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Conference Papers

84Shape and electromagnetic properties of the 229mTh isomer

N. Minkov and A. Pálffy
EPJ Web of Conferences 252, 02003 (2021)

83Real-time reconstruction of the strong-field driven dipole response

V. Stooß, S. M. Cavaletto, S. Donsa, A. Blaettermann, P. Birk, C. H. Keitel, I Brezinova, J. Burgdoerfer, C. Ott, and T. Pfeifer
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1412, 092011 (2020)

82High-energy bremsstrahlung on atoms in a laser field

P. Krachkov, A. Di Piazza, and A. I. Milstein
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1508, 012010 (2020)

81Nonlinear quantum electrodynamics in ultra-high intensity laser-plasma interactions

F. Mackenroth, N. Kumar, A. Di Piazza, M. Tamburini, N. Neitz, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of SPIE 11039, 1103902 (2019)

80 Electromagnetic Properties of the 229mTh Isomer

N. Minkov and A. Pálffy
Nuclear Theory 37, 33-39 (2018)

79Experimental Evidence for Wigner's Tunneling Time

N. Camus, E. Yakaboylu, L. Fechner, M. Klaiber, M. Laux, Y. Mi, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, T. Pfeifer, C. H. Keitel, and R. Moshammer
Journal of Physics Conference Series 999, 012004 (2018)

78The g factor of highly charged ions

Z. Harman, B. Sikora, V. A. Yerokhin, H. Cakir, V. Debierre, N. Michel, N. S. Oreshkina, N. Belov, J. Zatorski, and C. H. Keitel
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1138, 012002 (2018)

77 Model Mechanism for Radiative Decay of the 7.8 eV Isomer in 229Th

N. Minkov and A. Pálffy
Nuclear Theory 36, 205-214 (2017)

76Spin dynamics in relativistic light-matter interaction

H. Bauke, S. Ahrens, C. H. Keitel, and R. Grobe
Proceedings of SPIE 9515, 95150L (2015)

75Laser-driven Thomson scattering for the generation of ultra-bright multi-MeV gamma-ray beams

G. Sarri, D. J. Corvan, J. M. Cole, W. Schumaker, A. Di Piazza, H. Ahmed, M. Yeung, Z. Zhao, C. Harvey, C. H. Keitel, K. Krushelnick, S. P. D. Mangles, Z. Najmudin, A. G. R. Thomas, and M. Zepf
Proceedings of SPIE 9514, 95140W (2015)

74Particle beams in ultrastrong laser fields: direct laser acceleration and radiation reaction effects

Y. I. Salamin, J. Li, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, M. Tamburini, A. Di Piazza, and C. H. Keitel
Institute of Physics Conference Series 594, 012018 (2015)

73Robust signatures of quantum radiation reaction with an electron beam in a focused laser pulse

J. Li and K. Z. Hatsagortsyan
Proceedings of SPIE 9515, 95150W1 (2015)

72Fano Resonances in the Time Domain

A. Kaldun, C. Ott, V. Stooß, A. Fischer, A. Blättermann, T. Ding, P. Raith, K. Meyer, M. Laux, J. Evers, C. H. Keitel, C. H. Greene, and T. Pfeifer
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 092079 (2015)

71Investigating the QED vacuum with ultra-intense laser fields

B. King and A. Di Piazza
European Physical Journal-Special Topics 223, 1063-1068 (2014)

70Novel aspects of radiation reaction in the classical and the quantum regime

N. Neitz, N. Kumar, K. F. Mackenroth, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, C. H. Keitel, and A. Di Piazza
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 497, 012015 (2014)

69Nonlinear Bethe-Heitler Pair Creation in an Intense Two-Mode Laser Field

S. Augustin and C. Müller
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 497, 012020 (2014)

68The Potential Uses of X-Ray FELS in Nuclear Studies

W. Liao, C. H. Keitel, and A. Pálffy
FEL2013: Proceedings of the 35th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, 749-752 (2013)

67Higher-order resonant electronic recombination as a manifestation of configuration interaction

C. Beilmann, P Amaro, H. Bekker, Z. Harman, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and S. Tashenov
Physica Scripta T, 014052 (2013)

66Computational relativistic quantum dynamics and its application to relativistic tunneling and Kapitza-Dirac scattering

H. Bauke, M. Klaiber, E. Yakaboylu, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, S. Ahrens, C. Müller, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of SPIE 8780, 87801Q, 1-9 (2013)

65Photo-proton emission from halo nuclei in the presence of a linearly polarized laser field

A. Dadi and C. Mueller
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 414, 012010 (2013)

64Pair production in a plane wave due to a thermal background

B. King and A. Di Piazza
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 414, 012016, 1-9 (2013)

63 Two-Photon Quantum Dynamics in a Nonlinear Micromaser

X. Xie, V. Ciornea, and M. Macovei
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy - Series A: Mathematics, Physics 14, 48-55 (2013)

62Streaking at high energies with electrons and positrons

A. Ipp, J. Evers, C. H. Keitel, and K. Z. Hatsagortsyan
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1462, 25-30 (2012)

61Electron correlation and interference effects in strong-field processes

M. C. Kohler, C. Müller, C. Buth, A.B. Voitkiv, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, J. Ullrich, T. Pfeifer, and C. H. Keitel
Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics 125, 209-217 (2012)

60Higher order resonant intershell electronic recombination for highly charged ions

P. H. Mokler, C. Beilmann, S. Bernitt, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, O. Postavaru, J. Ullrich, and J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 062043 (2012)

59Two-Center Resonant Photoionization

B. Najjari, A. B. Voitkiv, and C. Müller
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388, 022089 (2012)

58Photon-Photon Interaction in Structured QED Vacuum

K. Z. Hatsagortsyan and G. Y. Kryuchkyan
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 15, 22 (2012)

57Ultra-strong laser pulses: streak-camera for gamma-rays via pair production and quantum radiative reaction

K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, A. Ipp, J. Evers, A. Di Piazza, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of SPIE 8080, 80801T (2011)

56QED and nuclear effects in strong optical and x-ray laser fields

A. Di Piazza, A. Pálffy, W. Liao, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of SPIE 8075, 807505 (2011)

55Radiation pressure and radiation reaction effects in laser-solid interaction

A. Macchi, M. Tamburini, S. Veghini, F. Pegoraro, A. Di Piazza, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of the SPIE 7994, 799421 (2011)

54Strong-field QED in intense laser fields

F. Mackenroth, M. Ruf, B. J. King, A. Di Piazza, C. Müller, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of the SPIE 7994, 799422 (2011)

53Low-energy structure of photoelectron spectra in mid-infrared strong laser fields: classical description

C. Liu and K. Z. Hatsagortsyan
Optics InfoBase HILAS2011, HWC20 (2011)

52Science of Extreme Light Infrastructure

T. Tajima, B. C. Barish, C. P. Barty, S. Bulanov, P. Chen, J. Feldhaus, J. Hjdu, C. H. Keitel, J.-C. Kieffer, D.-K. Ko, W. Leemans, D. Normand, L. Palumbo, K. Rzazewski, A. Sergeev, Z.-M. Sheng, F. Takasaki, and M. Teshima
AIP Conference Proceedings 1228, 11-35 (2010)

51Resonant recombination at ion storage rings: a conceptual alternative for isotope shift and hyperfine studies

C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, A. Mueller, D. Bernhardt, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, F. J. Currell, C. Dimopoulou, B. Franzke, S. Fritzsche, A. Gumberidze, Z. Harman, U. D. Jentschura, C. H. Keitel, Y. S. Kozhedub, R. Krücken, Y.. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, B. O’Rourke, R. Reuschl, S. Schippers, V. M. Shabaev, U. Spillmann, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T.. Stöhlker, I. I. Tupitsyn, D. F. A. Winters, and A. Wolf
Hyperfine Interactions 196, 115-127 (2010)

50 Anharmonic resonance in intense laser-matter interaction: Key to collisionless absorption

P. Mulser and D. Bauer

49 Relativistic high-order harmonic generation

M. C. Kohler and K. Z. Hatsagortsyan
Modern optics and photonics : atoms and structured media, 16-31 (2010)

48 Entangled light and matter waves via non-linear interactions

M. Macovei, G. Y. Kryuchkyan, and G.-X Li
Modern optics and photonics : atoms and structured media, 32-47 (2010)

47 Light propagation : from atomic to nuclear quantum optics

J. Evers, R. Fleischhaker, A. Pálffy, and C. H. Keitel
Modern optics and photonics : atoms and structured media, 3-15 (2010)

46Investigation of Vacuum Structure - Towards Schwinger Fields: QED effects and Particle Physics at ELI

A. Di Piazza, A. M. Fedotov, H. Gies, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, T. Heinzl, A. Ilderton, C. H. Keitel, M. Marklund, S.D. Moustaizis, C. Müller, N.B. Narozhny, I. Ploumistakis, R. Schützhold, D. Symes, and I. Tsohantjis
Extreme Light Infrastructure : Report on the Grand Challenges Meeting, 17-42 (2009)

45 Photonuclear Physics - explore nuclei with photons

A. Bandrauk, C. P. Barty, D. Habs, C. H. Keitel, J. Schreiber, R. Schützhold, P. G. Thirolf, and H.A. Weidenmüller
Report on the results of the Grand Challenges Meeting, 68-91 (2009)

44Particle physics at ELI

A. Di Piazza, H. Gies, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, T. Heinzl, A. Ilderton, C. H. Keitel, M. Marklund, S.D. Moustaizis, C. Müller, N.B. Narozhny, I. Ploumistakis, R. Schützhold, D. Symes, and I. Tsohantjis
Extreme Light Infrastructure : Report on the Grand Challenges Meeting, 43-60 (2009)

43Efficient Integration of Quantum Mechanical Wave Equations by Unitary Transforms

H. Bauke and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 1148, 17-20 (2009)

42 Collisionless heating by intense laser radiation: Routes to irreversibility and anharmonic resonance

P. Mulser and D. Bauer
Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest (2009)

41 Relativistic phenomena in plasma solitons

F. Pegoraro, M. Borghesi, S. V. Bulanov, S. S. Bulanov, F. Califano, D. Farina, T. V. Liseikina, V. Vshivkov, N. Naumova, K. Nishihara, H. Ruhl, and Y. Sentoku

40Relativistic current dynamics investigations by proton probing

M. Borghesi, K. Quinn, P.A. Wilson, C.A. Cecchetti, B. Ramakrishna, L. Romagnani, G. Sarri, L. Lancia, J. Fuchs, A. Pipahl, T. Toncian, O. Willi, D.C. Corrol, P. Gallegos, M.N. Quinn, X.H. Xuan, P. McKenna, R.J. Clarke, R.G. Evans, D. Neely, M. Notley, A. Macchi, T.V. Lyseikina, and W. Nazarov

39Laser-assisted bremsstrahlung and electron-positron pair creation in relativistic laser fields

E. Lötstedt

38 Bremsstrahlung accompanied α decay of 210Po

H. Boie, H. Scheit, U. D. Jentschura, F. Koeck, M. Lauer, A. I. Milstein, I. S. Terekhov, and D. Schwalm
Changing facets of nuclear structure : proceedings of the 9th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Vico Equense, Italy, 20 - 24 May 2007, 523-530 (2008)

37 Correlated relativistic dynamics and nuclear effects in dielectronic and visible spectra of highly charged ions

Z. Harman, A. N. Artemyev, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, A. J. González Martínez, U. D. Jentschura, C. H. Keitel, V. Mäckel, R. Soria Orts, H. Tawara, I. I. Tupitsyn, J. Ullrich, and A. Volotka

36 Resonant interferometric lithography beyond the diffraction limit

J. Evers, M. Kiffner, and M. S. Zubairy

35Breakdown of the few-level approximation in dipole-dipole interacting systems

M. Kiffner, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of SPIE 6603, 66030C (2007)

34 Localization of a small collection of fluorescing atoms

M. Macovei, J. Evers, and M. S. Zubairy

33 Quantum interference in light scattering and propagation

J. Evers, M. Mahmoudi, and M. Macovei

32Vacuum fluctuations and nuclear quantum optics in strong laser pulses

A. Di Piazza, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, J. Evers, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of SPIE 6603, 660305 (2007)

31 Strong-field spatial interference in a tailored electromagnetic bath

M. Macovei, J. Evers, G. X. Li, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of III International Conference “Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics”, 189-190 (2007)

30 Effects of configuration interaction on the alignment of beryllium-like ions

A. Surzhykov, U. D. Jentschura, T.. Stöhlker, and S. Fritzsche

29Quantum control of interacting multiatom systems

J. Evers, M. Kiffner, and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 963,2, 756 (2007)

28 Photorecombination studies of highly charged ions at the storage ring ESR: a progress report

C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, A. Müller, K. Beckert, P. Beller, D. Bernhardt, F. Bosch, S. Böhm, F. J. Currell, A. Gumberidze, Z. Harman, J. Jacobi, P. H. Mokler, F. Nolden, R. Reuschl, S. Schippers, E. W. Schmidt, U. Spillmann, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, and A. Wolf

27High-energy quantum dynamics in ultra-intense laser pulses

C. Müller, G. R. Mocken, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 963,1, 552 (2007)

26 Competition between radiative recombination and nuclear excitation by electron capture

A. Palffy, Z. Harman, A. Surzhykov, and W. Scheid

25 Angular and polarization analysis of x-rays emitted from highly-charged, few-electron ions

A. Surzhykov, S. Fritzsche, U. D. Jentschura, and T. Stöhlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 88, 012018 (2007)

24Correlation and quantum electrodynamic effects on the radiative lifetime and relativistic nuclear recoil in Ar13+ and Ar14+ ions

Z. Harman, U. D. Jentschura, C. H. Keitel, A. Lapierre, R. Soria Orts, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, H. Tawara, J. Ullrich, A. N. Artemyev, I. I. Tupitsyn, A. V. Volotka, and V. M. Shabaev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 024 (2007)

23Nonperturbative multiphoton processes and electron-positron pair production

K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, C. Müller, and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 827, 442 (2006)

22Harmonic generation from laser-driven vacuum

A. Di Piazza, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 827, 436 (2006)

21The physics of collisionless absorption of intense laser beams in solids and clusters

P. Mulser and D. Bauer

20 The physics of collisionless absorption and particle acceleration by superintense laser beams

P. Mulser, D. Bauer, and T. Muth

19QED Corrections to the Dynamic Polarizability

M. Haas, U. D. Jentschura, and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 796, 317 (2005)

18Irreversible energy gain by linear and nonlinear oscillators

D. Bauer and P. Mulser
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 11, 169-179 (2005)

17Vacuum-mediated incoherent processes in coherently prepared media

J. Evers, U. D. Jentschura, M. Macovei, and C. H. Keitel
Proceedings of SPIE 5842, 241-255 (2005)

16 Quantum dynamics beyond the dipole approximation: From two-electron ions to more complex systems

A. Staudt, G. R. Mocken, M. Haas, and C. H. Keitel

15Net electron energy gain from a tightly-focused laser beam in vacuum

Y. I. Salamin and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 697, 3-12 (2003)

14On the high-energy limits for the double-to-single ionization ratio of helium and helium-like ions in collisions with charged and neutral particles

A.B. Voitkiv, C. Müller, and N. Grün
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 205, 504-507 (2003)

13Multiphoton pair production by a highly charged ion in an intense laser field

C. Müller, A.B. Voitkiv, and N. Grün
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 205, 306-309 (2003)

12 Narrow Spectral Features in Resonance Fluorescence in Laser-Driven Atomic Few-Level Systems

J. Evers and C. H. Keitel
Interactions in ultracold gases: from atoms to molecules, 388-390 (2003)

11 The Spiral Galaxy M33 Mapped in the FIR by ISOPHOT: Spatially Resolved Study of the Warm and Cold Dust.

H. Hippelein, M. Haas, R.J. Tuffs, D. Lemke, M. Stickel, U. Klaas, and H.J. Völk

10Single and Crystalized Ions in Ultra-Intense Laser Pulses

K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, U. D. Jentschura, and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 634, 71-78 (2002)

9Relativistic laser-particle interaction: From single electrons to multi-particle systems

G. R. Mocken, Y. I. Salamin, K. Z. Hatsagortsyan, and C. H. Keitel
AIP Conference Proceedings 611, 44 (2002)

8 Cold Dust in M33

H. Hippelein, M. Haas, D. Lemke, M. Stickel, R. J. Tuffs, U. Klaas, and H. J. Völk
Proceedings of the Workshop on P32 Oversampled Mapping - ISOPHOT : 12 - 16 February 2001/12 - 16 March 2001, VILSPA ISO Data Centre, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain, (VILSPAS), 26 - 30 March 2001, IPAC Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, Pasadena, USA, (IPAC), 79-82 (2002)

7 P32 scans across the Dark Cloud L1166(CB236)

R. J. Tuffs, P. J. Richards, and M. Haas
Proceedings of the Workshop on P32 Oversampled Mapping - ISOPHOT : 12 - 16 February 2001/12 - 16 March 2001, VILSPA ISO Data Centre, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain, (VILSPAS), 26 - 30 March 2001, IPAC Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, Pasadena, USA, (IPAC), 87-92 (2002)

6 Electrons and Ions in relativistic Laser Fields

Y. I. Salamin, M. W. Walser, S. Hu, and C. H. Keitel
Atoms, solids, and plasmas in super-intense laser fields : [proceedings of the 30th Course of the International School of Quantum Electronics on Atoms, Solids and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser Fields, held at the Ettore Majorana International Centre for Scientific Culture in July 8-14, 2000, in Erice, Sicily, Italy], 273-284 (2001)

5Control of optical properties of materials by atomic coherence and quantum interference effects

M. A. Martinez, P. R. Herzfeld, L. M. Narducci, Samuels C., and C. H. Keitel
SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwave and Optoelectronics (IMOC) : Proceedings, 239-244 (1997)

4Subnatural linewidth in large optical fields

L. M. Narducci, C. H. Keitel, G. Oppo, and M. O. Scully
AIP Conference Proceedings 328, 251 (1995)

3 Measuring information via Glauber's Q-representation

C. H. Keitel and K. Wodkiewicz

2 Sub-natural linewidth and other coherent phenomena in driven multilevel systems

L. M. Narducci, M. O. Scully, C. H. Keitel, S. Y. Zhu, H. M. Doss, A. S. Manka, and G. L. Oppo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers '91 (1992)

1 Atomic coherence via quantum interference of incoherent processes

M. Fleischhauer and C. H. Keitel
Santa Fe Workshop Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, 342-348 (1992)