Bibliographic Databases
Reverse Search Citations
Citation Linker is a resource that allows researchers to reverse-search a citation to locate the corresponding journal article. It will link to the full text of an online article if the MPIK or MPG subscribes to it.
Web of Science
Access to the WoS is only available from inside the MPIK-Network.
Explore top high-impact journals with powerful tools such as cited reference searching and Author Finder. 256 categories thoroughly cover the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)--1900-present
- Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)--1956-present
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)--1975-present
Scopus from Elsevier is a multidisciplinary database including citation searching and therefore a competitor to the Web of Science.
Advantage of Scopus
- extensive coverage of journals, technical reports, conference papers, non-English literature.
- author identifier - Scopus tries to keep track of all name variants of an author and his affiliations.
- affiliation identifier - Scopus tries to keep track off all names of an institution and its branches.
- abstracts of older literature are included.
Drawback of Scopus
- references starting in the year 1996, direct comparison of citation values from Web of Science to Scopus are very sensitive to correct time limits.
- Scopus coverage of older literature depends strongly on the scientific field.
Springer Materials
Access to Springer Materials is only available from inside the MPIK-Network.
Springer Materials is based on the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. It is a systematic & comprehensive resource of selected and critically assessed data explained in their scientific context.
Proquest Dissertations and Thesis'
Search dissertations worldwide. It is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses, with over 2.3 million dissertations. More than 925,000 dissertations and thesis are available for download.
Journal Citation Index
It provides information about academic journals in the natural sciences and social sciences, including impact factors.