Workshop on Physics Beyond the Standard Model at MPIK

The workshop „New Physics Directions in the LHC era and beyond“ will take place at the MPIK from April 22nd to 26th. About 100 leading international scientists meet and discuss the current status of our theoretical description of the fundamental building blocks of nature.

The objective of this meeting is to bring together scientists working on various aspects of beyond the Standard Model physics. A focus is on how the results of the CERN Large-Hadron Collider (LHC) and developments in astrophysics and cosmology influence our view of a potential completion of the Standard Model of particle physics.

"The current state of research is characterized by long-standing puzzles, while little experimental guidance exists for example in the form of discoveries of new particles. With this workshop, we would like to explore different approaches to achieve progress," explains Dr. Florian Goertz, the organizer of the conference at the MPIK. "New ideas and paradigms are essential for the continued progress of fundamental physics toward a better understanding of nature, and this is what we want to promote with our meeting," he continues.

Group New Physics, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, and Flavor (NEWFO) at MPIK


Dr. Florian Goertz
Tel.: +49 6221 516-822