Theory Division
Theoretical Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Electrodynamics

top row: Ze-an Peng, Zoia Mandrykina, Miriam Gerharz, Aleksandr Boitsov, Giulio Audagnotto, Samuele Montefiori, Christoph Keitel, Sergey Volkov, Michael Quin, Vladimir Yerokhin, Bastian Sikora
second row: Pei-Lun He, Karen Hatsagortsyan, Suvam Singh, Arjit Shankar Banerjee, Matteo Tamburini, Lukas Wolff, Yutong He, Chunhai Lyu, Çağrı Erciyes, Ingmar Kloß, Zoltán Harman
third row: Sibel Babacan, Shikha Bhadoria, Lorenzo Tamburino Ventimiglia di Monteforte, Moritz Thierfeld, Matteo Moretti, Sreya Banerjee, Jörg Evers, Natalia Oreshkina, Igor Valuev, Zewen Sun
bottom row: Minkyung Chun, Robert Horn, André Gontijo Campos, Konstantin Beyer, Morgan Lynch, Cedric Quint, Junis Heiland Hoyo, Hrishikesh Sriman-Narayan
Fields of research

Quantum electrodynamic theory reaching extreme precision
New “two-loop” calculations tackled a tricky piece of the quantum electrodynamic (QED) puzzle with unprecedented precision: the electron self-energy.…
Professorships in China for three MPIK scientists
Three young scientists from the group of Karen Hatsagortsyan (Department Keitel) received professorships at excellent universities and research…
Through the spaceship atom's shield
Part of the science fiction genre is the famous protective shield that spaceships can raise. This is similar for atoms: The electron shell as an…