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Jörg Evers
addressMax-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK)
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
Saupfercheckweg 1
69117 Heidelberg
fax+ 49 (0)6221 516-152
phone+ 49 (0)6221 516-177
external databasesGoogle Scholar

Education History

2018 Außerplanmäßiger Professor, Universität Heidelberg
2008 Habilitation and Venia Legendi, Universität Heidelberg
2002-2004 Ph.D. in physics, Universität Freiburg
2001-2002 Diplom (MSc) in physics, Universität Freiburg
2000-2001 ''Hauptpraktikum'', Universität Freiburg
1999-2000 Imperial College International Diploma, Imperial College, London
1998-1999 Bakkalaureus (BSc) in mathematics, Universität Freiburg
1996-1998 Intermediate diploma both in physics and mathematics, Universität Dortmund
1995-1996 Civil service at the Institute for Occupational Health, Universität Dortmund
1995 A-level at the ''Adalbert-Stifter-Gymnasium'', Castrop-Rauxel


Employment History

from 2015 Coordinator, International Max Planck Research School for Quantum Dynamics in Physics, Chemistry and Biology
from 2014 Staff scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
2007-2014 W2-Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
2004-2006 Group leader, Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
2003-2004 Research assistant (Studienstiftung), Universität Freiburg
2002-2003 Research assistant (SFB 276), Universität Freiburg
2001-2002 Tutor for medicine students (physics labwork), Universität Freiburg
1998 Computer administrator, Universität Dortmund, FB Physik
1997-1998 Tutor for first-year physics students, Universität Dortmund, FB Physik
1996-1999 Student assistant, Institute for Occupational Health, Universität Dortmund

Community Service

2012-2018 Member, Project Review Panel 2 (X-Ray Spectroscopy), DESY, Hamburg
2011 Invited session organizer, 41th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, USA
2010 Co-Chair, Panel "Nonlinear X-ray Science & Hard X-ray Quantum Optics", Workshop on Evolution and Control of Complexity: Key Experiments Using Sources of Hard X-rays, Argonne National Lab, USA
2008 Co-organisation symposium "Kernphysik mit starken Laserfeldern", DPG Spring Meeting, Darmstadt (with C. H. Keitel and D. Habs)
  Lecturer in the International Max Planck Research School "Quantum Dynamics in Physics, Chemistry and Biology"
  Referee for >25 physics journals and funding agencies



2014 Röntgen-Preis of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
from 2010 Kollegiat of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2010 Dulger Prize (Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
2009 American Physical Society Outstanding Referee
2005 Institute of Physics Quantum Electronics and Photonics PhD thesis prize (1st prize)
2003-2004 Ph.D. fellowship of the ''Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes''
2000-2005 Fellow at ''''
1999-2000 Erasmus scholarship

Publications in MPIK

129Characterization and detection method for x-ray excitation of Mössbauer nuclei beyond the low-excitation regime

L. Wolff and J. Evers
Physical Review A 108, 043714 (2023)

128Resonant X-ray excitation of the nuclear clock isomer 45Sc

Y. Shvyd’ko, R. Röhlsberger, O. Kocharovskaya, J. Evers, G. A. Geloni, P. Liu, D. Shu, A. Miceli, B. Stone, W. Hippler, B. Marx-Glowna, I. Uschmann, R. Loetzsch, O. Leupold, H. Wille, I. Sergeev, M. Gerharz, X. Zhang, C. Grech, M. Guetg, V. Kocharyan, N. Kujala, S. Liu, W. Qin, A. Zozulya, J. Hallmann, U. Boesenberg, W. Jo, J. Möller, A. Rodriguez-Fernandez, M. Youssef, A. Madsen, and T. Kolodziej
Nature 622, 471-475 (2023)
 Nature research briefing: Scandium-45 nuclear-clock candidate driven by X-ray lasers Scandium tickt präziser als Cäsium
 European XFEL: Milestone for novel atomic clock

127Certifying Multimode Light-Matter Interaction in Lossy Resonators

D. Lentrodt, O. Diekmann, C. H. Keitel, S. Rotter, and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 130, 263602 (2023)

126Unraveling time- and frequency-resolved nuclear resonant scattering spectra

L. Wolff and J. Evers
Physical Review Research 5, 013071 (2023)

125Inverse design in nuclear quantum optics: From artificial x-ray multilevel schemes to spectral observables

O. Diekmann, D. Lentrodt, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 106, 053701 (2022)

124Reply to: On yoctosecond science

K. P. Heeg, L. Bocklage, C. Strohm, C. Ott, D. Lentrodt, J. Haber, H. Wille, R. Rüffer, J. Gollwitzer, C. F. Adolff, K. Schlage, I. Sergeev, O. Leupold, G. Meier, C. H. Keitel, R. Röhlsberger, T. Pfeifer, and J. Evers
Nature 608, E18-E19 (2022)

123Parametric Mössbauer radiation source

O. D. Skoromnik, I. D. Feranchuk, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 25, 040704 (2022)

122Inverse design approach to x-ray quantum optics with Mössbauer nuclei in thin-film cavities

O. Diekmann, D. Lentrodt, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 105, 013715 (2022)

121Coherent X-ray−optical control of nuclear excitons

K. P. Heeg, A. Kaldun, C. Strohm, C. Ott, R. Subramanian, D. Lentrodt, J. Haber, H. Wille, S. Goerttler, R. Rüffer, C. H. Keitel, R. Röhlsberger, T. Pfeifer, and J. Evers
Nature 590, 401-404 (2021)
 MPIK press release: X-ray double flashes control atomic nuclei
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Röntgen-Doppelblitze treiben Atomkerne an
 MPG press release: Atomic nuclei in the quantum swing
 Press release of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF): X-ray double flashes control atomic nuclei
 MPIK press release: MPIK twice among the finalists for “Breakthrough of the Year 2021“
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: MPIK gleich doppelt unter den 10 Finalisten für „Breakthrough of the Year 2021“

120Spontaneous decay processes in a classical strong low-frequency laser field

M. Macovei, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 102, 013718 (2020)

119Backaction-free measurement of quantum correlations via quantum time-domain interferometry

S. Castrignano and J. Evers
Physical Review A 101, 063842 (2020)
 Phys. Rev. A: Editors' Suggestion - Open Access

118Phase-sensitive nuclear target spectroscopy

B. Herkommer and J. Evers
Physical Review Research 2, 023397 (2020)

117Ab initio quantum models for thin-film x-ray cavity QED

D. Lentrodt, K. P. Heeg, C. H. Keitel, and J. Evers
Physical Review Research 2, 023396 (2020)

116Birth, death, and revival of spontaneous emission in a three-atom system

S. Mährlein, L. Götzendörfer, K. Günthner, J. Evers, and J. von Zanthier
Physical Review Research 2, 013278 (2020)

115Ab Initio Few-Mode Theory for Quantum Potential Scattering Problems

D. Lentrodt and J. Evers
Physical Review X 10, 011008 (2020)

114Time-Resolved sub-Ångström Metrology by Temporal Phase Interferometry near X-Ray Resonances of Nuclei

S. Goerttler, K. P. Heeg, A. Kaldun, P. Reiser, C. Strohm, J. Haber, C. Ott, R. Subramanian, R. Röhlsberger, J. Evers, and T. Pfeifer
Physical Review Letters 123, 153902 (2019)

113Probing Quantum Dynamical Couple Correlations with Time-Domain Interferometry

S. Castrignano and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 122, 025301 (2019)

112Scharfe Röntgenpulse durch ruckartige Bewegung

K. P. Heeg and J. Evers
Physik in unserer Zeit 48, 267-268 (2017)

111Spectral narrowing of x-ray pulses for precision spectroscopy with nuclear resonances

K. P. Heeg, A. Kaldun, C. Strohm, P. Reiser, C. R. Ott, R. Subramanian, D. Lentrodt, J. Haber, H.-C. Wille, S. Goerttler, R. Rüffer, C. H. Keitel, R. Röhlsberger, T. Pfeifer, and J. Evers
Science 357, 375-378 (2017)
 MPG-Pressemitteilung: Scharfe Röntgenblitze aus dem Atomkern
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Ruckartige Bewegung schärft Röntgenpulse
 SOLARIFY: Ruckartige Bewegung schärft Röntgenpulse
 Innovations-Report: Ruckartige Bewegung schärft Röntgenpulse Ruckartige Bewegung schärft Röntgenpulse

110Collective dynamics in a laser-pumped mixture of two atomic ensembles

L. Jin, J. Evers, and M. Macovei
Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 34, 1280-1285 (2017)

109Nonlocal nonlinear response of thermal Rydberg atoms and modulational instability in an absorptive nonlinear medium

L. Zhang and J. Evers
Physical Review A 94, 033402 (2016)

108Tailoring superradiance to design artificial quantum systems

P. Longo, C. H. Keitel, and J. Evers
Scientific Reports 6, 23628 (2016)

107Electromagnetically-induced-transparency–like phenomenon with resonant meta-atoms in a cavity

Y. Hu, W. Liu, S. Yong, S. Xi, J. Jun, Y. Yaping, Z. Shiyao, J. Evers, and C. Hong
Physical Review A 92, 053824 (2015)

106Pulse splitting in light propagation through N-type atomic media due to an interplay of Kerr nonlinearity and group-velocity dispersion

R. K. V., T. N. Dey, J. Evers, and M. Kiffner
Physical Review A 92, 023840 (2015)

105Collective effects between multiple nuclear ensembles in an x-ray cavity-QED setup

K. P. Heeg and J. Evers
Physical Review A 91, 063803 (2015)

104Interferometric phase detection at x-ray energies via Fano resonance control

K. P. Heeg, C. Ott, D. Schumacher, H. -C. Wille, R. Röhlsberger, T. Pfeifer, and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 114, 207401 (2015)
 Phys. Rev. Lett.: Editors’ Suggestion
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Eine Bremse für Röntgenstrahlen Eine Bremse für Röntgenstrahlen
 Forschungsmeldung Universität Jena: Eine Bremse für Röntgenstrahlen

103Temporal dynamics of stimulated emission with applications in nuclear quantum optics

A. J. Reichegger and J. Evers
Physical Review A 91, 053810 (2015)

102High-frequency light reflector via low-frequency light control

D. Wang, S. Zhu, J. Evers, and M. O. Scully
Physical Review A 91, 011801 (2015)

101Probing few-excitation eigenstates of interacting atoms on a lattice by observing their collective light emission in the far field

P. Longo and J. Evers
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 90, 063834 (2014)

100Collective Excitation of Rydberg-Atom Ensembles beyond the Superatom Model

M. Gärttner, S. Whitlock, D. W. Schönleber, and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 113, 233002 (2014)

99Uniform phase modulation via control of refractive index in a thermal atom vapor with vanishing diffraction or absorption

L. Zhang and J. Evers
Physical Review A 90, 023826 (2014)

98Semianalytical model for nonlinear absorption in strongly interacting Rydberg gases

M. Gärttner, S. Whitlock, D. W. Schönleber, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 89, 063407 (2014)

97Far-Field Signatures of a Two-Body Bound State in Collective Emission from Interacting Two-Level Atoms on a Lattice

P. Longo and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 112, 193601 (2014)

96Coherent versus incoherent excitation dynamics in dissipative many-body Rydberg systems

D. W. Schönleber, M. Gärttner, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 89, 033421 (2014)

95Diffractionless image propagation and frequency conversion via four-wave mixing exploiting the thermal motion of atoms

L. Zhang and J. Evers
Physical Review A 89, 013817 (2014)

94Full Counting Statistics of Laser Excited Rydberg Aggregates in a One-Dimensional Geometry

H. Schempp, G. Günter, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, C. S. Hofmann, D. Breyel, A. Komnik, D. Schönleber, M. Gärttner, J. Evers, S. Whitlock, and M. Weidemüller
Physical Review Letters 112, 013002 (2014)

93X-ray quantum optics with Mössbauer nuclei embedded in thin-film cavities

K. P. Heeg and J. Evers
Physical Review A 88, 043828 (2013)

92Dynamic formation of Rydberg aggregates at off-resonant excitation

M. Gärttner, K. P. Heeg, T. Gasenzer, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 88, 043410 (2013)

91Nonlinear absorption and density-dependent dephasing in Rydberg electromagnetically-induced-transparency media

M. Gärttner and J. Evers
Physical Review A 88, 033417 (2013)

90Vacuum-Assisted Generation and Control of Atomic Coherences at X-Ray Energies

K. P. Heeg, H. Wille, K. Schlage, T. Guryeva, D. Schumacher, I. Uschmann, K. S. Schulze, B. Marx, T. Kämpfer, G. G. Paulus, R. Röhlsberger, and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 111, 073601, 1-5 (2013)
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Quantenzustände aus dem Nichts
 idw press release: Quantenzustände aus dem Nichts Aus dem Nichts

89Optical cloning of arbitrary images beyond the diffraction limits

O. N. Verma, L. Zhang, J. Evers, and T. N. Dey
Physical Review A 88, 013810 (2013)

88Directional emission of dielectric disks with a finite scatterer in the THz regime

S. Preu, S. I. Schmid, F. Sedlmeir, J. Evers, and H. G. L. Schwefel
Optics Express 12, 16370-16380 (2013)

87Spectrum of collective spontaneous emission beyond the rotating-wave approximation

Y. Li, J. Evers, W. Feng, and S. Zhu
Physical Review A 87, 053837, 1-11 (2013)

86Sub-Poissonian statistics of Rydberg-interacting dark-state polaritons

C. S. Hofmann, G. Günter, H. Schempp, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, M. Gärttner, J. Evers, S. Whitlock, and M. Weidemüller
Physical Review Letters 110, 203601, 1-5 (2013)

85Lorentz meets Fano spectral line shapes: A universal phase and its laser control

C. Ott, A. Kaldun, P. Raith, K. Meyer, M. Laux, J. Evers, C. H. Keitel, C. H. Greene, and T. Pfeifer
Science 340, 716-720 (2013)
 MPIK-Pressemitteilung: Die Spur der Zeit im optischen Spektrum
 MPG-Pressemitteilung: Die Spur der Zeit im optischen Spektrum

84Control of beam propagation in optically written waveguides beyond the paraxial approximation

L. Zhang, T. N. Dey, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 87, 043842, 1-9 (2013)

83Mößbauer Science and Nuclear Quantum Optics with X-ray Free Electron

J. Evers
Beam Dynamics Newsletter 60, 44-50 (2013)

82Optical Diode Made from a Moving Photonic Crystal

D. Wang, H. Zhou, M. Guo, J. Zhang, J. Evers, and S. Zhu
Physical Review Letters 110, 093901, 1-5 (2013)

81Numerical simulations of optical centroid measurements with nonclassical fields

Q. Gulfam and J. Evers
Physical Review A 87, 023804, 1-14 (2013)

80X-ray quantum optics

B. W. Adams, C. Buth, S. M. Cavaletto, J. Evers, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, A. Pálffy, A. Picón, R. Röhlsberger, Y. Rostovtsev, and K. Tamasaku
Journal of Modern Optics 60, 2-21 (2013)

79Negative refraction with tunable absorption in an active dense gas of atoms

P. P. Orth, R. Hennig, C. H. Keitel, and J. Evers
New Journal of Physics 15, 013027, 1-18 (2013)

78Hybrid model for Rydberg gases including exact two-body correlations

K. P. Heeg, M. Gaerttner, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 86, 063421, 1-8 (2012)

77Effect of retardation on the dynamics of entanglement between atoms

Q. Gulfam, Z. Ficek, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 86, 022325, 1-15 (2012)

76Collective spontaneous emission beyond the rotating-wave approximation

Y. Li, J. Evers, H. Zheng, and S. Zhu
Physical Review A 85, 053830, 1-10 (2012)

75Quantum teleportation of high-dimensional atomic ensemble states

M. Al-Amri, J. Evers, M. Ikram, and M. S. Zubairy
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45, 095502 (2012)

74 Wenn Eisen transparent wird

J. Evers
Physik Journal 11, 18-19 (2012)

73Nondiffracting optical beams in a three-level Raman system

T. N. Dey and J. Evers
Physical Review A 84, 043842 (2011)

72Photon scattering from strongly driven atomic ensembles

L. Jin, J. Evers, and M. Macovei
Physical Review A 84, 043812 (2011)

71Subwavelength position measurements with running-wave driving fields

J. Evers and S. Qamar
Physical Review A 84, 023802 (2011)

70Streaking at high energies with electrons and positrons

A. Ipp, J. Evers, C. H. Keitel, and K. Z. Hatsagortsyan
Physics Letters B 702, 383-387 (2011)

69Pathway interference in a loop array of three coupled microresonators

S. I. Schmid, K. Y. Xia, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 84, 013808 (2011)

68Controllable optical switch using a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity

S. Yang, M. Al-Amri, J. Evers, and M. Suhail Zubairy
Physical Review A 83, 053821 (2011)

67Subwavelength optical lattices induced by position-dependent dark states

Q. Sun, J. Evers, M. Kiffner, and M. S. Zubairy
Physical Review A 83, 053412, 1-9 (2011)

66Coherent control of the cooperative branching ratio for nuclear x-ray pumping

A. Pálffy, C. H. Keitel, and J. Evers
Physical review / B 83, 155103 (2011)

65A Maxwell-Schrödinger solver for quantum optical few-level systems

R. Fleischhaker and J. Evers
Computer Physics Communications 182, 739-747 (2011)

64Microcavities coupled to multilevel atoms

S. I. Schmid and J. Evers
Physical Review A 84, 053822 (2011)

63Stationary entanglement in strongly coupled qubits

K. Xia, M. Macovei, and J. Evers
Physical review / B 84, 184510 (2011)

62Ground-state cooling of a nanomechanical resonator coupled to two interacting flux qubits

K. Xia and J. Evers
Physical Review B 82, 184532, 1-6 (2010)

61Coherent control of nuclear forward scattering

A. Gagyi-Palffy and J. Evers
Journal of Modern Optics 57, 1993-2003 (2010)

60Quantum teleportation of four-dimensional qudits

M. Al-Amri, J. Evers, and M. S. Zubairy
Physical Review A 82, 022329 (2010)

59Phase modulation induced by cooperative effects in electromagnetically induced transparency

R. Fleischhaker, T. N. Dey, and J. Evers
Physical Review A 82, 013815, 1-7 (2010)

58Interplay of vacuum-mediated inter- and intra-atomic couplings in a pair of atoms

S. I. Schmid and J. Evers
Physical Review A 81, 063805 (2010)

57Dressed-Atom Multiphoton Analysis of Anomalous Electromagnetically Induced Absorption

H. S. Chou and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 104, 213602 (2010)

56Squeezing in strong light scattered by a regular structure of atoms

L. L. Jin, M. Macovei, S. Q. Gong, C. H. Keitel, and J. Evers
Optics Communications 283, 790-794 (2010)

55Measurement of distance and orientation of two atoms in arbitrary geometry

Q. U. A. Gulfam and J. Evers
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 43, 045501 (2010)

54Quantum entanglement in dense multiqubit systems

M. Macovei, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Journal of Modern Optics 57, 1287-1292 (2010)

53Loading atom lasers by collectivity-enhanced optical pumping

M. A. Macovei and J. Evers
Physical Review A 81, 013626 (2010)

52Phase-controlled pulse propagation in media with cross coupling of electric and magnetic probe field component

R. Fleischhaker and J. Evers
Physical Review A 80, 063816, 1-9 (2009)

51Ground State Cooling of a Nanomechanical Resonator in the Nonresolved Regime via Quantum Interference

K. Y. Xia and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 103, 227203 (2009)

50Yoctosecond Photon Pulses from Quark-Gluon Plasmas

A. Ipp, C. H. Keitel, and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 103, 152301 (2009)
 Phys. Rev. Lett.: Editors' suggestion
 Nature: Holy Yocto! (Research Highlight in Nature)
 Physics Today: Yoctosecond light pulses from quark–gluon plasmas
 New Scientist: Big-bang plasma-soup flashgun to snap atomic anatomy
 IOP Enter the yoctosecond
 APS Physics (Synopsis): The shortest known optical pulses Kürzeste Lichtblitze aus ultraheißer Materie
 Expedition Zukunft: Kürzeste Lichtblitze von Quarks and Co.
 Österreichischer Rundfunk: Neue Methode für ultrakurze Lichtblitze
 Wiener Zeitung: Vor Weltrekord für kurze Lichtpulse?
 Der Standard: “Zeitmikroskop“ mit einer Auflösung im Yoktosekunden-Bereich

49Single-Photon Entanglement in the keV Regime via Coherent Control of Nuclear Forward Scattering

A. Pálffy, C. H. Keitel, and J. Evers
Physical Review Letters 103, 017401 (2009)

48Spontaneous emission interference in negative-refractive-index waveguides

G. X. Li, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review B 80, 045102 (2009)

47Atom microscopy via two-photon spontaneous emission spectroscopy

S. Qamar, J. Evers, and M. S. Zubairy
Physical Review A 79, 043814 (2009)

46Robust coherent preparation of entangled states of two coupled flux qubits via dynamic control of the transition frequencies

K. Y. Xia, M. Macovei, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review B 79, 024519 (2009)

45Four-wave mixing enhanced white-light cavity

R. Fleischhaker and J. Evers
Physical Review A 78, 051802, 1-4 (2008)

44Parametric and nonparametric magnetic response enhancement via electrically induced magnetic moments

B. Jungnitsch and J. Evers
Physical Review A 78, 043817, 1-13 (2008)

43Photon polarization as a probe for quark-gluon plasma dynamics

A. Ipp, A. Di Piazza, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physics Letters B 666, 315-319 (2008)

42Electric-dipole-forbidden nuclear transitions driven by super-intense laser fields

A. Pálffy, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review C 77, 044602, 1-9 (2008)

41Nonlinear effects in pulse propagation through Doppler-broadened closed-loop atomic media

R. Fleischhaker and J. Evers
Physical Review A 77, 043805, 1-9 (2008)

40High-energy, nuclear and QED processes in strong laser fields

C. Müller, A. Di Piazza, A. Shahbaz, T. J. Bürvenich, J. Evers, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, and C. H. Keitel
Laser Physics 18, 175-184 (2008)

39Resonant interferometric lithography beyond the diffraction limit

M. Kiffner, J. Evers, and M. S. Zubairy
Physical Review Letters 100, 073602 (2008)

38Dipole-dipole interaction between orthogonal dipole moments in time-dependent geometries

S. I. Schmid and J. Evers
Physical Review A-Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77, 013822 (2008)

37Group velocity control in the ultraviolet domain via interacting dark-state resonances

M. Mahmoudi, R. Fleischhaker, M. Sahrai, and J. Evers
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41, 025504 (2008)

36Isomer triggering via nuclear excitation by electron capture

A. Palffy, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 99, 172502 (2007)

35Breakdown of the few-level approximation in collective systems

M. Kiffner, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 76, 013807 (2007)

34Atom localization and center-of-mass wave-function determination via multiple simultaneous quadrature measurements

J. Evers, S. Qamar, and M. S. Zubairy
Physical Review A 75, 053809 (2007)

33Coherent control in a decoherence-free subspace of a collective multilevel system

M. Kiffner, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 75, 032313 (2007)

32Two-mode single-atom laser as a source of entangled light

M. Kiffner, M. S. Zubairy, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 75, 033816 (2007)

31Localization of atomic ensembles via superfluorescence

M. Macovei, J. Evers, C. H. Keitel, and M. S. Zubairy
Physical Review A 75, 033801 (2007)

30Strong-field spatial interference in a tailored electromagnetic bath

M. Macovei, J. Evers, G. X. Li, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 98, 043602, 1-4 (2007)

29Laser-induced dynamic radiative corrections in the dressed-state and in the Floquet picture

G. Y. Kryuchkyan, U. D. Jentschura, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Journal of Modern Optics 54, 1481-1495 (2007)

28Light propagation through closed-loop atomic media beyond the multiphoton resonance condition

M. Mahmoudi and J. Evers
Physical Review A 74, 063827, 1-10 (2006)

27Distilling two-atom distance information from intensity-intensity correlation functions

J. Chang, J. Evers, and M. S. Zubairy
Physical Review A 74, 043820, 1-9 (2006)

26Dynamic nuclear Stark shift in superintense laser fields

T. J. Bürvenich, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review C 74, 044601, 1-9 (2006)

25Interference in the resonance fluorescence of two incoherently coupled transitions

M. Kiffner, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 73, 063814 (2006)

24Nuclear Quantum Optics with X-Ray Laser Pulses

T. J. Bürvenich, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 96, 142501 (2006)

23Quantum Interference Enforced by Time-Energy Complementarity

M. Kiffner, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 96, 100403, 1-4 (2006)

22Measurement of the separation between atoms beyond diffraction limit

J. T. Chang, J. Evers, M. O. Scully, and M. S. Zubairy
Physical Review A 73, 031803, 1-4 (2006)

21Geometry-dependent dynamics of two Λ-type atoms via vacuum-induced coherences

J. Evers, M. Kiffner, M. Macovei, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 73, 023804 (2006)

20Phase-dependent interference mechanisms in a three-level Lambda system driven by a quantized laser field

J. Evers
Journal of Modern Optics 52, 2699-2712 (2005)

19Quantum correlations of an atomic ensemble via an incoherent bath

M. Macovei, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 72, 063809 (2005)

18Some recent advances in bound-state quantum electrodynamics

U. D. Jentschura and J. Evers
Canadian Journal of Physics 83, 375-386 (2005)

17Low-frequency-field-induced spontaneous-emission interference in a two-level atom placed in an anisotropic photonic crystal

G. Li, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 38, 1435-1451 (2005)

16Coherent manipulation of collective three-level systems

M. Macovei, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 71, 033802, 1-16 (2005)

15Multiphoton quantum interference on a dipole-forbidden transition

U. Akram, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Journal of Physics B 38, L69-L77 (2005)

14Relativistic and radiative energy shifts for Rydberg states

U. D. Jentschura, E. Le Bigot, J. Evers, P. J. Mohr, and C. H. Keitel
Journal of Physics B 38, S97-S105 (2005)

13 Radiative Corrections to Multi-Level Mollow-Type Spectra

U. D. Jentschura, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Laser Physics 15, 37-45 (2005)

12Relativistic and radiative corrections to the Mollow spectrum

J. Evers, U. D. Jentschura, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 70, 062111, 1-20 (2004)

11Magnetic and thermal influences on collective resonance fluorescence

M. Macovei, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Europhysics Letters 68, 391-397 (2004)

10Double-EIT ground-state laser cooling without blue-sideband heating

J. Evers and C. H. Keitel
Europhysics Letters 68, 370-376 (2004)

9Spontaneous-emission suppression via multiphoton quantum interference

J. Evers and C. H. Keitel
Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 37, 2771-2796 (2004)

8Phase dependence of collective fluorescence via interferences from incoherent pumping

M. Macovei and J. Evers
Optics Communications 240, 379-384 (2004)

7Lamb Shift of Laser-Dressed Atomic States

U. D. Jentschura, J. Evers, M. Haas, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 91, 253601 (2003)

6Phase Control of Collective Quantum Dynamics

M. Macovei, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 91, 233601 (2003)

5Modifying spontaneous emission via interferences from incoherent pump fields

D. Bullock, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Physics Letters. A 307, 3-12 (2002)

4Spontaneous-Emission Suppression on Arbitrary Atomic Transitions

J. Evers and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review Letters 89, 163601 (2002)

3A problematic set of two-loop self-energy corrections

U. D. Jentschura, J. Evers, K. Pachucki, and C. H. Keitel
New Journal of Physics 4, 49, 1-11 (2002)

2Dark state suppression and narrow fluorescent feature in a laser-driven Λ atom

J. Evers, D. Bullock, and C. H. Keitel
Optics Communications 209, 173-179 (2002)

1Narrow spectral feature in resonance fluorescence with a single monochromatic laser field

J. Evers and C. H. Keitel
Physical Review A 65, 033813 (2002)