Conference Papers
143Indirect measurements of neutron cross-secti at heavy-ion storage rings
A. Henriques, B. Jurado, M. Grieser, D. Denis-Petit, T. Chiron, L. Gaudefroy, J. Glorius, C. Langer, Y.. A. Litvinov, L. Mathieu, V. Méot, R. Pérez-Sánchez, J. Pibernat, R. Reifarth, O. Roig, B. Thomas, B. A. Thomas, J. C. Thomas, and I. Tsekhanovich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1668, 012019 (2020)
142Precision Measurements of the Fundamental Properties of the Proton and Antiproton
C. Smorra and A. Mooser
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1412, 032001 (2020)
141Observation of indirect ionization of W7+ in EBIT plasma
Q. Lu, J. He, H. Tian, M. Li, Y. Yang, K. Yao, C. Chen, J. Xiao, J. G. Li, B. Tu, and Y. Zou
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1412, 132004 (2020)
140Towards an Improved Measurement of the Proton Magnetic Moment
G. Schneider, N. Leefer, A. Mooser, K. Blaum, T. Higuchi, Y. Matsuda, H. Nagahama, W. Quint, S. Sellner, C. Smorra, J. Walz, and S. Ulmer
JPS conference proceedings 18, 011018 (2017)
139Recent Developments at the High-Precision Mass Spectrometer PENTATRAP
R. Schüssler, M. Door, A. Rischka, H. Bekker, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, P. Filianin, S. Eliseev, Y. N. Novikov, S. Sturm, S. Ulmer, and K. Blaum
JPS conference proceedings 18, 011020 (2017)
138A Test of Charge-Parity-Time Invariance at the Atto-Electronvolt Scale
A. Mooser, T. Higuchi, C. Smorra, H. Nagahama, N. Leefer, G. Schneider, S. Sellner, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, and S. Ulmer
JPS conference proceedings 18, 011019 (2017)
137A VMI setup to study prompt and delayed electron emission from trapped cluster anions
K. Saha, A. Prabhakaran, M. L. Rappaport, O. Heber, D. Schwalm, and D. Zajfman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 112103 (2015)
136Electron-impact ionization of tungsten ions
A. Borovik Jr., D. Schury, B. Ebinger, K. Spruck, A. Becker, M. F. Gharaibeh, J. Rausch, S. Schippers, and A. Mueller
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 052040 (2015)
135Electron-ion recombination of the open-4f-shell ion W19+
N. R. Badnell, K. Spruck, C. Krantz, O. Novotny, A. Becker, D. Bernhardt, M. Grieser, M. Hahn, R. Repnow, D. W. Savin, A. Wolf, A. Mueller, and S. Schippers
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 052003 (2015)
134An ion source platform of the cryogenic storage ring (CSR)
P. M. Mishra, K. Blaum, C. Breitenfeldt, S. George, J. Göck, M. Grieser, R. von Hahn, J. Karthein, T. Kolling, C. Krantz, H. Kreckel, S. Kumar, J. Mohrbach, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, C. Meyer, R. Repnow, L. Schweikard, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 112061 (2015)
133Toward laser-induced vibrational emission spectroscopy of C+60
S. Kumar, P. Bizenberger, K. Blaum, C. Breitenfeldt, J. Göck, U. Groezinger, T. Henning, J. Karthein, B. Kern, C. Meyer, G. Rouille, D. Strelnikov, A. Wolf, S. George, and H. Kreckel
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 112072 (2015)
132The cryogenic storage ring CSR for collision experiments with state-controlled and phase-space cooled molecular ion beams
A. Becker, K. Blaum, C. Breitenfeldt, F. Fellenberger, S. George, J. Göck, M. Grieser, F. Grussie, R. von Hahn, P. Herwig, J. Karthein, C. Krantz, H. Kreckel, S. Kumar, M. Lange, S. Lohmann, C. Meyer, P. M. Mishra, O. Novotny, A. O'Connor, R. Repnow, S. Schippers, C. D. Schröter, K. Spruck, D. Schwalm, L. Schweikard, X. Urbain, S. C. Vogel, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015)
131Monte Carlo simulation for ion-molecule collisions at intermediate velocity
U. R. Kadhane, P. M. Mishra, J. Rajput, C. P. Safvan, and S. Vig
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 032075 (2015)
130Radiative stabilization of C6-
V. Chandrasekaran, B. Kafle, A. Prabhakaran, O. Heber, M. L. Rappaport, H. Rubinstein, D. Schwalm, Y. Toker, and D. Zajfman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 112108 (2015)
129Laser-induced delayed electron emission of Co-4 anions
S. George, K. Blaum, C. Breitenfeldt, J. Göck, J. Karthein, T. Kolling, C. Meyer, J. Mohrbach, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, D. Schwalm, L. Schweikhard, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 112054 (2015)
128Dissociative recombination measurements of SH+ with cold electrons
A. Becker, C. Domesle, W. D. Geppert, M. Grieser, C. Krantz, R. Repnow, D. W. Savin, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, Y. Chen, and O. Novotny
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 072067 (2015)
127Determination of the absolute configuration of a chiral epoxide using foil induced Coulomb explosion imaging
P. Herwig, K. Zawatzky, D. Schwalm, M. Grieser, O. Heber, B. Jordon-Thaden, C. Krantz, O. Novotny, R. Repnow, V. Schurig, Z. Vager, A. Wolf, O. Trapp, and H. Kreckel
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, UNSP 012014 (2015)
126An experimental apparatus for cold ion-atom collisions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
A. O'Connor, M. Grieser, F. Grussie, X. Urbain, and H. Kreckel
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 032073 (2015)
125Cryogenic micro-calorimeters for mass spectrometry of keV neutral atoms and molecules
O. Novotny, S. Allgeier, C. Enss, A. Fleischmann, L. Gamer, D. Hengstler, S. Kempf, C. Krantz, A. Pabinger, C. Pies, D. W. Savin, D Schwalm, and A Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, UNSP 032023 (2015)
124Simultaneous measurement of photorecombination and electron-impact ionization of Fe14+ ions
D. Bernhardt, A. Becker, M. Grieser, M. Hahn, C. Krantz, M. Lestinsky, O. Novotny, R. Repnow, K. Spruck, D. W. Savin, A. Wolf, A. Mueller, and S. Schippers
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 052002 (2015)
123Ion-Li collision dynamics studied with a MOTReMi
J. Goullon, R. Hubele, A. LaForge, M. Schulz, X. Wang, B. Najjari, N. Ferreira, M. Grieser, V. L. B. de Jesus, R. Moshammer, A. Voitkiv, and D. Fischer
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488, 082004 (2014)
122Recent mass measurements for the r process at JYFLTRAP
A. Kankainen, T. Eronen, D. Gorelov, J. Hakala, A. Jokinen, V.S. Kolhinen, I.D. Moore, H. Penttilä, S. Rinta-Antila, J. Rissanen, A. Saastamoinen, V. Sonnenschein, and J. Äystö
Proceedings of Science NIC XII, 029 (2013)
121Few-Body Dynamics studied with the In-Ring Reaction Microscope at the TSR of MPIK
K. E. Schneider, D. Fischer, M. Grieser, A. Kelkar, M. Sell, X. Wang, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 082023 (2012)
120Photon-ion spectrometer PIPE at the Variable Polarization XUV Beamline of PETRA III
S Schippers, S Ricz, T Buhr, J Hellhund, A Müller, S Klumpp, M Martins, R Flesch, E Rühl, J Lower, T Jahnke, D Metz, L P. H Schmidt, R Dörner, J. Ullrich, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 142016 (2012)
119Kinematically Complete studies on Mutual Projectile and Target Ionization
X. Wang, D. Fischer, A. Kelkar, K. Schneider, M. Schulz, B. Najjari, A. Voitkiv, M. Gudmundsson, M. Grieser, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 082043 (2012)
118Challenge for more efficient transverse laser cooling for beam crystallization
A. Noda, M. Nakao, H. Souda, H. Tongu, K. Ito, H. Okamoto, K. Osaki, Y. Yuri, M. Grieser, and Z. He
Proceedings of IPAC2012, ID: 2872 - MOPPD012 (2012)
117 Approach to the low temperature state oriented for crystalline beam
A. Noda, M. Nakao, H. Souda, H. Tongu, K. Jimbo, H. Okamoto, K. Osaki, Y. Yuri, I.N. Meshkov, A.V. Smirnov, M. Grieser, K. Noda, T. Shirai, and Z. He
Proceedings of RUPAC2012, TUXCH03 (2012)
116Observation of 2-component bunched beam signal with laser cooling
H. Souda, M. Nakao, A. Noda, H. Tongu, K. Ito, H. Okamoto, Y. Yuri, K. Jimbo, M. Grieser, and Z. He
Proceedings of IPAC2012, ID: 3660 - MOPPD013 (2012)
115 A Sensitive Resonant Schottky Pick-Up for the ESR Storage Ring at GSI
F. Nolden, P. Hülsmann, P. Moritz, C. Peschke, P. Petri, M. Steck, H. Weick, Y. A. Litvinov, M.S. Sanjari, J.X. Wu, Y.D. Zang, S.H. Zhang, and C.T. Zhao
DIPAC 2011: 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, MOPD27, 107-109 (2011)
114Deceleration of carbon ions at the heavy ion storage ring TSR
S. Artikova, M. Grieser, J. Ullrich, and A. Wolf
Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) COOL´11, TUPS22, 147-150 (2011)
113Recent status of beam cooling at S-LSR
A. Noda, M. Nakao, H. Souda, H. Tongu, K. Jimbo, T. Fujimoto, S. Iwata, S. Shibuya, K. Noda, T. Shirai, H. Okamoto, U. Hiroshima, I.N. Meshkov, A.V. Smirnov, E. Syresin, and M. Grieser
electronic Resource : Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) COOL´11, MOIO06, 19-24 (2011)
112Measurements of proton-induced reactions on ruthenium-96 in the ESR at GSI
G. Rastrepina, T. Aumann, S. Bishop, K. Blaum, K. Boretzky, F. Bosch, H. Bräuning, C. Brandau, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, O. Ershova, Z. Fülöp, H. Geissel, G. Gyürky, M. Heil, F. Käppeler, A. Kelić-Heil, C. Kozhuharov, C. Langer, T. Le Bleis, Y. A. Litvinov, G. Lotay, J. Marganiec, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, R. Plag, U. Popp, R. Reifarth, B. Riese, C. Rigollet, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, K. Sonnabend, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, K. Sümmerer, T. Scücs, G. Weber, H. Weick, D.F.A. Winters, N. Winters, P.J. Woods, and Q. Zhong
Proceedings of Science STORI11, 005, 1-7 (2011)
111Experiments with heavy, highly charged ions - Status of the HITRAP project
F. Herfurth, W. Barth, G. Clemente, L.A. Dahl, P. Gerhard, M. Kaiser, O. K. Kester, H.-J. Kluge, C. Krantz, N. Kotovskiy, C. Kozhuharov, M. Maier, D. Neidherr, W. Quint, U. Ratzinger, A. Reiter, A. Schempp, A. Sokolov, T.. Stöhlker, H. Vormann, G. Vorobjev, A. Wolf, and S. Yaramishev
Proceedings of Science STORI11, 006, 1-7 (2011)
110Beam current measurements at the TSR Heidelberg
M. Grieser, S. Artikova, K. Blaum, F. Laux, and J. Ullrich
Joint Accelerator Conferences Website IPAC`11, TUPC082 (2011)
109 Investigation of Intrabeam Scattering in the Heavy Ion Storage Ring TSR
S. Artikova, M. Grieser, and J. H. Ullrich
Joint Accelerator Conferences Website IPAC`11, WEPS005 (2011)
108Feasibility Studies for the EXL Project at FAIR
K. Yue, S. Bagchi, S. Diebold, C. Dimopoulou, P. Egelhof, V. Eremin, S. Ilieva, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, T. Kröll, Y. A. Litvinov, M. Mutterer, M.A. Najafi, N. Petridis, U. Popp, C. Rigollet, M. von Schmid, M. Steck, and B. Streicher
Proceedings of Science STORI11, 014 (2011)
107Present status of beam cooling and related research at S-LSR
A. Noda, M. Nakao, H. Souda, H. Tongu, T. Fujimoto, S. Iwata, S. Shibuya, K. Ito, H. Okamoto, K. Jimbo, M. Grieser, K. Noda, and T. Shirai
Proceedings of IPAC2011, thps006 (2011)
106Broad-Band FT-ICR MS for the Penning-Trap Mass Spectrometer MATS
D. Rodríguez, K. Blaum, R. B. Cakirli, M. Heck, L. Schweikhart, S. Stahl, and M. Ubieto-Diaz
105Masses and structure
R. B. Cakirli and R. F. Casten
104High-precision Penning trap mass measurements for tests of the Standard Model
K. Blaum, S. Eliseev, and S. Nagy
103Approach to 2 dimensional laser cooling and its optical observation system
A. Noda, M. Nakao, H. Souda, H. Tongu, K. Jimbo, T. Shirai, M. Grieser, and A. Smirnov
JACoW Proceedings HIAT9, D06, 1-4 (2010)
102Acceleration, deceleration and bunching of stored and cooled ion beams at the TSR, Heidelberg
M. Grieser, R. Bastert, K. Blaum, H. Buhr, R. von Hahn, M. B. Mendes, R. Repnow, and A. Wolf
JACoW Proceedings HIAT9, TU-14, 1-5 (2010)
101High-Precision Mass Measurements At TRIGA-TRAP
C. Smorra, T. Beyer, K. Blaum, M. Block, K. Eberhardt, M. Eibach, F. Herfurth, J. Ketelaer, K. Knuth, W. Nörtershäuser, and S. Nagy
100From J. J. Thomson to FAIR, what do we learn from Large-Scale Mass and Half-Life Measurements of Bare and Few-Electron Ions?
G. Münzenberg, H. Geissel, and Y. A. Litvinov
99Resonant recombination at ion storage rings: a conceptual alternative for isotope shift and hyperfine studies
C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, A. Mueller, D. Bernhardt, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, F. J. Currell, C. Dimopoulou, B. Franzke, S. Fritzsche, A. Gumberidze, Z. Harman, U. D. Jentschura, C. H. Keitel, Y. S. Kozhedub, R. Krücken, Y.. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, B. O’Rourke, R. Reuschl, S. Schippers, V. M. Shabaev, U. Spillmann, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T.. Stöhlker, I. I. Tupitsyn, D. F. A. Winters, and A. Wolf
Hyperfine Interactions 196, 115-127 (2010)
98Target dependence in the study of collective modes in stable and exotic Ni nuclei
T. Le Bleis, D. Rossi, A. Klimkiewicz, P. Adrich, K. Boretzky, F. Aksouh, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, J. Benlliure, M. Boehmer, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Datta Pramanik, H. Emling, O. Ershova, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, M. Heil, H. Johansson, A. R. Junghans, O. Kiselev, J. V. Kratz, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, R. Lemmon, Y. Litivnov, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, R. Palit, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, H. Simon, K. Sümmerer, A. Wagner, W. Walus, H. Weick, and M. Winkler
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 202, 012035, 1-4 (2010)
9796Ru(p,γ)97Rh measurement at the GSI storage ring
Q. Zhong, T. Aumann, S. Bishop, K. Blaum, K. Boretzky, F. Bosch, H. Bräuning, C. Brandau, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, O. Ershova, H. Geissel, G. Gyürky, M. Heil, F. Käppeler, A. Kelic, C. Kozhuharov, C. Langer, T. Le Bleis, Y. A. Litvinov, G. Lotay, J. Marganiec, N. Petridis, R. Plag, U. Popp, R. Reifarth, B. Riese, C. Rigollet, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, T. Stöhlker, T. Szücs, G. Weber, H. Weick, D. F. A. Winters, N. Winters, and P. J. Woods
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 202, 012011, 1-4 (2010)
96Laser spectroscopy in the island of inversion
D. T. Yordanov
95The diagnostic system at the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR
M. Grieser, R. Bastert, K. Blaum, H. Buhr, D. Fischer, F. Laux, R. Repnow, T. Sieber, R. von Hahn, A. Wolf, A. Noda, and H. Souda
Proceedings of IPAC'10, 918-920 (2010)
94Mass measurements of stored exotic nuclei
Y. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, X. Ma, P. M. Walker, and N. Winckler
Proceedings of Science NIC IX, 073, 1-10 (2010)
93 Optical measurement of transverse laser cooling with synchro-betatron coupling
M. Nakao, T. Hirosama, H. Souda, H. Tongu, A. Noda, K. Jimbo, T. Shirai, M. Grieser, H. Okamoto, and A. V. Smirnov
Proceedings of IPAC'10, 858-860 (2010)
92 Transverse laser cooling by synchro-betatron coupling
H. Souda, M. Nakao, T. Hirosama, H. Tongu, A. Noda, H. Okamoto, A. V. Smirnov, K. Jimbo, M. Grieser, and T. Shirai
Proceedings of IPAC'10, 861-863 (2010)
91Neutron drip-line topography
E. Minaya Ramirez, G. Audi, D. Beck, K. Blaum, C. Böhm, C. Borgmann, M. Breitenfeldt, N. Chamel, S. George, S. Goriely, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, A. Kellerbauer, M. Kowalska, D. Lunney, S. Naimi, D. Neidherr, J. M. Pearson, M. Rosenbusch, S. Schwarz, and L. Schweikhard
90Creation of highly-charged calcium ions for the g-factor determination of the bound electron
B. Schabinger, S. Sturm, K. Blaum, W. Quint, A. Wagner, and G. Werth
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 163, 012108, 1-4 (2009)
89Experimental rate coefficient for dielectronic recombination of neonlike iron forming sodiumlike iron
E. W. Schmidt, D. Bernhardt, J. Hoffmann, M. Lestinsky, D. V. Lukic, A. Müller, D. A. Orlov, D. W. Savin, S. Schippers, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics - Conference Series 163, 012028, 1-4 (2009)
88Low-lying dielectronic resonances of Fe xxii for accurate energy determination of autoionising Rydberg levels on boronlike cores
C. Krantz, D. A. Orlov, D. Bernhardt, C. Brandau, J. Hoffmann, A. Müller, T. Ricsóka, S. Ricz, S. Schippers, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 163, 012059, 1-4 (2009)
87High resolution low-energy dielectronic recombination rate coefficients of beryllium-like germanium: QED test bench for two-valence-electron systems
D. A. Orlov, C. Krantz, D. Bernhardt, C. Brandau, J. Hoffmann, A. Müller, T. Ricsóka, S. Schippers, A. Shornikov, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 163, 012058, 1-4 (2009)
86Investigation of space-charge phenomena in gas-filled Penning traps
S. Sturm, K. Blaum, M. Breitenfeldt, P. Delahaye, A. Herlert, L. Schweikhard, and F. Wenander
85Mass and lifetime measurements at the present ESR facility
Y. Litvinov
International Journal of Modern Physics E: Nuclear Physics 18, 323-334 (2009)
84Cryogenic ion beam storage
M. Froese, K. Blaum, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, F. Fellenberger, M. Grieser, D. Kaiser, M. Lange, F. Laux, S. Menk, D. A. Orlov, R. Repnow, C. D. Schröter, D. Schwalm, A. Shornikov, T. Sieber, J. Ullrich, J. Varju, R. von Hahn, A. Wolf, O. Heber, M. Rappaport, J. Toker, and D. Zajfman
Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1-3 (2009)
83Fragmentation by electron recombination for HF+ and CF+.
J. Stützel, O. Novotný, S. Novotný, D. A. Orlov, H. Buhr, M. B. Mendes, C. Greene, J. Hoffmann, C. Krantz, S. Altevogt, M. H. Berg, D. Bing, M. Froese, M. Grieser, B. Jordon-Thaden, M. Lange, M. Lestinsky, A. Petrignani, A. Shornikov, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, 060228 (2009)
82 Shell structure and shape changes in neutron rich krypton isotopes
D. Mücher, J. Iwanicki, J. Jolie, I. Stefanescu, J. Van de Walle, F. Becker, U. Bergmann, A. Blazhev, E. Bouchez, P. Butler, J. Cederkäll, T. Czosnyka, T. Davinson, J. Eberth, T. Faesterrmann, S. Franchoo, C. Fransen, J. Gerl, R. Gernhauser, D. Habs, R.-D. Herzberg, M. Huyse, D. Jenkins, G. Jones, O. Kestert, W. Korten, J. Kownacki, T. Kröll, R. Krücken, Z. Liu, S. Mandal, P. Naiorkowski, T. Nilsson, N. Pietralla, G. Rainovski, H. Scheit, A. Scherillo, D. Schwalm, T. Sieber, C. Theisen, P. Van Duppen, N. Warr, D. Weisshaar, F. Wenander, B. Wolf, P. Woods, and M. Zielinska
81Dissociative recombination of CF+: Experiment and theory
O. Novotny, O. Motapon, M. H. Berg, H. Buhr, H. Fadil, M. Grieser, J. Hoffmann, A. S. Jaroshevich, B. Jordon-Thaden, C. Krantz, M. Lange, M. Lestinsky, M. Mendes, S. Novotny, A. Petrignani, D. A. Orlov, I. F. Schneider, A. E. Orel, A. Wolf, and D. Bing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 192, 012021, 1-10 (2009)
80HITRAP - a facility for experiments on heavy highly charged ions and on antiprotons
Z. Andjelkovic, W. Barth, G. Birkl, I. Blank, K. Blaum, N. P. M. Brantjes, E. Bodewits, A. Bräuning-Demian, D. Church, L. Dahl, S. Götz, F. Herfurth, R. Hoekstra, O. Kester, H. Kluge, S. Koszudowski, C. Kozhuharov, G. Maero, W. Nörtershäuser, J. Pfister, W. Quint, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp, D. Segal, A. Sokolov, T. Stöhlker, R. C. Thompson, J. Ullrich, V. Varentsov, M. Vogel, G. Vorobjev, A. Warczak, A. Weidemüller, C. Weinheimer, and D. F. A. Winters
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, 142007 (2009)
79Soft X-ray photolysis of the hydronium ion
B. Jordon-Thaden, H. B. Pedersen, S. Altevogt, O. Heber, L. Lammich, M. L. Rappaport, D. Schwalm, J. Ullrich, D. Zajfman, R. Treusch, N Geurassimova, M. Martins, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, 022074 (2009)
78Ultra Cold Photoelectron Beams for Ion Storage Rings
D. A. Orlov, C. Krantz, A. Shornikov, M. Lestinsky, J. Hoffmann, A. S. Jaroshevich, S. N. Kosolobov, A. S. Terekhov, and A. Wolf
77 Experimental studies of electron collisions with atomic ions for astrophysical plasmas
M. Lestinsky, N. G. Badnell, D. Bernhardt, O. Borovyk, M. Grieser, J. Hoffmann, C. Krantz, D. V. Lukic, A. Müller, D. A. Orlov, D. W. Savin, E. W. Schmidt, S. Schippers, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, 062025 (2009)
76Electron localization in fragmentation of H2 with CEP stabilized laser pulses
M. Kremer, B. Fischer, A. Rudenko, V. L. B. de Jesus, C. D. Schröter, B. Feuerstein, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, 032005 (2009)
75 Position pickups for the cryogenic storage ring CSR
F. Laux, F. Fellenberger, M. Grieser, M. Lange, R. von Hahn, T. Sieber, A. Wolf, and K. Blaum
74An Ultra Cold Photoelectron Gun for the Heidelberg TSR Target Section
C. Krantz, D. A. Orlov, J. Hoffmann, M. Lestinsky, O. Novotny, A. S. Jaroshevich, A. S. Terekhov, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 192, 012025, 1-6 (2009)
73Anisotropic fragmentation in low-energy dissociative recombination
S. Novotny, H. Rubinstein, H. Buhr, O. Novotny, J. Hoffmann, M. B. Mendes, D. A. Orlov, M. H. Berg, M. Froese, A. S. Jaroshevich, B. Jordon-Thaden, M. Grieser, C. Krantz, M. Lange, M. Lestinsky, A. Petrignani, I. F. Schneider, D. Shafir, F. O. Waffeu Tamo, D. Zajfman, D. Schwalm, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 192, 012024, 1-8 (2009)
72Intensity and profile measurement for low intensity ion beams in an electrostatic cryogenic storage ring
T. Sieber, K. Blaum, M. Grieser, F. Laux, M. Lange, D. Orlov, R. von Hahn, and A. Wolf
Diagnostics for Particle Accelerators (2009)
71Spectroscopy and dissociative recombination of the lowest rotational states of H+3
A. Petrignani, H. Kreckel, M. H. Berg, S. Altevogt, D. Bing, H. Buhr, M. Froese, M. Grieser, J. Hoffmann, B. Jordon-Thaden, C. Krantz, M. B. Mendes, O. Novotny, S. Novotny, D. Orlov, S. Reinhardt, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 192, 012022, 1-11 (2009)
70 Position pickups for the Cryogenic Storage Ring
F. Laux, M. Grieser, R. von Hahn, T. Sieber, A. Wolf, and K. Blaum
DIPAC´09 (online resource), TUPD02, 1-3 (2009)
69 Compact vacuum tubes with GaAs(Cs,O) photocathodes for studying spin-dependent phenomena
V.L. Alperovich, D.A. Orlov, V.G. Grishaev, S.N. Kosolobov, A.S. Jaroshevich, H.E. Scheibler, and A.S. Terekhov
Proceedings of SPIE 7398, 739818 (2009)
68 Commissioning of the cryogenic plant for the cryogenic storage ring (CSR) at Heidelberg
R. von Hahn, M. Froese, M. Grieser, C. Haberstroh, D. Kaiser, M. Lange, F. Laux, S. Menk, D. Orlov, R. Repnow, T. Sieber, H. Quack, J. Varju, and A. Wolf
Proceedings ICEC 2008 (2009)
67Electron collisions with 4He2+ at the TSR
H. Buhr, H. B. Pedersen, S. Altevogt, V. M. Adrianarijaona, H. Kreckel, L. Lammich, S. Novotny, D. Strasser, J. Hoffmann, M. Lange, M. Lestinsky, M. B. Mendes, M. Motsch, O. Novotny, D. Schwalm, X. Urbain, D. Zajfman, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 192, 012013, 1-4 (2009)
66Ultraviolet Photodissociation of H+3
A. Petrignani, X. Urbain, M. Berg, D. Bing, H. Buhr, M. Grieser, B. Jordon-Thaden, C. Krantz, M. B. Mendes, S. Menk, O. Novotný, S. Novotny, D. Orlov, T. Sorg, J. Stützel, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194, 022101 (2009)
65Measurement of electric-dipole forbidden 3p and 3d level decay rates in Fe XII
E. Träbert, J. Hoffmann, S. Reinhardt, A. Wolf, and G. Del Zanna
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 130, 012018, 1-7 (2008)
64 Bremsstrahlung accompanied α decay of 210Po
H. Boie, H. Scheit, U. D. Jentschura, F. Koeck, M. Lauer, A. I. Milstein, I. S. Terekhov, and D. Schwalm
Changing facets of nuclear structure : proceedings of the 9th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Vico Equense, Italy, 20 - 24 May 2007, 523-530 (2008)
63Sub-Barrier Coulomb Excitation of 106,108,110Sn
A. Ekström, J. Cederkäll, C. Fahlander, M. Hjorth-Jensen, F. Ames, P. A. Butler, T. Davinson, J. Eberth, G. Georgiev, A. Gorgen, M. Górska, D. Habs, M. Huyse, O. Ivanov, J. Iwanicki, O. Kester, U. Köster, B. A. Marsh, P. Reiter, H. Scheit, D. Schwalm, S. Siem, I. Stefanescu, G. M. Tveten, J. Van de Walle, P. Van Duppen, D. Voulot, N. Warr, D. Weisshaar, F. Wenander, and M. Zielinska
62Quadrupole collectivity of neutron-rich nuclei around 132Sn
T. Kröll, T. Behrens, R. Krücken, V. Bildstein, T. Faestermann, R. Gernhäuser, M. Mahgoub, P. Maierbeck, M. Münch, W. Weinzierl, F. Ames, D. Habs, O. Kester, R. Lutter, T. Morgan, M. Pasini, K. Rudolph, P. Thirolf, J. Diriken, M. Huyse, O. Ivanov, P. Mayet, N.. Patronis, I. Stefanescu, J. Van de Walle, P. Van Duppen, O. Niedermaier, H. Scheit, D. Schwalm, J. Eberth, F. Finke, D. Martin, P. Reiter, A. Scherillo, M. Seidlitz, N. Warr, D. Weisshaar, J. Iwanicki, P. Butler, J. Cederkäll, E. Clément, P. Delahaye, L. M. Fraile, G. Georgiev, U. Köster, T. Sieber, D. Voulot, F. Wenander, S. Franchoo, A. Hurst, A. Ekström, ... and S. Nardelli
61Coulomb Excitation of the N = 50 nucleus 80Zn
J. Van de Walle, F. Aksouh, F. Ames, T. Behrens, V. Bildstein, A. Blazhev, J. Cederkäll, E. Clément, T. E. Cocolios, T. Davinson, P. Delahaye, J. Eberth, A. Ekström, D. V. Fedorov, V. N. Fedosseev, L. M. Fraile, S. Franchoo, R. Gernhauser, G. Georgiev, D. Habs, K. Heyde, G. Huber, M. Huyse, F. Ibrahim, O. Ivanov, J. Iwanicki, J. Jolie, O. Kester, U. Köster, T. Kröll, R. Krücken, M. Lauer, A. F. Lisetskiy, R. Lutter, B. A. Marsh, P. Mayet, O. Niedermaier, T. Nilsson, M. Pantea, O. Perru, R. Raabe, P. Reiter, M. Sawicka, H. Scheit, G. Schrieder, D. Schwalm, M. D. Seliverstov, T. Sieber, G. Sletten, N. Smirnova, M. Stanoiu, ... and M. Zielińska
60Cryogenic and vacuum technological aspects of the low-energy electrostatic cryogenic storage ring
D. A. Orlov, M. Lange, M. Froese, R. von Hahn, M. Grieser, V. Mallinger, M. Rappaport, T. Sieber, T. Weber, and A. Wolf
59 Recent status of laser cooling for Mg realized at S-LSR
A. Noda, M. Ikegami, T. Ishikawa, M. Nakao, H. Souda, M. Tanabe, H. Tongu, A. Wakita, M. Grieser, I. Meshkov, A. A. Smirnov, K. Noda, and T. Shirai
Proceedings of EPAC 2008, 3476-3478 (2008)
58Nuclear masses in astrophysics
C. Weber, K. Blaum, and H. Schatz
Proceedings of Science NIC X, 028, 1-10 (2008)
57The cryogenic storage ring project at Heidelberg
R. von Hahn, K. Blaum, J. R. Crespo López Urrutia, M. Froese, M. Grieser, M. Lange, F. Laux, S. Menk, J. Varju, D.A. Orlov, R. Repnow, C.D. Schröter, D. Schwalm, T. Sieber, J. Ullrich, A Wolf, M. Rappaport, D. Zajfman, X. Urbain, and H. Quack
Proceedings of EPAC2008, MOPC137, 394-396 (2008)
56 One-dimensional ordering of protons by the electron cooling
T. Shirai, M. Ikegami, H. Souda, M. Tanabe, H. Tongu, A. Noda, I. Meshkov, A. V. Smirnov, M. Grieser, and K. Noda
Proceedings of EPAC 2008, 3485-3487 (2008)
55Preliminary Design of a Highly-flexible Extraction Scheme for the USR
P. Schmid, M. Grieser, K.-U. Kühnel, A. Papash, and C. P. Welsch
electronic Resource : Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) (2008)
54 Crystalline beam simulations
D. Krestnikov, A. V. Smirnov, A. Sidorin, I. Meshkov, G. Trubnikov, A. Noda, H. Souda, M. Nakao, H. Tongu, K. Noda, T. Shirai, M. Ikegami, and M. Grieser
Proceedings of EPAC 2008, 1747-1749 (2008)
M. Lange, K. Blaum, M. Froese, M. Grieser, D. Kaiser, S. Menk, D.A. Orlov, A. Shornikov, T. Sieber, J. Varju, R. von Hahn, A Wolf, O. Heber, M. Rappaport, J. Toker, and D. Zajfman
Proceedings of EPAC2008, MOPC110, 319-321 (2008)
52Beam Diagnostics Development for the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR
T. Sieber, H. Fadil, M. Grieser, R. von Hahn, and A Wolf
Proceedings of DIPAC 2007, UPC097, 283-285 (2008)
T. Sieber, K. Blaum, M. Grieser, M. Lange, F. Laux, T. Sorg, R. von Hahn, and A Wolf
Proceedings of EPAC2008, TUPC097, 1287-1289 (2008)
50 Lorentz invariance tested with fast optical clocks in a storage ring
G. Gwinner, S. Reinhardt, G. Saathoff, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, G. Huber, S. Karpuk, and C. Novotny
Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, 250-254 (2008)
49Electron collisions and rovibrational action spectroscopy of cold H3+ molecules
H. Kreckel, A. Petrignani, M. Berg, D. Bing, S. Reinhardt, S. Altevogt, H. Buhr, M. Froese, J. Hoffmann, B. Jordon-Thaden, C. Krantz, M. Lestinsky, M. Mendes, O. Novotny, S. Novotny, H. B. Pedersen, D. Orlov, J. Mikosch, R. Wester, R. Plasil, J. Glosik, D. Schwalm, D. Zajfman, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 88, 012064, 1-8 (2007)
48 Photorecombination studies of highly charged ions at the storage ring ESR: a progress report
C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, A. Müller, K. Beckert, P. Beller, D. Bernhardt, F. Bosch, S. Böhm, F. J. Currell, A. Gumberidze, Z. Harman, J. Jacobi, P. H. Mokler, F. Nolden, R. Reuschl, S. Schippers, E. W. Schmidt, U. Spillmann, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, and A. Wolf
47Electron cooling with photocathode electron beams applied to slow ions at TSR and CSR
D. A. Orlov, H. Fadil, M. Grieser, C. Krantz, J. Hoffmann, O. Novotny, S. Novotny, and A. Wolf
Proceedings of COOL 2007, 230-233 (2007)
46 Present status and recent activity on laser cooling at S-LSR
A. Noda, M. Ikegami, T. Ishikawa, M. Nakao, T. Shirai, H. Souda, M. Tanabe, H. Tongu, I. Meshkov, A. V. Smirnov, M. Grieser, and K. Noda
Proceedings of COOL07, 221-225 (2007)
45 Experimental approach to ultra-cold ion beam at S-LSR
A. Noda, T. Shirai, H. Souda, M. Tanabe, H. Tongu, M. Ikegami, T. Ishikawa, M. Nakao, H. Fadil, M. Grieser, I. Meshkov, A. V. Smirnov, and K. Noda
Proceedings of PAC 07, 2035-2037 (2007)
44 Electron cooling experiments at S-LSR
T. Shirai, S. Fujimoto, M. Ikegami, H. Tongu, M. Tanabe, H. Souda, A. Noda, K. Noda, T. Fujimoto, S. Iwata, S. Shibuya, E. Syresin, A. V. Smirnov, I. Meshkov, H. Fadil, and M. Grieser
Proceedings of COOL 2007, 221-225 (2007)
43 S-LSR Cooler Ring Development at Kyoto University
T. Shirai, S. Fujimoto, N. Ikegami, A. Noda, H. Souda, M. Tanabe, H. Tongu, K. Noda, S. Shibuya, T. Takeuchi, T. Fujimoto, S. Iwata, A. Takubo, H. Okamota, Y. Yuri, M. Grieser, and E. Syresin
42 Effects of molecular rotation in low-energy electron collisions of H3+
A. Wolf, H. Kreckel, M. Motsch, J. Mikosch, J. Glosik, R. Plasil, S. Altevogt, V. Andrianarijaona, H. Buhr, J. Hoffmann, L. Lammich, M. Lestinsky, Y. Nevo, S. Novotny, D. Orlov, H. Pedersen, F. Sprenger, A.S. Terekhov, J. Toker, R. Wester, G. Gerlich, and D. Schwalm
Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 364, 2981-2997 (2006)
41 The Heidelberg CSR: Stored Ion beams in a Cryogenic Environment
A. Wolf, R. von Hahn, M. Grieser, D. Orlov, H. Fadil, C.P. Welsch, V. Andrianarijaona, A. Diehl, C.D. Schroeter, J. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, M. Rappaport, X. Urbain, T. Weber, V. Mallinger, C.. Haberstroh, H. Quack, D. Schwalm, J. Ullrich, and D. Zajfman
40Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich Cd isotopes at REX-ISOLDE
T. Kroll, T. Behrens, R. Krücken, T. Faestermann, R. Gernhauser, M. Mahgoub, P. Maierbeck, M. Munch, F. Ames, D. Habs, O. Kester, R. Lutter, T. Morgan, M. Pasini, K. Rudolph, P. Thirolf, V. Bildstein, O. Niedermaier, H. Scheit, D. Schwalm, D. Martin, A. Scherillo, N. Warr, D. Weisshaar, J. Iwanicki, P. Butler, J. Cederkall, P. Delahaye, L. Fraile, G. Georgiev, U. Koster, T. Sieber, F. Wenander, S. Franchoo, A. Hurst, M. Huyse, O. Ivanov, P. Mayet, I. Stefanescu, J. V. de Walle, P. Van Duppen, M. Pantea, and T. Davinson
39 Ultra-cold electron target for the Heidelberg TSR
D. Orlov, M. Lestinsky, F. Sprenger, D. Schwalm, A.S. Terekhov, and A. Wolf
38 Cryogenic Concept for the Low-energy Electrostatic Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) at MPI-K in Heidelberg
R. von Hahn, V. Andrianarijaona, J.R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, H. Fadil, M. Grieser, C.. Haberstroh, V. Mallinger, D.A. Orlov, H. Quack, M. Rappaport, C.D. Schroeter, D. Schwalm, J. Ullrich, T. Weber, A. Wolf, and D. Zajfman
37Low Energy Electron Cooling and Accelerator Physics for the Heidelberg CSR
H. Fadil, M. Grieser, R. von Hahn, D. Orlov, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, and D. Zajfman
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 821, 346-350 (2006)
36 Laser cooling for 3-D crystalline state at S-LSR
A. Noda, S. Fujimoto, M. Ikegami, T. Shirai, H. Souda, M. Tanabe, H. Tongu, K. Noda, S. Yamada, S. Shibuya, T. Yakeuchi, H. Okamoto, and M. Grieser
35 Ultra-Cold Electron Beams for the Heidelberg TSR and CSR
D. Orlov, M. Lestinsky, F. Sprenger, D. Schwalm, A.S. Terekhov, and A. Wolf
34 DR rate coefficient measurements using stored beams of H3+ and its isotopomers
L. Lammich, D. Strasser, H. Kreckel, S. Altevogt, V. Andrianarijaona, H. Buhr, M. Lange, H. Pedersen, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, and D. Zajfman
Journal of Physics:Conference Series 4, 98-103 (2005)
33 Towards state selective measurements of the H3+ dissociative recombination rate coefficient
H. Kreckel, J. Mikosch, R. Wester, J. Glosik, R. Plasil, M. Motsch, D. Gerlich, D. Schwalm, D Zajfman, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics:Conference Series 4, 126-133 (2005)
32 Physics with colder molecular ions: The Heidelberg Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR
D. Zajfman, A. Wolf, D. Schwalm, D. Orlov, M. Grieser, R. von Hahn, C. Welsch, J. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, C. Schröter, X. Urbain, and J. Ullrich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 4, 296-299 (2005)
31 Optimization of a beam line equipped with a laser ion source
S. Shibuya, K. Noda, S. Nakamura, and M. Grieser
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 240, 26-31 (2005)
30 Storage ring studies on dissociative recombination and internal excitation of helium dimer ions
H. Pedersen, H. Buhr, S. Altevogt, V. Andrianarijaona, H. Kreckel, L. Lammich, N. de Ruette, E. Staicu-Casagrande, D. Schwalm, D. Strasser, X. Urbain, D. Zajfman, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 4, 168-176 (2005)
29 Experiments with Ps-: A new approach to determine its decay rate
D. Schwalm, F. Fleischer, G. Gwinner, M. Lestinsky, and V. Lichtenstein
Topics in Heavy Ion Physics: Proceedings of the Memorial Symposium for Gerhard Soff, 203-213 (2005)
28 An improved test of relativistic time dilation with fast stored ions
G. Gwinner, S. Reinhardt, G. Saathoff, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, G. Huber, S. Karpuk, and C. Nowotny
Proceedings of the Third Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry : Bloomington, USA, 4 - 7 August 2004, no-pages (2005)
27 Exploring sub-femtosecond correlated dynamics with an ultra-low energy electrostatic storage ring
C. P. Welsch, M. Grieser, A. Dorn, R. Moshammer, and J. Ullrich
26 Photocathodes as electron sources for high resolution merged beam experiments
D. Orlov, F. Sprenger, M. Lestinsky, U. Weigel, A. Terekhov, D. Schwalm, and A. Wolf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 4, 290-295 (2005)
25Cooling of Molecular Ion Beams
A. Wolf, S. Krohn, H. Kreckel, L. Lammich, M. Lange, D. Strasser, M. Grieser, D. Schwalm, and D. Zajfman
24 S-LSR: test ring for beam crystal, its design and ordering simulation
T. Shirai, H. Fadil, M. Ikegami, H. Tongu, Y. Iwashita, A. Noda, K. Noda, S. Shibuya, T. Takeuchi, K. Okabe, Y. Yuri, H. Okamoto, M. Grieser, and E.M. Syresin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 532, 488-491 (2004)
23Design of a compact electron cooler for the S-LSR
H. Fadil, M. Grieser, A. Noda, K. Noda, K. Shirai, and E.M. Syresin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 532, 446-450 (2004)
22Deflection element for a dispersion-adjustable ion storage ring
M. Ikegami, M. Tanabe, T. Shirai, H. Tongu, K. Noda, M. Grieser, and A. Noda
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 532, 492-496 (2004)
21Electron cooling experiments at the heavy ion storage ring TSR
M. Beutelspacher, H. Fadil, T. Furukawa, M. Grieser, A. Noda, K. Noda, D. Schwalm, T. Shirai, and A. Wolf
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 532, 123-128 (2004)
20An Electrostatic Quadrupole Doublet with an Integrated Steerer
C. P. Welsch, M. Grieser, J. Ullrich, and C. Gläßner
Proceedings of the European Particle Accelerator Conference 2004 (2004)
19CSR - a Cryogenic Storage Ring at MPI-K
R. von Hahn, J. Crespo López-Urrutia, M. Grieser, D. Orlov, C. D. Schröter, D. Schwalm, J. Ullrich, C. P. Welsch, A. Wolf, D. Zajfman, and X. Urbain
Proceedings of the European Particle Accelerator Conference 2004 (2004)
18The Heidelberg High Current Injector: A Versatile Injector for Storage Ring Experiments
R. von Hahn, M. Grieser, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, and C. Welsch
Proceedings of LINAC 2004, 335-337 (2004)
17Ultra-low Energy Antiprotons at FLAIR
C. P. Welsch, M. Grieser, R. von Hahn, D. Orlov, A. Wolf, and J. Ullrich
Proceedings of the European Particle Accelerator Conference 2004 (2004)
16 Physics with Cold Molecular Ions
D. Zajfman, S. Krohn, M. Lange, H. Kreckel, L. Lammich, D. Strasser, D. Schwalm, X. Urbain, and A. Wolf
Interactions in Ultracold Gases: From Atoms to Molecules, 348-358 (2003)
15 Recombination Measurements at Ion Storage Rings
A. Wolf and G. Gwinner
Hyperfine Interactions 146-147, 5-12 (2003)
14 Toward a New Test of the Relativistic Time Dilation Factor by Laser Spectroscopy of Fast Ions in a Storage Ring
G. Saathoff, U. Eisenbarth, S. Hannemann, I. Hoog, G. Huber, S. Karpuk, S. Krohn, J. Lassen, D. Schwalm, M. Weidemüller, A. Wolf, and G. Gwinner
Hyperfine Interactions 146-147, 71-75 (2003)
13 Laser-Cooled Ions and Atoms in a Storage Ring
J. Kleinert, S. Hannemann, B. Eike, U. Eisenbarth, M. Grieser, R. Grimm, G. Gwinner, S. Karpuk, G. Saathoff, U. Schramm, D. Schwalm, and M. Weidemüller
Hyperfine Interactions 146-147, 189-195 (2003)
12 Electron Induced Vibrational Deexcitation of the Molecular Ions H2+ and D2+
S. Krohn, H. Kreckel, L. Lammich, M. Lange, J. Levin, D. Schwalm, D. Strasser, R. Wester, A. Wolf, and D. Zajfman
Dissociative recombination of molecular ions with electrons ; [proceedings of the American Chemical Society Symposium "Dissociative Recombination of Molecules with Electrons", held August 26 - 30, 2001, in Chicago, Illinois], 127-138 (2003)
11 Dielectronic recombination at low energies: Spectroscopy of doubly excited states in beryllium-like Na7+ ions
S. Kieslich, S. Böhm, C. Brandau, A. Müller, S. Schippers, W. Shi, G. Gwinner, M. Schnell, and A. Wolf
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 205, 99-101 (2003)
10 Breakup Dynamics in H3+ and D 3+ Dissociative Recombination
D. Zajfman, D. Strasser, L. Lammich, H. Kreckel, A. Naaman, S. Krohn, D. Schwalm, and A. Wolf
Dissociative recombination of molecular ions with electrons ; [proceedings of the American Chemical Society Symposium "Dissociative Recombination of Molecules with Electrons", held August 26 - 30, 2001, in Chicago, Illinois], 265-274 (2003)
9 A Model for Calculating Branching Ratios in H3+ Dissociative Recombination
D. Strasser, J. Levin, H. Pedersen, O. Heber, A. Wolf, D. Schwalm, and D. Zajfman
Dissociative recombination of molecular ions with electrons ; [proceedings of the American Chemical Society Symposium "Dissociative Recombination of Molecules with Electrons", held August 26 - 30, 2001, in Chicago, Illinois] (2003)
8Miniball: A Gamma-Ray Spectrometer With Position-Sensitive Ge Detectors For Nuclear Structure Studies At REX-ISOLDE
J. Eberth, G. Pascovici, H. G. Thomas, N. Warr, D. Weißhaar, D. Habs, P. Reiter, P. Thirolf, D. Schwalm, C. Gund, H. Scheit, M. Lauer, P. Van Duppen, S. Franchoo, M. Huyse, R. M. Lieder, W. Gast, J. Gerl, and K. P. Lieb
7 Acceleration of radioactive ion beams at REX-ISOLDE
O. Kester, R. von Hahn, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, F. Ames, S. Emhofer, D. Habs, S. Henry, K. Reisinger, K. Rudolf, T. Sieber, H. Scheit, A. Schempp, U. Ratzinger, J. Cederkäll, O. Forstner, F. Wenander, and B. Wolf
EPAC 2002, 912-914 (2002)
6 Cold electrons from GaAs (Cs,O)
D. A. Orlov, U. Weigel, M. Hoppe, D. Schwalm, A. S. Terekhov, and A. Wolf
Polarized sources and targets : proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop, Nashville, Indiana, USA, 30 September - 4 October 2001, 151-155 (2002)
5 Spectroscopy of super- and hyperdeformed actinide nuclei
P. G. Thirolf, M. J. Chromik, Y. Eisermann, D. Gassmann, G. Graw, D. Habs, R Hertenberger, H. J. Maier, P. Reiter, T. Faestermann, A. Krasznahorakay, M. Hunyadi, M. Csatlos, J. Gulyas, Z. Mate, H. Hübel, E. Mergel, J. Domscheit, A. Görgen, S. Neumann, A. Neusser, G. Schönwasser, D. Schwalm, D. Pansegrau, T. Härtlein, F. Köck, H. Scheit, H. Hauschild, and A. Lopez-Martens
DYNAMICAL ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR FISSION Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, XXX-XXX (2002)
4 Double Ionization in Strong Laser Fields
R. Dörner, T. Weber, M. Weckenbrock, A. Staudte, S. Kammer, R. Moshammer, J. Ullrich, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Rottke, and B. Feuerstein
Photonic, electronic, and atomic collisions : XXII international conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 18 - 24, 2001, 27-37 (2002)
3The 7-gap resonators of REX-ISOLDE
R. von Hahn, M. Grieser, D. Schwalm, R. Repnow, O. Kester, S. Emhofer, T. Sieber, and H. Podlech
EPAC 2002, 975-977 (2002)
2New Results on electron cooling at the TSR Heidelberg
M. Grieser, M. Beutelspacher, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, and T. Shirai
Proceedings of 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC), 578-580 (2002)
1 Diode-laser-based resonance ionization mass spectrometry of gadolinium
K. Blaum, B. Bushaw, C Geppert, P Muller, W Nortershauser, A Schmitt, N Trautmann, and K Wendt