Quantum Electrodynamics: Theory and Key Experiments
Series of lectures in the winter term 2022/2023, 2 lectures per week
Dates and locations: Tuesdays, 14:15-16:00 in INF 501/CIP R. 103 (theory), and Thursdays, 14:15-16:00 in INF 501/CIP R. 103 (experiment); starting on October 18, 2022
Lecturers: PD Dr. W. Quint (experiment); PD Dr. Z. Harman (theory)
Grading by a poster presentation (mid-term, on Dec. 15, Thursday, 14:15) and by a talk (end-term, on January 26, 2023, Thursday, 14:15) by each student (12 min. + 3 min. Q&A)
4 ECTS points; Lecture No.: 130000202221213
Download lecture slides, poster samples here. We can help you with preparing and printing the posters.
Oct. 18, Tuesday, Theory lecture: Introduction, discussion of the lecture's goals and topics. Introducing the Dirac equation. Free motion of a Dirac particle.
Oct. 20, Thursday, Experimental lecture: Casimir effect and photon antibunching.
Oct. 25, Tuesday, Theory lecture: Free motion (continued), spin, positive- and negative-energy states. Four dimensional notation, Minkowski space.
Oct. 27, Thursday, Theory lecture: Dirac particle in an external electromagnetic field, Lorentz-covariant form. Dirac theory of hydrogenlike ions.
Nov. 3, Thursday, Theory lecture: Dirac theory of hydrogenlike ions (continued), Sommerfeld formula. Relativistic perturbation theory and scattering phenomena (introduction).
Nov. 8, Tuesday, Experimental lecture: QED, antibunching
Nov. 10, Thursday, Experimental lecture: QED, electron g-2, Feynman diagrams, continuous Stern-Gerlach effect
Nov. 15, Tuesday, Experimental lecture
Nov. 17, Thursday, Experimental lecture
Nov. 22, Tuesday, Theory lecture (will start at 13:15 at INF 227 / SR 1.404!!!): Perturbation theory and scattering phenomena (continued). Green's functions, inhomogeneous Schrödinger equation. Free propagator, momentum representation, retarded Green's function.
Nov. 24, Thursday, Experimental lecture
Nov. 29, Tuesday, Theory lecture (will start at 13:15 at INF 227 / SR 1.401!!!): Lippmann-Schwinger equation, perturbation theory, multiple scattering series. Free relativistic Green's function, Feynman contour.
Dec. 1, Thursday, Experimental lecture
Dec. 6, Tuesday, Theory lecture: Projection operators, spectral decomposition of the Feynman propagator. Relativistic perturbation theory.
Dec. 8, Thursday, Experimental lecture
Dec. 13, Tuesday, Theory lecture: Relativistic perturbation theory (contd.). Scattering processes and S matrix. Coulomb scattering of an electron.
Dec. 15, Thursday: poster session
Dec. 20, Tuesday, Theory lecture: Electron-proton scattering, photon propagator. Electron-electron scattering.
Jan. 10. Tuesday, Theory lecture: Electron-positron scattering. Feynman rules of perturbation theory. Scattering processes at higher orders.
Jan. 12, Thursday, Experimental lecture
Jan. 17. Tuesday, Theory lecture: Vacuum polarization, polarization tensor.
Jan. 19, Thursday, Experimental lecture
Jan. 24. Tuesday, Theory lecture: Vacuum polarization and charge renormalization. Summary of self-energy and vertex correction. The Lamb shift of atomic energy levels.
Theoretical topics for the poster session
1. Introduction to the Dirac equation: free solutions, coupling to the electromagnetic field, covariant form
2. Relativistic theory of hydrogenlike ions: spherical spinors, separation of the wave function, radial Dirac equation; Sommerfeld formula for the energy levels (taken)
3. Nonrelativistic Green's functions, Lippmann-Schwinger equation, perturbation theory; free Green's function of a nonrelativistic particle (taken)
4. Relativistic perturbation theory: causal propagator for electrons and positrons, projection operators
Experimental topics for the poster session
1. Casimir effect (taken)
2. Photon antibunching (taken)
3. Laser spectroscopy on atomic hydrogen (taken)
4. Laser spectroscopy on positronium
5. Electron magnetic moment (taken)
6. Ramsey method of separated oscillatory fields
7. Variation of fundamental constants and Large Number Hypothesis
8. Optical frequency standard with a single trapped ion
Theoretical topics for the talk session
1. Introduction to the Dirac equation: free solutions, coupling to the electromagnetic field, covariant form (taken)
2. Relativistic perturbation theory: causal propagator for electrons and positrons; multiple scattering; S-matrix and scattering phenomena; elementary scattering processes (taken)
3. Scattering processes and Feynman rules. Higher-order interaction processes.
4. QED loop corrections: vacuum polarization (taken), self-energy and vertex correction.
Experimental topics for the talk session
1. Laser spectroscopy on dipositronium (positronium molecule) (taken)
2. Experiments on trapped antimatter to test CPT invariance
3. Optical frequency standard with a single trapped ion (taken)
4. Ramsey method of separated oscillatory fields
5. Lamb-shift in hydrogen-like uranium U91+: X-ray spectroscopy at ESR storage ring at GSI
6. Hyperfine structure of hydrogen-like bismuth Bi82+: laser spectroscopy at ESR storage ring at GSI