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik and other institutions have obtained a significantly higher ionization rate in dilute molecular…
Precise testing of quantum electrodynamics
Measurement of the g factor of the electron in hydrogen-like tin confirms the standard model of particle physics under extremely high electric field…
How heavy is an alpha particle?
Using the high-precision Penning trap for light ions (LIONTRAP), physicists from the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, the GSI Helmholtz…
Harnack Medal for Daniel Zajfman
The Max Planck Society honours Daniel Zajfman with the Harnack Medal in recognition of his remarkable contributions to the advancement of science and…
The role of Ge-64 in rp-nucleosynthesis powering cosmic X-ray bursts
New nuclear physics data provide a better understanding of the properties of neutron stars. High-precision measurements of nuclear masses reveal…
ERC Advanced Grant awarded to MPIK-group leader Sven Sturm
Priv. Doz. Dr. Sven Sturm has been awarded one of the prestigious ERC Advanced Grants in the latest round of calls for proposals by the European…
News about the methylidine ion’s chemistry in interstellar clouds
Measurements under space conditions at the ultracold storage ring CSR of the MPI for Nuclear Physics for the first time provided reliable data on the…
Klaus Blaum elected to the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
Since 06.09.2022 Klaus Blaum is officially a full member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. As director at the MPI for Nuclear Physics,…
Quantum electrodynamics tested 100 times more accurately
Using a newly developed technique, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) in Heidelberg have measured the very small…
How magnetic is helium-3?
In a joint experimental-theoretical study, physicists at the Heidelberg Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK), together with collaborators…
Collisions with electrons cool molecular ions
Laser spectroscopic measurements on methylidene ions in the CSR using the elektron cooler
Matter/antimatter symmetry and “antimatter clock” studied at once
In Nature, the BASE collaboration at CERN reports on the world's most accurate comparison between protons and antiprotons: The charge-to-mass ratios…