Dr. Dominik Lentrodt receives an Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society "for contributions to the theory of light-matter
interactions in open cavities, with applications in nuclear quantum optics". He is awarded for his work done during his dissertation titled "Ab initio approaches to x-ray cavity QED," which he prepared from 2017 to 2021 at the MPI für Kernphysik in the department of Christoph Keitel under the supervision of Jörg Evers. Lentrodt's dissertation focused on the theoretical study of quantum electrodynamics in X-ray cavities, in which he presented a derivation and generalization of the open Jaynes-Cummings model. The theoretical insights arising from this derivation were also used to study the nonlinear excitation dynamics of Mössbauer nuclei in the presence of strong driving x-ray fields.
Lentrodt studied physics at the University of Cambridge, UK, before coming to the MPI für Kernphysik in Heidelberg in 2016 to start work on his dissertation. He received his PhD with honors from the University of Heidelberg in 2021 and is currently working as a Georg H. Endress Postdoctoral Fellow at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg, Germany.
Every year since 1978, the Max Planck Society has awarded the Otto Hahn Medal to young researchers for outstanding scientific achievements, mostly in connection with their doctorate. The award is presented during the General Meeting of the Max Planck Society in the following year.
Further information about the Otto Hahn Medals and list of all awardees