News "Stored and Cooled Ions" Division
Andreas Wolf receives Dieter Möhl Medal
Andreas Wolf received a Dieter Möhl Medal 2021 for “his pioneering work in the use of low energy electron coolers in merging electron beams for atomic…
A passion for precision
The Otto Hahn Prize 2021 goes to Klaus Blaum of the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. The award is endowed with 50,000 euros and…
Revealing the secrets of an exotic nucleus
The exotic nucleus tin-100 is challenging to access experimentally, but ab initio calculations provide reliable results. This is shown by new…
DPG Dissertation Prize for Jonas Karthein
For his PhD thesis on "Next-Generation Mass Spectrometry of Exotic Isotopes and Isomers" Dr. Jonas Karthein was awarded the Dissertation Prize of…
In the trap: new cooling method for charged particles
For the first time, physicists have successfully implemented a new method for cooling protons using laser-cooled ions – here beryllium ions. The…
Important measuring method of neutrino physics on the test bench
With precise mass measurements and highly accurate calculations, a team led by MPI for Nuclear Physics has now succeeded in independently testing the…
Cooling of single ions via tank circuit coupling
Members of the group around Sven Sturm in the division of Klaus Blaum at MPIK present a novel technique that allows to efficiently cool arbitrary ions…
Otto-Haxel-Preis for Stefan Dickopf
For his outstanding achievements and the best experimental work in his master's degree, Stefan Dickopf receives this year's Otto Haxel Prize from the…
Exploring the Strong Interaction in the Universe
Achim Schwenk, Professor of Nuclear Physics at TU Darmstadt and Max Planck Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, has…
BASE opens up new possibilities in the search for cold dark matter
The Baryon Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) at CERN’s Antimatter Factory has set new limits on the mass of axion-like particles – hypothetical…
Limits of atomic nuclei predicted
Novel calculations have enabled the study of nearly 700 isotopes between helium and iron, showing which nuclei can exist and which cannot. In an…
Jonas Karthein receives the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Prize 2020
For his PhD thesis on "Next-Generation Mass Spectrometry of Exotic Isotopes and Isomers" Dr. Jonas Karthein was awarded the Heidelberg Wilhelm and…
Lise Meitner Prize of the European Physical Society for Klaus Blaum
Highest European award in the field of nuclear physics
Achim Schwenk another five years Max Planck Fellow at MPIK
The President of the Max Planck Society has appointed Prof. Achim Schwenk, Institute for Nuclear Physics of TU Darmstadt, as Max Planck Fellow at the…
Mass of the deuteron corrected
High-precision measurements of the mass of the deuteron, the nucleus of heavy hydrogen, provide new insights into the reliability of fundamental…
Klaus Blaum new Vice President of the MPG
From 1 July 2020 the Max Planck Society has three new Vice Presidents elected by its Senate: Asifa Akhtar, Ulman Lindenberger and Klaus Blaum are now…
Quantum jump tipping the balance
Measuring tiny differences in mass between different quantum states provides new insights into heavy atoms
A new approach to the hunt for Dark Matter
Researchers now harnessing antimatter in their search for Dark Matter
Precision laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions
Novel method for finding narrow transitions
Chemistry of the cosmological dark ages studied in the lab
New measurements imply dramatically higher abundance of helium hydride ions in the early universe
Erste Resultate des neuen ALPHATRAP-Experiments
g-Faktor des gebundenen Elektrons in borartigen Argon-Ionen mit höchster Präzision gemessen
IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics für Andreas Mooser
Für seine herausragenden Beiträge zum präzisesten Vergleich des Proton-zu-Antiproton Ladungs-zu-Masseverhältnisses und zum Vergleich der magnetischen…
Klaus Blaum gewinnt erneut Advanced Grant des Europäischen Forschungsrats
In der jüngsten Ausschreibungsrunde für Advanced Grants des Europäischen Forschungsrats (ERC) war Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum vom MPI für Kernphysik mit…
Königlich Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften wählt Klaus Blaum zum Auswärtigen Mitglied ihrer Physikklasse
Die Königlich Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften hat Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum zum Auswärtigen Mitglied ihrer Physikklasse gewählt. Die Entscheidung…
Deutsch-japanische Kooperation für höchste Präzision am Start
MPG-PTB-RIKEN-Zentrum für Zeit, Konstanten und fundamentale Symmetrien
Einzigartiges Verhalten von Quecksilberkernen aufgeklärt
Deformierte Atomkerne präzise vermessen
Schnelle Wasserbildung in diffusen interstellaren Wolken
Zwei wichtige Schritte in der Bildung von gasförmigem Wasser in diffusen interstellaren Wolken verlaufen schneller als bisher vermutet. Dies ist das…
Wie Cluster die Temperatur ihrer Umgebung annehmen
Mit einer neuen Methode gelang es Physikern vom MPI für Kernphysik und der Universität Greifswald, die Verteilung der inneren Energie gespeicherter…
Neue Wege in die „Terra incognita“ der Nuklidkarte
Hochpräzise Massenmessungen an neutronenreichen Chromisotopen
Materie-Antimaterie-Rätsel bleibt ungelöst
Noch immer zeigt sich kein Unterschied zwischen Protonen und Antiprotonen, der die Existenz von Materie in unserem Universum erklären könnte. Dabei…
Further former press releases (2008 - 2023) of the division can be found in the news archive and in the press archive.