Foreign Scientists and new Employees
International Office: Denitsa Dzhigova, Tel. +496221 516-355
The International Office takes care for:
- Scientists with a guest status at MPIK
- Scholarship holders at MPIK
- Questions regarding entry (VISA) and residency in Germany
- Questions about everyday life in Heidelberg and Germany
Scientists receive a guest status at the MPIK if they are to enter and use the premises and the facilities of the institute, but have neither an employment contract nor a scholarship at the institute. Such guests are to sign a guest agreement.
At the institute, there ist a limited number of guest rooms available.
Reservation request for the MPIK-Guesthouse
Further accomodation in Heidelberg
Informationen in preparation of your visit:
Working at a Max Planck Institute
MPG guidelines on the training of doctoral students
Booklet "Living and Working in Germany - A guide for international scientists at Max Planck Institutes" (pdf)
Health insurance MAWISTA
Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office of Germany)
How to Germany
City of Heidelberg