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Tracking down the secrets of neutrinos with supernovae
Scientists of the MPIK and the "Gleb Wataghin" Institute of Physics of the University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil have investigated the influence…
Almudena Arcones Max-Planck-Fellow at MPIK
Origin of heavy elements: Nuclear matter under extreme conditions
Astrophysical Jet Caught in a “Speed Trap”
How Gamma Rays Track the Velocity of the Galactic Microquasar SS 433’s Jets and Uncover Highly Efficient Particle Acceleration.
Guoyuan Huang appointed at the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan
Dr. Guoyuan Huang accepted as of Febrary 1, 2024, a call for an associate professorship at the School of Mathematics and Physics of the China…
New Managing Director at MPIK
At the turn of the year, Honorarprofessor Dr. Christoph H. Keitel on a rotational basis took over the Institute management of MPIK. This is his second…
Test of quantum electrodynamics and world record mass measurement
Researchers at the MPI for Nuclear Physics have succeeded in testing the theory of quantum electrodynamics in strong fields with unprecedented…
A slingshot for electrons in astrophysical plasma shocks
A group of the theory division at MPIK identified a slingshotlike electron injection process in preturbulent relativistic plasma shocks distinct from…
CONUS+ starts data collection at KKL Leibstadt/CH
The CONUS project is about the exciting properties of neutrinos, weakly interacting particles that are extremely difficult to detect. Neutrinos, or…
José R. Crespo López-Urrutia elected into DFG review board
MPIK scientist successful in DFG review board election
Towards the next-generation atomic clock
Joint experimental-theoretical study at MPIK identifies a metastable state in highly charged lead
Oxygen dissociation time-resolved with the first combination of extreme-ultraviolet light sources
For the first time, researchers have succeeded in selectively exciting a molecule using a combination of two extreme-ultraviolet light sources and…
You can see better with the second one
Our planet is bombarded with very energetic radiation from space and analyzing this radiation can help astronomers unveil some of the secrets space…
German-Japanese cooperation for highest precision extended
They have done a good job, and their cooperation will be continued: After a successful review, the German-Japanese Center for Time, Constants and…
Highly charged Xenon ions as probes of fifth forces
A comprehensive spectroscopic study identified highly charged xenon ions as an excellent candidate for probing new physics. Thirteen atomic…
How cosmic rays influence space chemistry - cold molecular ions measured in the Laboratory
Scientists from the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik and other institutions have obtained a significantly higher ionization rate in dilute molecular…
Precise testing of quantum electrodynamics
Measurement of the g factor of the electron in hydrogen-like tin confirms the standard model of particle physics under extremely high electric field…
Azubi-Preis der MPG für Auszubildende der Feinwerktechnik
Die Ausbildungswerkstatt der zentralen Feinwerktechnik freut sich über einen weiteren Erfolg der Auszubildenden: Alle drei Azubis des…
How heavy is an alpha particle?
Using the high-precision Penning trap for light ions (LIONTRAP), physicists from the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, the GSI Helmholtz…
Astronomy Picture of the Day: telescopes explore the high-energy universe
The "Astronomy Picture of the Day" from 6 September 2023 features a short film showing gamma astronomy with the H.E.S.S. telescopes in Namibia. Over…