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Past beamtimes:

  • PETRAIII (Desy, Hamburg): X-ray diffraction from free standing 8CB liquid crystal – 9 shifts.
  • EuXFEL (Hamburg): time resolved hard X-ray diffraction on 8CB while pumped by an ultrafast NIR pulse triggering off-resonance ultrafast librations – 2 shifts.
  • FELIX (Nijmegen): 8CB free standing polarized imaging of slow (nano- to millisecond) dynamics pumping narrow band and intense THz radiation.
  • SwissFEL (PSI, Villigen): time resolved hard X-ray diffraction on 8CB while pumped by THz radiation triggering off-resonance ultrafast librations – 15 shifts.
  • FELBE (Helmolz center, Dresden): resonant single-color THz pump-THz probe in LCs across phase transition along specific pump-LC orientations – 7 shifts.
  • FELIX (Nijmegen): continuation of the previous beamtime to look at the microsecond time scale – 4 shifts.