Funding for Florian Goertz's group extended

Due to the excellent result of an external review and a positive statement of the institute, the Max Planck Society has extended the funding of the independent group of Florian Goertz by two years until 31.01.2024.

The theoretically working group NEWFO – New Physics, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Flavor – has already successfully published significant contributions to its research area in the four years since its foundation. The goal is to better understand nature at smallest distances, combining different research areas to ultimately understand what lies behind the Standard Model of particle physics. Topics range from model building and effective field theory with a focus on electroweak symmetry breaking and flavor physics to dark matter and cosmology. The group members cooperate closely with the division of Manfred Lindner.


Dr. Florian Goertz
Phone: +49 6221 516-822