All Theses
189Implementation of a superconducting shimming and shielding system in the BASE experiment
S. Erlewein
Dissertation (2024)
188Study of the unimolecular decay of highly-excited anionic carbon dimers
V. C. Schmidt
Dissertation (2024)
187Precision Mass and Mass-Ratio Measurements of Neon and Ytterbium Isotopes for Tests of Fundamental Physics
M. Door
Dissertation (2024)
186First nuclear two-photon decay measurements at storage rings
D. Freire-Fernández
Dissertation (2024)
185High-precision Penning-trap measurements of the magnetic moments and hyperfine splitting in hydrogen-like beryllium-9
S. Dickopf
Dissertation (2024)
184Mass measurements on highly charged lead and uranium ions with the Penning-trap mass spectrometer Pentatrap
K. Kromer
Dissertation (2024)
183Storage ring experiments on the stability of negative ions in the gas phase
F. Nüßlein
Dissertation (2024)
182High-Precision Penning-Trap Determination of the Electron Capture Q-Value in 163HO for the Determination of the Electron Neutrino Mass
C. Schweiger
Dissertation (2024)
181Electron recombination of rotationally cold deuterated triatomic hydrogen ions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
A. Znotins
Dissertation (2024)
180Design and implementation of a superconducting tuning coil for the Penning-trap experiment ELCOTRAP
J. Notter
Bachelor (2024)
179Design und Aufbau eines Axial-Resonators hoher Güte für das LSym-Experiment
L. Holtmann
Bachelor (2024)
178Designing and characterization of a narrow microwave notch filter for the LSYM experiment in the 100 GHz regime
F. Raab
Master (2024)
177In-trap laser-ablation ion-source with exchangeable targets
U. Beutel
Bachelor (2024)
176Characterisation of a Raspberry Pi NoIR v2 camera module for monitoring the beam shape and position of a 2 kW laser in the CSR system
D. Di Marco
Bachelor (2024)
175Test of a helium-3 evaporation fridge for the Lsym experiment
A. B. Thoma
Bachelor (2024)
174High-Precision Measurements with the Penning-Trap Mass Spectrometer PENTATRAP
L. Enzmann
Master (2024)
173High-precision atomic mass measurement of helium-4
S. Sasidharan
Dissertation (2023)
172Sympathetic Cooling of a Single Individually-Trapped Proton in a Cryogenic Penning Trap
M. Wiesinger
Dissertation (2023)
171Sympathetic Cooling of Trapped Ions Coupled via Image Currents: Simulation and Measurement
C. Will
Dissertation (2023)
170Photodetachment studies of negative ions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
D. Müll
Dissertation (2023)
169Design and Commissioning of an Optically Transparent Cryogenic Valve for the ALPHATRAP Experiment
V. F. Hahn
Bachelor (2023)
168Design and characterisation of toroidal cyclotron resonators for the PENTATRAP experiment
L. Bowien Tolstra
Bachelor (2023)
167Measurement of the g-factors and zero-field hyperfine splitting of 3He+ in a Penning trap
A. Schneider
Dissertation (2022)
166Direct Bound-Electron g-Factor Difference Measurement of Coupled Ions at Alphatrap
T. Sailer
Dissertation (2022)
165Theoretische Modellierung einer Penning-Falle zur Nutzung sympathetischer Laserkühlung und Charakterisierung einer dafür vorgesehenen Präzisionsspannungsquelle
N. Bock
Bachelor (2022)
164Development of the novel transportable online mass-spectrometer PILOT-Trap with dynamic buffer-gas cooling for stored ions
D. Lange
Master (2022)
163Cryogenic MCP detector performance benchmarking at the CSR
S. K. Gaisser
Bachelor (2022)
162Completion and commissioning of an LVAP ion source
J. Himmelsbach
Bachelor (2022)
161Design einer Mikrowellen-Laser-Einkopplung fur simultane Spinflipanregung und Laserkuhlung am 3He-Trap-Experiment
P. Justus
Bachelor (2022)
160Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme einer Raumtemperatur-Elektronenstrahl-Ionenfalle
M. A. Gramberg
Bachelor (2022)
159Recommissionig of the Hyper-EBIT by measuring x-ray spectra of highly charged ions
S. Heidrich
Bachelor (2022)
158Designing and Characterization of a Novel Cryogenic Cyclotron Resonator
F. Raab
Bachelor (2022)
157PentaSim : a numerical simulation of a Penning Trap
F. S. Herzog
Master (2022)
156Characterization of an ultra-stable voltage supply and implementation of sympathetic laser cooling for the 3He2+ g-factor measurement
A. V. Kaiser
Master (2022)
155Cooling force measurements with the phase shift method at the cryogenic storage ring CSR
J. Bechtel
Bachelor (2022)
154Penning trap experiments for fundamental atomic physics
S. Sturm
Habilitation (2021)
153Electron recombination studies of rotationally cold CH+ ions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
D. Paul
Dissertation (2021)
152Sympathetic Cooling of a Proton with Resonant Image Current Coupling
M. Bohman
Dissertation (2021)
151Improved 3D-imaging detection at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
J. Jäger
Master (2021)
150High-precision measurement of the deuteron’s atomic mass
S. Rau
Dissertation (2020)
149A novel approach for mid-infrared spectroscopy of large carbon systems and the nonthermal fragmentation process of diatomic anions
J. Göck
Dissertation (2020)
148High-precision mass spectrometry of nobelium, lawrencium and rutherfordium isotopes and studies of long-lived isomers with SHIPTRAP
O. T. Kaleja
Dissertation (2020)
147Electron Recombination Studies on Titanium Oxide Ions in the Cryogenic Storage Ring at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
N. Jain
Master (2020)
146Next-Generation Mass Spectrometry of Exotic Isotopes and Isomers
J. Karthein
Dissertation (2020)
145High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy of the Fine Structure in 40Ar13+ at ALPHATRAP
A. Egl
Dissertation (2020)
144Development of a Digital Feedback System for Advanced Ion Manipulation Techniques within a Penning Trap
J. Herkenhoff
Bachelor (2020)
143Design, installation and characterisation of a microwave transmission line for driving the transitions of the 3He+ hyperfine structure in a Penning trap
S. Dickopf
Master (2020)
142Investigation of a Novel Method for Sympathetic Laser Cooling of Highly Charged Ions in a Penning Trap
F. Hahne
Master (2020)
141Competition of detachment, dissociation, and radiative decay channels in highly excited C2−
V. C. Schmidt
Master (2020)
140Design einer Abschirmspule zur Minimierung äußerer Magnetfeldeinflüsse bei Präzisions-Penningfallen-Experimenten an Helium-3
J. M. Berner
Bachelor (2020)
139Electromagnetic properties of light nuclei with chiral effective field theory currents
R. B. J. S. Seutin
Dissertation (2020)
138First High-Precision Mass Measurements at PENTATRAP on highly charged Xe and Re ions
R. X. Schüssler
Dissertation (2019)
137High-precision measurement of the proton’s atomic mass
F. Heiße
Dissertation (2019)
136Mass Measurements of Neon Isotopes at THe-Trap
T. Segal
Dissertation (2019)
135First measurement of the ground-state g-factor of boronlike argon 40Ar13+ in Alphatrap
I. Arapoglou
Dissertation (2019)
134First Studies of Low-Energy Electron Cooling of keV Energy Ion Beams at the Electrostatic Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR
P. Wilhelm
Dissertation (2019)
133Collision studies with internally cold ion beams and merged electron beams in a cryogenic storage ring
S. Saurabh
Dissertation (2019)
132Measurements of low decay energies of beta-processes using Penning traps
P. Filianin
Dissertation (2019)
131Simulations of the image charge effect in high-precision Penning traps and the new IGISOL ion buncher
M. Schuh
Dissertation (2019)
130Detection Electronics Design and First Observation of Bound-Electron Spin Transitions at the ALPHATRAP g-Factor Experiment
A. Weigel
Dissertation (2019)
129Design of theAnalysis Trap and He Ion Source for the 3He2+ magnetic moment measurement
A. Schneider
Master (2019)
128Untersuchung des Dip-Fit-Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Axialfrequenz beim Hochpräzisions-Massenspektrometer PENTATRAP
D. Lange
Bachelor (2019)
127In-trap Laser Desorption in an EBIT for the Production of Highly Charged Ions of Rare Isotopes at Pentatrap
C. M. König
Master (2019)
126Temperature stabilization of the ultra-stable voltage source StaReP for the Alphatrap experiment
M. Hübner
Bachelor (2019)
125Environmentally-induced systematic effects at the high-precision mass spectrometer PENTATRAP
K. Kromer
Master (2019)
124The First Direct QEC Measurement in 163Ho and the Development of the High-Precision Mass Spectrometer PENTATRAP for Neutrino Physics
A. Rischka
Dissertation (2018)
123The lowest rotational quantum states of hydroxyl anions probed by electron photodetachment in a cryogenic storage ring
C. Meyer
Dissertation (2018)
122Electron Transport System for Fast-Timing-Readout at a Micro-Calorimeter Particle Detector
S. Spaniol
Bachelor (2018)
121Entwicklung von Kryoelektronik für den Nachweis einzelner Ionen im PENTATRAP Penningfallen-Massenspektrometer
M. Müller
Bachelor (2018)
120An experimental setup for testing ion beam sources for the CSR facility
F. Nüsslein
Master (2018)
119New control system and first trap characterization measurements at the high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometer Pentatrap
M. Door
Master (2018)
118Design of an ion beam extraction optics and analysis of the molecular composition of an ion beam in an electrostatic storage ring
V. C. Schmidt
Bachelor (2018)
117Microwave injection for the ALPHATRAP experiment and developments of the multi-reflection time-of-flight technique of the ISOLTRAP experiment
T. Steinsberger
Master (2018)
116A Laser Ion Source for the Alphatrap Experiment
T. Sailer
Master (2017)
115Berechnungen zu den Magnetfeldkorrekturspulen am THe-Trap-Experiment
S. Dickopf
Bachelor (2017)
114Entwicklung einer Multiplexer Box für Radiofrequenzsignale und Simulation von Radiofrequenzanregungen in der PENTATRAP-Falle
K. Dietrich
Bachelor (2017)
113Precision mass measurements using the Phase-Imaging Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance detection technique
J. Karthein
Master (2017)
112Towards Laser Cooling of Beryllium Ions at the Alphatrap Experiment
S. Kraemer
Master (2017)
111Operating a low-energy Electron Cooler at the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR
M. M. Rimmler
Master (2017)
110Construction and commissioning of a room-temperature electron beam ion trap and development of a wire probe injection system
C. Schweiger
Master (2017)
109Analyse von NMR-Daten aus dem Magneten von THe-Trap
H. Walter
Bachelor (2017)
108Mass measurements of neutron-rich strontium and rubidium isotopes in the region A ≈ 100 and development of an electrospray ionization ion source
A. de Roubin
Dissertation (2016)
107 High-precision measurements of nuclide masses with Penning traps for fundamental physics
S. Eliseev
Habilitationa (2016)
106Precision Mass Measurements at THe-Trap and the FSU trap
M. Höcker
Dissertation (2016)
105Precision mass measurements for studies of nucleosynthesis via the rapid neutron-capture process
D. Atanasov
Dissertation (2016)
104Experimental studies of ion-neutral reactions under astrophysical conditions
F. Grussie
Dissertation (2016)
103Developments at an Electrostatic Cryogenic Storage Ring for Electron-Cooled keV Energy Ion Beams
S. Vogel
Dissertation (2016)
102Imaging of Neutral Fragmentation Products from Fast Molecular Ion Beams: Paving the Way for Reaction Studies in Cryogenic Environment
A. Becker
Dissertation (2016)
101Commissioning of the online transfer beamline for the ALPHATRAP experiment
A. Egl
Master (2016)
100Metastable States of Si- Observed in a Cryogenic Storage Ring
E. A. Guerin
Master (2016)
99Beam diagnostics and collector for the electron cooler of the cryogenic storage ring CSR
S. Lohmann
Master (2015)
98Bound-Electron g-Factor Measurements for the Determination of the Electron Mass and Isotope Shifts in Highly Charged Ions
F. Köhler
Dissertation (2015)
97Dielectronic Recombination Experiments with Tungsten Ions at the Test Storage Ring and Development of a Single-Particle Detector at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
K. Spruck
Dissertation (2015)
96Coulomb Explosion Imaging studies of fundamental molecular structure
P. Herwig
Dissertation (2015)
95Theoretical treatment of miscellaneous frequency-shifts in Penning traps with classical perturbation theory
J. Ketter
Dissertation (2015)
94PENTATRAP: A novel Penning-trap system for high-precision mass measurements
A. Dörr
Dissertation (2015)
93High-precision mass measurements of neutron-deficient Tl isotopes at ISOLTRAP and the development of an ultra-stable voltage source for the PENTATRAP experiment
C. Böhm
Dissertation (2015)
92Aufbau einer Präzisionsspannungsquelle für das ALPHATRAP-Experiment
T. Sailer
Bachelor (2015)
91Das mit Flüssigneon gekühlte supraleitende Magnetsystem des Elektronenkühlers am kryogenen Ionen-Speicherring CSR
J. Lion
Bachelor (2015)
90A new Detection System for the high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometer PENTATRAP
R. Schüssler
Master (2015)
89Erzeugung hochgeladener Chlor- und Siliziumionen für das Pentatrap-Experiment in einer Elektronenstrahlionenquelle unter Anwendung der MIVOC-Methode
M. Door
Bachelor (2015)
88Installation and operation of a radio-frequency quadrupole cooler and buncher and offline commissioning of the TRIGA-SPEC ion beam preparation transfer line
T. Beyer
Dissertation (2014)
87Aufbau und Test der Transferbeamline für das ALPHATRAP Projekt
H. Hirzler
Bachelor (2014)
86Neuartige kryogene Penning-Falle für den Nachweis von Spin-Übergängen eines Protons und Bestimmung seines g-Faktors
C. De Carvalho Rodegheri
Dissertation (2014)
85High-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometry at SHIPTRAP and PENTATRAP for neutrino physics research
M. L. Goncharov
Dissertation (2014)
84Kontrolle der Umwelteinflüsse auf THe-Trap am Beispiel der Bestimmung des Massenverhältnisses von Kohlenstoff-12 zu Sauerstoff-16
S. Streubel
Dissertation (2014)
83Aufbau des Stabilisierungssystems des Heliumdrucks und Heliumlevels und Konstruktion eines kryogenen Faraday-Bechers für PENTATRAP
A. Rischka
Master (2014)
82Entwicklung des kryogenen Nachweissystems für ALPHATRAP und THe-Trap
A. Weigel
Master (2014)
81Development of a cryogenic vacuum valve and an electromechanical switch for ALPHATRAP
M. Turkalj Orešković
Master (2014)
80Improving the selectivity of the ISOLDE resonance ionization laser ion source and in-source laser spetroscopy of Polonium.
D. A. Fink
Dissertation (2014)
79Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines Geschwindigkeitsfilters für das ALPHATRAP-Experiment
S. Kraemer
Bachelor (2014)
78Simulations of the electrostatic and magnetic field properties and tests of the Penning-ion source at THe-Trap
M. Schuh
Master (2014)
77Aufbau und Test eines Vibrationssensors für das ALPHATRAP Projekt
S. Erlewein, K. Blaum, and S. Sturm
Bachelor (2014)
76High-precision mass measurements in the realm of the deformed shell closure N=152
M. Eibach
Dissertation (2013)
75Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Potassium : Nuclear Charge Radii beyond N = 28
K. D. Kreim
Dissertation (2013)
74Vibrational Auto-Detachment of the Sulfur Hexafluoride Anion in a Low-background Cryogenic Ion Beam Trap
S. Menk
Dissertation (2013)
73The g-factor of the valence electron bound in lithiumlike silicon 28Si11+: The most stringent test of relativistic many-electron calculations in a magnetic field
A. Wagner and K. Blaum
Dissertation (2013)
72Investigation of various excitation and detection schemes of stored ions in a Penning trap
M. Heck
Dissertation (2013)
71 Design and Characterization of a Polyphase-Filter Phaseshifter for THe-Trap
H. Klaus
Bachelor (2013)
70 Realisierung des axialen Feedbacks bei PENTATRAP
C. D. Hökel-Schmöger
Diploma (2013)
69Penning-trap mass spectrometry of radioactive, highly charged ions with TITAN: Measurements of neutron-rich Rb and Sr nuclides for nuclear astrophysics and the development of a novel Penning trap for cooling highly charged ions
V. V. Simon
Dissertation (2012)
68Mass Measurements of Exotic Ions in the Heavy Mass Region for Nuclear Structure Studies at ISOLTRAP
C. Borgmann
Dissertation (2012)
67High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry: The Trap Design and Detection System of Pentatrap and New Q-Values for Neutrino Studies
C. Roux
Dissertation (2012)
66Aufbau und Charakterisierung der ersten Ecke des kryogenen elektrostatischen Speicherrings CSR
F. Fellenberger
Dissertation (2012)
65Schottky mass measurements of heavy neutron-rich nuclides in the element range 70 ≤ Z ≤ 79 at the ESR
D. Shubina
Dissertation (2012)
64The setup of the high-precision Penning trap mass spectrometer PENTATRAP and first production studies of highly charged ions
J. Repp
Dissertation (2012)
63Accuracy determination of the KATRIN FT-ICR mass spectrometers using 6Li and 7Li
H. Golzke, G. Drexlin, and K. Blaum
Diploma (2012)
62High-precision Q-value and mass measurements for neutrino physics with TRIGA-TRAP and commissioning of an on-line ion source for TRIGA-SPEC
C. Smorra
Dissertation (2012)
61Momentum Imaging of Photofragments and Photoelectrons using Fast Ion Beams
C. Domesle
Dissertation (2012)
60An electron cooler for ultra-low energy cryogenic operation
A. Shornikov
Dissertation (2012)
59The g-factor of the electron bound in 28Si13+: The most stringent test of bound-state quantum electrodynamics
S. Sturm
Dissertation (2012)
58Off-line commissioning of a non-destructive FT-ICR detection system for monitoring the ion concentration in the KATRIN beamline
M. Ubieto Diaz
Dissertation (2011)
57Untersuchung und Optimierung des externen Ladens von Ionen bei THe-Trap
M. Tremer, K. Blaum, and W. Quint
Diploma (2011)
56Untersuchungen zur Massenauflösung in einer elektrostatischen Falle für schnelle Ionenstrahlen
A. Kechler
Bachelor (2011)
55Simulation des axialen Detektionssystems von THe-Trap
N. Hehn
Bachelor (2011)
54Optimierung der laserinduzierten Reaktionsspektroskopie von H+3-Ionen in einer kryogenen Ionenfalle
F. Grussie and A. Wolf
Diploma (2011)
53Simulation von elektrostatischen Eigenschaften der THe-Trap Penningfalle
M. Schuh
Bachelor (2011)
52Entwicklung von kapazitiven Positions-, Strom- und Schottkysignal-Messsystemen für den kryogenen Speicherring CSR
F. Laux
Dissertation (2011)
51First Observation of Spin Flips with a Single Proton Stored in a Cryogenic Penning Trap
S. Ulmer
Dissertation (2011)
50Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines Systems zur Stabilisierung des Magnetfeldes an PENTATRAP
A. Rischka
Bachelor (2011)
49Ein Experiment zur Bestimmung des g-Faktors des gebundenen Elektrons in wasserstoff- und lithiumähnlichen mittelschweren Ionen
B. Schabinger
Dissertation (2011)
48First mass measurements with the MPIK/UW-PTMS
C. Diehl
Dissertation (2011)
47The visible rovibrational spectrum of the triatomic hydrogen ion via high-sensitive chemical reaction spectroscopy in a cryogenic ion trap
M. H. Berg
Dissertation (2011)
46Fragmentation of Small Multi-Electron Molecular Ions in Cold Electron Collisions
J. Stützel
Dissertation (2011)
45Aufbau und Charakterisierung von Axialfrequenzverstärkern für das PENTATRAP-Experiment
A. Weigel
Bachelor (2011)
44Die Ionenoptik der Injektionsstrahlführungslinien des kryogenen Speicherrings CSR
F. A. Berg and K. Blaum
Diploma (2011)
43Reference Masses for Precision Mass Spectrometry. Design and Implementation of a Pierce Geometry to the Cluster Ion Source at ISOLTRAP
J. Lommen
Bachelor (2011)
42Beta-decay of highly-charged ions
Y. A. Litvinov
Habilitation (2011)
41Setup, test and optimization of detection electronics for high-precision mass measurements at PENTATRAP
A. Dörr
Diploma (2011)
40Dissociative recombination of deuterated formyl cations
C. Nordhorn and A. Wolf
Diploma (2010)
39The construction of Triga-Trap and direct high-precision Penning trap mass measurements on rare-earth elements and americium
J. Ketelaer
Dissertation (2010)
38Untersuchungen zur Mehrstufen-Laserspektroskopie an gespeicherten H+3 -Molekülionen
D. Bing
Dissertation (2010)
37 Konzepte für einen Fragmentdetektor für Umladungsexperimente im CSR
V. Klinkhamer and A. Wolf
Bachelor (2010)
36 Neutralization of aluminium cluster anions by laser induced delayed emission in an electrostatic ion trap
W. Reis and K. Blaum
Bachelor (2010)
35Schottky Diagnostics at the Heavy Ion Cooler Storage Ring TSR
F. Schmitz
Bachelor (2010)
34Molecular fragmentation by recombination with cold electrons studied with a mass sensitive imaging detector
M. B. Mendes
Dissertation (2010)
33A cryogenic electrostatic ion trap and first experiments on delayed emission of aluminium anion clusters and self-bunching
M. W. Froese
Dissertation (2010)
32 Fast decay of highly excited SF6- cluster anions with the CTF
A. Schönhals, A. Wolf, and K. Blaum
Bachelor (2010)
31Untersuchungen zum Ionentransfer im UW/MPIK Doppel-Penningfallen Experiment
M. Höcker
Diploma (2010)
30The ISOLTRAP Laser-Ablation Ion Source and Q-Value Determination of the 110Pd Double Beta Decay
D. Fink and K. Blaum
Diploma (2010)
29Nuclear structure studies in the xenon and radon region and the discovery of a new radon isotope by Penning trap mass spectrometry
D. Neidherr
Dissertation (2010)
28First direct mass measurements on nobelium and lawrencium with the Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP
M. G. Dworschak
Dissertation (2009)
27Aufbau eines breitbandigen FT-ICR-Nachweissystems für TRIGA-TRAP
K. Knuth
Diploma (2009)
26Einfluß der Träger-Einhüllenden-Phase auf die Wechselwirkung ultrakurzer Laserpuls mit Molekülen
M. Kremer
Dissertation (2009)
25Intense electron beams from GaAs photocathodes as a tool for molecular and atomic physics
C. Krantz
Dissertation (2009)
24First Ramsey-type mass measurements with ISOLTRAP and design studies of the new PENTATRAP project
S. George
Dissertation (2009)
23Direct observation of a single proton in a Penning trap. Towards a direct measurement of the proton g-factor
S. W. Kreim
Dissertation (2009)
22Bremsstrahlung Emission Probability in the α Decay of 210PO
H. Boie
Dissertation (2009)
21Characterization of a carbon aerosol generator in a helium gas-jet for the extraction of fission products from the research reactor TRIGA Mainz
M. Eibach
Diploma (2009)
20Setup of a carbon-cluster laser ion source and the application of the invariance theorem at ISOLTRAP
C. Böhm
Diploma (2009)
19Aufbau und Test einer phasensensititiven Laserfrequenz-Langzeitstabilisierung an COLLAPS
M. Schug
Diploma (2009)
18 Berechnungen der Ionenoptik und Aufbau einer temperaturstabilisierten Spannungsquelle für das PENTATRAP-Experiment
A. Rosa
Diploma (2009)
17Erzeugung kurzer Ionenpulse in einem Speicherring
R. Bastert
Diploma (2009)
16A Cryogenic Trap for Fast Ion Beams
S. Menk
Diploma (2009)
15Fragmentation of molecular ions in slow electron collisions
S. Novotny
Dissertation (2008)
14 Ion counting and imaging methods for experiments with stored and trapped molecular ions
T. Sorg
Diploma (2008)
13 Infrared and visible laser spectroscopy in a cryogenic multipole ion trap
M. Berg
Diploma (2007)
12Measurement of time dilation by laser spectroscopy on fast stored Lithium ions
S. B. Reinhardt
Dissertation (2005)
11Ionenfallen- und Speicherringtechnik zur Untersuchung kalter Wasserstoffmolekülionen
M. Motsch
Diploma (2005)
10Particle detection at REX-ISOLDE and the d(30Mg, 31Mg)p reaction
V. Bildstein
Diploma (2005)
9Fragmentation studies of stored beams of small polyatomic ions
L. Lammich
Dissertation (2004)
8 Fast-beam molecular fragmentation imaging using a high-speed gated camera system.
S. Novotny
Diploma (2004)
7Atmosphärische Aerosolbildung: Messungen des Aerosolvorläufergases Schwefelsäure und neu gebildeter Aerosolteilchen
J. Hoffmann
Diploma (2004)
6Production of cold electron beams for collision experiments with stored ions
F. Sprenger
Dissertation (2003)
5Internal excitations of stored triatomic hydrogen molecular ions
H. Kreckel
Dissertation (2003)
4Production of rotationally cold H3+ ions with a hollow cathode ion source.
S. Altevogt
Diploma (2003)
3Aufbau eines Experimentes zur Messung der Emissionswahrscheinlichkeit von Bremsstrahlung im α[alpha]-Zerfall von 210Po
H. Boie
Diploma (2002)
2Experimental Test of Relativistic Time Dilation by Laser Spectroscopy of Fast Ions
G. Saathoff
Dissertation (2002)
1 Frequenzmessung im 127I2-Spektrum bei 585 nm
S. B. Reinhardt
Diploma (2002)