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Mutual Effects of Radiation Field and Cosmic Rays on the Neutral and Molecular Interstellar Medium

Y. F. Wong
Dissertation (2024)

Application of Artificial Neural Networks in GERDA for the search of neutrinoless double β-decay of 76Ge

V. Bothe
Dissertation (2024)

Mathematical methods for modelling the transport of energetic particles in tenuous astrophysical plasmas

N. Schween
Dissertation (2024)

Gamma-ray emission and absorption in the inner few parsecs of the Galactic Centre

F. Conte
Dissertation (2024)

Improvements to the Reconstruction of Monoscopic Events in H.E.S.S., with Application to the Analysis of a Flare of the Blazar PKS 0903-57

A. Deka Baruah
Master (2024)

Investigation of Time-Dependent Non-Linearities of Photomultiplier Tubes

R. Pretsch
Bachelor (2024)

Improving H.E.S.S Monoscopic Gamma-Hadron Separation at Low Energies and Application to the Vela Pulsar

P. Bedur Ramesh
Master (2024)

Robust Photomultiplier Tube Frontend Electronics and In-Field Cluster Nodes for the Southern Wide-Field Gamma-Ray Observatory

F. Haist
Dissertation (2023)

Probing particle acceleration in stellar binary systems using gamma-ray observations

S. Steinmaßl
Dissertation (2023)

Resolving particle acceleration and transport in the jets of the microquasar SS 433 with H.E.S.S. and HAWC

L. Olivera-Nieto
Dissertation (2023)

The SST camera for CTA: the commissioning facility and first measurements

I. Sofia
Master (2023)

Data Acquistion for Germanium-Detector Arrays

M. Schütt
Dissertation (2022)

Towards an Understanding of Galactic Ultra-high Energy γ-ray Emission

M. Breuhaus
Dissertation (2022)

Algorithms for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes

R. Marx
Dissertation (2022)

Search and first detection of very-high-energy photons in gamma-ray bursts: an analysis with HAWC and H.E.S.S.

E. L. Ruiz Velasco
Dissertation (2021)

Probing the Spatial and Spectral Distribution of Galactic Cosmic Rays with High-Energy Gamma-Rays

G. Peron
Dissertation (2020)

The FlashCam camera for CTA: trigger verification and fluorescence light detection capabilities

S. Sailer
Dissertation (2020)

Data Analysis for Citizen-science Cosmic Ray Muon Detector

P. Kesavadas
Master (2020)

Board design for a citizen-science cosmic ray muon detector

S. Ramakrishnan
Master (2020)

Observing Large-scale Structures in the Gamma-ray Sky

P. Surajbali
Dissertation (2020)

Cherenkov Camera and Analysis Development for Highest-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy

J. Zorn
Dissertation (2019)

Nonthermal Processes Near Supermassive Black Holes

G. Katsoulakos
Dissertation (2019)

The TeV γ-ray emission of the Galactic Plane: HAWC and H.E.S.S. observations of the Galactic Plane and detailed study of the region surrounding 2HWC J1928+177

A. Jardin-Blicq
Dissertation (2019)

Reconstruction and Analysis of Highest Energy γ-Rays and its Application to Pulsar Wind Nebulae

V. Joshi
Dissertation (2019)

Low-Noise Charge Amplifier for the LEGEND-200 Cooperation

N. Lukezic
Bachelor (2019)

Characterising light concentrators for CTA and optimising the data selection to improve angular resolution and sensitivity

S. S. Pürckhauer
Dissertation (2018)

The Galactic Gamma-ray Source Population between 10 GeV and 50 TeV

A. Donath
Dissertation (2018)

Hochenergetische Gammastrahlung aus dem Galaktischen Zentrum

J. King
Dissertation (2018)

Determination of the angular distribution of cosmic ray muons and Development of a low-cost silicon detector

H. W. H. Borras
Bachelor (2018)

Inclusive V0 Production at the LHC

O. Aquines Gutiérrez
Dissertation (2017)

Nonthermal Processes of Fast Outflows from Astrophysical Objects

X. Sun
Dissertation (2017)

The High-energy Emission of GRBs and the Propagations of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays

K. Wang
Dissertation (2017)

Beobachtungen Aktiver Galaktischer Kerne mit den H.E.S.S. Cherenkov-Teleskopen und dem Fermi-LAT im hochenergetischen γ-Bereich und Optimierung des Antriebssystems des HESS II Teleskops

F. Ait Benkhali
Dissertation (2017)

Separation of gamma-Ray, Electron and Proton induced Air Showers applied to Diffuse Emission Studies with H.E.S.S.

T. C. Edwards
Dissertation (2017)

Optical Efficiency Calibration for Inhomogeneous IACT Arrays and a Detailed Study of the Highly Extended Pulsar Wind Nebula HESS J1825-137

A. M. W. Mitchell
Dissertation (2016)

Electron and Positron Acceleration at Pulsar Wind Termination Shocks

S. Giacchè
Dissertation (2016)

H.E.S.S. observations of Sgr A*

H. Poon
Dissertation (2016)

Gamma-ray Emission from the Molecular Clouds and the Origin and Transport of Cosmic Rays in the Galaxy

S. Casanova
Habilitation (2016)

Constraining sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays and shear acceleration mechanism of particles in relativistic jets

R. Liu
Dissertation (2015)

Search for the B0d,s → K*0K0s decays at LHCb

M. Fontana
Dissertation (2014)

GRASP : Development of an event reconstruction method using a Gamma Ray Air Shower Parameterisation and application to γ-ray sources with H.E.S.S.

A. Hillert
Dissertation (2014)

Search for the neutrinoless double ß-decay in Gerda Phase I using a Pulse Shape Discrimination technique

A. Kirsch
Dissertation (2014)

The GALEX-GAMA Survey and its Application to the Statistical Inference of the Attenuation of Starlight by Dust in Spiral Galaxies

E. Andrae
Dissertation (2014)

Towards the H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey Gamma-Ray Source Catalog

A. Donath
Master (2014)

Gamma-Ray Astrophysics

F. M. Rieger
Habilitation (2014)

Supernova Remnants with H.E.S.S.: Systematic Analysis and Population Synthesis

J. Hahn
Dissertation (2014)

Development of the Monte Carlo event generator tuning software package Lagrange and its application to tune the PYTHIA model to the LHCb data

D. Popov
Dissertation (2013)

The Evolution of Spiral Galaxies in the Group Environment

M. W. Grootes
Dissertation (2013)

Radiation signatures of nuclear reactions in very hot astrophysical plasmas

E. Kafexhiu
Dissertation (2013)

Propagation and radiation of ultrarelativistic particles in magnetic fields in different astrophysical environments

A. Prosekin
Dissertation (2013)

An advanced direction reconstruction technique and application to the observation with H.E.S.S.

C. Lu
Dissertation (2013)

Non-thermal Radiation Processes in Relativistic Outflows from AGN

E. Lefa
Dissertation (2012)

Nonlinear waves in Poynting-flux dominated outflows

I. Mochol
Dissertation (2012)

A Study of Transient Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts and Supernovae with H.E.S.S.

D. Lennarz
Dissertation (2012)

Event correlation analysis of the Galactic Centre region

R. Marx
Master (2012)

HESS and Fermi surveys of the galactic gamma-ray source population

C. Deil
Dissertation (2011)

The extended H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane survey: Discovering and identifying new sources of VHE γ-rays

R. C. G. Chaves
Dissertation (2011)

A systematic study of Supernova Remnants as seen with H.E.S.S.

A. Bochow
Dissertation (2011)

Non-Linear Waves in the Laboratory and in Astrophysics: Pair Production in Counter-Propagating Laser Beams and Strong Waves in Pulsar Winds

I. Arka
Dissertation (2011)

Noise measurements of the GERDA preamplifier

L. Gamer
Bachelor (2011)

Characterization of Junction Gate Field-Effect Transistors at Room Temperature and 77K

J. Geist
Bachelor (2011)

On the Origin of the Unusually Hard γ-ray Spectra of TeV Blazars

O. Zacharopoulou
Dissertation (2010)

Dust emission and star formation of the Stephan`s Quintet compact group of galaxies

G. Natale
Dissertation (2010)

Modeling the galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission

A. Hillert
Diploma (2010)

Search for high energy neutrinos from our galaxy with IceCube

Y. Sestayo de la Cerra
Dissertation (2010)

A detailed study of the H.E.S.S. data from the galactic center region

D. Nekrassov
Dissertation (2010)

Development of an advanced gamma/hadron separation technique and application to particular gamma-ray sources with H.E.S.S.

S. Ohm
Dissertation (2010)

Modelling the inverse compton emission from pulsar wind nebulae

J. Hahn
Diploma (2010)

Modelling Galactic Gamma-ray source populations

A. Donath
Bachelor (2010)

Untersuchungen zur Totschicht von BEGe-Detektoren im Rahmen des GERDA Experiments

S. Georgi
Bachelor (2010)

Testing a Single-CCD-Concept for the H.E.S.S. II Pointing

J. Herpich
Bachelor (2010)

Investigating systematics in the energy reconstruction of the H.E.S.S. telescopes

R. Gast
Diploma (2009)

Software Alignment of the LHCb Inner Tracker Sensors

F. Maciuc
Dissertation (2009)

The Energy Spectrum of Cosmic-Ray Electrons Measured with H.E.S.S.

K. Egberts
Dissertation (2009)

Two exceptional flares of the active galaxy PKS 2155-304 at very high energy γ-rays and their implications on blazar and fundamental physics

R. Bühler
Dissertation (2009)

Infrared Properties of the Halo, Bulge and Disk of the Edge-On Galaxy NGC 7814

E. Simmat
Diploma (2009)

A Study of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Extragalactic Objects with H.E.S.S.

D. Nedbal
Dissertation (2008)

Emitters of VHE γ-radiation as revealed by the H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey

S. Hoppe
Dissertation (2008)

Diffusive shock acceleration in radiation dominated environments

G. Vannoni
Dissertation (2008)

Measurements for the Characterization of the Thermal Shield of the Cryostat for the GERDA Experiment

E. A. Dileklioglu
Master (2008)

Statistical correlation studies of astrophysical objects with H.E.S.S. data

I. K. Wenig
Diploma (2008)

Suche nach extragalaktischen Punktquellen von TeV-Gammastrahlung mit H.E.S.S.

T. Herr
Diploma (2008)

Analysis of H.E.S.S. Data on the Supernova Remnants Keplers SNR, Vela Junior and SN1006 and The Smart Pixel Camera: A Camera for Future Cherenkov Telescopes

D. Hauser
Dissertation (2007)

Microsecond time resolution optical photometry with H.E.S.S.

C. Deil
Diploma (2007)

Pulsar Wind Nebulae with H.E.S.S.: Establishing a Connection between high-power Pulsars and very-high-energy gamma-ray Sources

S. Carrigan
Dissertation (2007)

Multi-frequency synchrotron self-Compton models of the brightness temperature problem in compact extra-galactic radio sources

O. Tsang
Dissertation (2007)

Measurement of the momentum spectrum of cosmic ray muons at a depth of 320 mwe

N. O. Hashim
Dissertation (2007)

Improving the Pointing Precision of the H.E.S.S. Experiment

I. Braun
Dissertation (2007)

60 Co background at the GERDA experiment

G. Bonvini
Diploma (2007)

Very high energy radiation from binary system PSR B1259-63/SS 2883

S. Hnatic
Dissertation (2007)

Algorithmen zur Gamma-Hadron-Separation mit den H.E.S.S.-Teleskopen

S. Ohm
Diploma (2007)

Design of the mechanical components of the central telescope H.E.S.S. phase II

P. Noguera Crespo
Diploma (2006)

Hyperon Production in Proton-Nucleus Collisions at a Center-of-Mass Energy of psNN = 41.6 GeV at HERA-B and Design of Silicon Microstrip Detectors for Tracking at LHCb

M. Agari
Dissertation (2006)

Development, Optimisation and Characterisation of a Radiation Hard Mixed-Signal Readout Chip for LHCb

S. Löchner
Dissertation (2006)

A detailed study of the gamma-ray supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 with H.E.S.S.

D. Berge
Dissertation (2006)

Test und Inbetriebnahme einer Kamera für Cherenkov Teleskope

B. Glück
Diploma (2006)

Das Spektrum der kosmischen Elektronen gemessen mit H.E.S.S.

K. Egberts
Diploma (2005)

A new population of very high-energy gamma-ray sources detected with H.E.S.S. in the inner part of the Milky Way

S. Funk
Dissertation (2005)

Aufbau eines Messsystems für Reflektionsmessungen an H.E.S.S. Teleskopen

E. Schreiber
Diploma (2005)

Detektion schwerer Kerne in der kosmischen Höhenstrahlung mit HESS

R. Bühler
Diploma (2005)

Absolute Energiekalibration der abbildenden Cherenkov-Teleskope des H.E.S.S. Experiments und Ergebnisse erster Beobachtungen des Supernova-Überrests RX J1713.7-3946

O. Bolz
Dissertation (2004)

Sub-Bogenminuten-genaue Positionen von TeV-Quellen mit H.E.S.S.

S. Gillessen
Dissertation (2004)

Optical search for giant pulses of the crab pulsar with H.E.S.S.

P. Krötz
Diploma (2004)

Untersuchung verschiedener Photodetektortypen für den Einsatz im HESS-Projekt und Entwicklung einer Messumgebung

S. Hanke
Diploma (2004)

Entwicklung und Test einer Smart-Pixel-Kamera für hohe Ausleseraten

D. Hauser
Diploma (2004)

Messung der Lichtkurve des Crab-Pulsars im optischen Spektralbereich zum Nachweis der Eignung des Zeitnahmesystems von H.E.S.S. für Pulsationsmessungen

A. Franzen
Diploma (2003)

Die Rohdatenüberwachung des Siliziumvertexdetektors von HERA-B und die A-Abhängigkeit des phi-Produktionsquerschnitts in Proton-Kern-Kollisionen bei 920 GeV Protonenstrahlenergie

T. Jagla
Dissertation (2003)

Entwicklung der Spiegelmechanik, Eichung der Kamera und erste Ergebnisse zum Nachweis hochenergetischer γ-Strahlung aus Richtung des Krebsnebels und PKS 2155-304 mit dem ersten H.E.S.S.-Teleskop

I. Jung
Dissertation (2003)

Untersuchung des Gesichtsfelds der HEGRA-Kamera auf unbekannte TeV-gamma- Quellen

M. Girma
Dissertation (2003)

Development and Characterisation of a Radiation Hard Readout Chip for the LHCb-Experiment

D. Baumeister
Dissertation (2003)

Hyperon Produktion in Proton-Nucleus Collisions at 42 GeV Center of Mass Energy

M. Britsch
Diploma (2003)

Charakterisierung und Test eines H.E.S.S. Kameramodules

A. Neumann
Diploma (2002)

Measurement of inclusive Λ/Λbar hyperon polarisation in proton nucleus collisions at 920 GeV proton beam energy

M. Pleier
Dissertation (2002)

TeV-γ-Emission des Supernova-Überrestes Cassiopeia A: Erster Nachweis mit dem HEGRA-Cherenkov-Teleskop-System

G. Pühlhofer
Dissertation (2001)

Search for the decay of charmed mesons with the HERA-B detector in proton-nucleon collisions at √s = 42 GeV

M. Agari
Diploma (2001)

Development of fast sampling transient recorders with custom ASICs

C. O. Chitu
Dissertation (2000)