Diploma / Master
Velocity-Map Imaging with an XUV Frequency Comb
N. Lackmann
Master (2024)
Ground State Cooling of a Single Beryllium Ion in a Superconducting Paul Trap
S. Kokh
Master (2024)
An ultra-stable optical reference cavity for spectroscopy of highly charged ions
R. Henninger
Master (2024)
Coherent control of electron emission direction in helium with ω-2ω SASE FEL pulses
M. Ali Mourtada
Master (2024)
Controlling resonant absorption in helium using intense XUV FEL pulses in combination with HHG transient-absorption spectroscopy
A. Saha
Master (2024)
Optimisation of a Nonlinear Pulse Compression Multi-Pass Cell
F. Sieber
Master (2024)
Pound-Drever-Hall Locking an Infrared Fibre Laser to a High-Finesse ULE Cavity
C. Volk
Master (2023)
TrapREMI as a Tool for Investigating Ion-Atom Collisions
I. Zebergs
Master (2023)
Nonlinear pulse compression in a dispersion tunable multi-pass cell
P. Nagpal
Master (2023)
Multiphoton Ionization of Helium with Extreme Ultraviolet Light at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg
M. Straub
Master (2022)
Strong-field effects on singly excited vibronic resonances in the hydrogen molecule.
P. Barber Belda
Master (2022)
Entwicklung und Test einer Quelle atomaren Wasserstoffs duch thermische Dissoziation
M. G. Jung
Master (2022)
Experimental Determination of Relative Electron Collision Excitation Cross Sections of Highly Charged Tin in an EBIT
M. Botz
Master (2022)
Automatic mode optimization of an optical resonator via hill climbing
P. Knauer
Master (2021)
Two-Particle Quantum Interference and Bell’s Theorem
M. Epple
Master (2021)
Design of a setup for flexible, dispersion-compensated nonlinear femtosecond laser pulse compression adapted to an extreme ultraviolet frequency comb
S. Angstenberger
Master (2021)
Investigation of the M-shell unresolved transition array of aluminium-like iron using monochromatic soft x-ray synchrotron radiation
M. Togawa
Master (2021)
Experimental realization of strong-field pump-probe measurements on aluminium chloride phthalocyanine in the liquid phase and first results
A. Persch
Master (2020)
Strong-Field-Driven Electron Dynamics near an Ionization Threshold
T. V. Heldt
Master (2020)
Cryogenic Characterization of a Microchannel Plate Detector
L. Endres
Master (2020)
Probing Doubly Excited States with Intense XUV Pulses in the Time Domain
P. Friebel
Master (2020)
Production and preparation of highly charged ions for re-trapping in ultra-cold environments
M. K. Rosner
Master (2019)
Development and characterization of a femtosecond-pulse compressor
A. Ackermann
Master (2019)
Frequenz-, Leistungs- und Positionsstabilisierung von UV-Lasersystemen für Frequenzmetrologie mit hochgeladenen Ionen
S. Bogen
Master (2019)
Imaging of Coulomb crystals in a cryogenic Paul trap experiment
C. Warnecke
Master (2019)
Doubly-Excited Helium Strongly Driven with Short and Long Wavelength Pulses
A. Magunia
Master (2018)
Multiphoton Ionisation of Lithium from an optical Dipole Trap
M. Weegen
Master (2018)
Towards multidimensional spectroscopy experiments in the XUV
C. da Costa Castanheira
Master (2018)
Setup of a vibration-suppressed cryogenic system for a RF ion trap with minimum micromotion
L. J. Spieß
Master (2018)
Experimental observation of ultrashort laser pulse effects on the autoionization dynamics of argon atoms
A. Ivanovic
Master (2017)
Theoretical and Experimental Studies of XUV Multielectron (Auto-)Ionization Dynamics in Helium and Molecular Hydrogen
G. D. Borisova
Master (2017)
Visualization and Simulation of Laser-Induced Fullerene Fragmentation
K. Sdeo
Master (2017)
Isotopic shift measured with a spin-orbit wave packet
S. Botsi
Master (2017)
Resonant Multi-Photon Ionization Experiments on Neon Monomers and Dimers Augmented by Pulse Intensity and Wavelength Diagnostics
H. C. Lindenblatt
Master (2017)
Time-Resolved Study of Double-Ionization of Atoms
F. Shobeiry
Master (2017)
Inbetriebnahme und Charakterisierung einer Elektronenkanone mit optischem Zugang zur Strahlachse in einer kompakten Elektronenstrahlionenfalle
S. Kühn
Master (2017)
Time-dependent Strong-Field Effects in Atoms and Molecules observed by Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
P. Birk
Master (2016)
Characterization of Few-Cycle Laser Pulses
M. Hartmann
Master (2016)
Simulation, Aufbau und Test eines Velocity-Map-Imaging-Spektrometers zur Untersuchung niederenergetischer Photoelektronen
P. Froß
Master (2016)
XUV Free-Electron Laser Experiments on Weakly Bound Dimers: Construction of a Water-Dimer Jet Source and Resonance-Enhanced ICD in Ne2
S. M. Meister
Master (2016)
Measurement of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules with intense XUV FEL radiation
L. Aufleger
Master (2016)
Lasersysteme für die Präzisionsspektroskopie sympathetisch gekühlter hochgeladener Ionen
S. Feuchtenbeiner
Master (2015)
Umbau und Inbetriebnahme eines MOTReMi-Aufbaus für zukünftige Experimente mit ultrakaltem 6Li
C. Bogda
Master (2015)
Time-resolved strong field effects in transient-absorption spectroscopy of two-electron systems
V. Stooß
Master (2015)
Optische Spektroskopie an hochgeladenen Bismut-Ionen und Konstruktion eines hochauflösenden VUV-Gitterspektrometers
M. Blessenohl
Master (2015)
Design ultrastabiler Hochfrequenzfelder für die Langzeitspeicherung hochgeladener Ionen
J. Stark
Master (2015)
Injektion, Speicherung und Abbildung hochgeladener Argon-Ionen in der kryogenen Paul-Falle CryPTEx
B. Piest
Master (2015)
Design and construction of an experimental setup for multidimensional spectroscopy in the XUV/ soft-X-ray spectral region
M. Rebholz
Master (2015)
Untersuchung von K-LL-Resonanzen dielektronischer Rekombination und simultaner Innerschalen-Vakuum-Ultraviolett Übergänge in hochgeladenem Eisen mit einer Elektronenstrahl- Ionenfalle
S. Dobrodey
Master (2014)
Vermessung vom hochgeladenen Iridium mithilfe eines neuen Kontrollsystems
D. Hollain
Master (2014)
Time-resolved spectroscopy of autoionizing states in few-electron systems
T. Ding
Master (2013)
Time-resolved spectroscopy of autoionizing states in few-electron systems
T. Ding
Master (2013)
Construction and characterization of a new Reaction Microscope
M. Laux and T. Pfeifer
Diploma (2011)
Phase-matched few-cycle high-harmonic generation: ionisation gating and half-cycle cutoffs
M. Schönwald
Diploma (2010)