Seminar gespeicherte und gekühlte Ionen
- 11.12.2024, 13:30 Uhr, Dr. Deepak Sharma, MPIK: Dynamics of molecular ions in an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap
- 13.11.2024, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Peter Plattner, MPIK/CERN: The nuclear charge radius of 26mAl and its implication for Vud in the quark mixing matrix
- 25.10.2024, 11:15 Uhr, Prof. Maxime Brodeur, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA: Testing the Standard Model with the help of St. Benedict at Notre Dame
- 02.10.2024, 14:00 Uhr, Prof. Nikolay Minkov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Models for nuclear masses and separation energies
- 24.07.2024, 15:00 Uhr, Charlotte König, MPIK: Spectroscopy of Single Molecular Hydrogen Ions at ALPHATRAP for Tests of Fundamental Physics
- 26.06.2024, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Frank Wienholtz, Institute for Nuclear Physics, TU Darmstadt: Probing the surface of atomic nuclei with antiprotons
- 29.05.2024, 15:00 Uhr, Jost Herkenhoff, MPIK: Towards sympathetic cooling of particles using electron cyclotron radiation at the ELCOTRAP experiment
- 17.04.2024, 15:00 Uhr, Viviane Schmidt, MPIK: How rotation reshapes the decay of diatomic molecules
- 31.01.2024, 15:00 Uhr, Olesia Bezrodnova, MPIK: The Mass of Helium-3 - the Last Missing Piece in the Light Ion Mass Puzzle
- 17.01.2024, 15:00 Uhr, Stefan Dickopf, MPIK: Precision ground-state hyperfine and Zeeman spectroscopy on 9Be ions
- 06.12.2023, 15:00 Uhr, Christopher Jakob, MPIK: MOCCA - A 4k-pixel microcalorimeter detector for CSR
- 02.08.2023, 15:00 Uhr, Caroline Rodenbeck, KIT: Determining the absolute energy scale of KATRIN
- 25.05.2023, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Michele Sguazzin, LP2i Bordeaux: Study of surrogate reactions at heavy ion storage rings
- 10.05.2023, 15:00 Uhr, PD Dr. Sven Sturm, MPIK: Comparing positron and electron with the Lepton Symmetry Experiment (LSyM)
- 19.04.2023, 15:30 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Jean-Philippe Karr, Université d'Evry-Val d'Essonne, France: Perspectives in hydrogen molecular ion spectroscopy
- 11.01.2023, 15:15 Uhr, Menno Door, MPIK: High-precision determination of Ytterbium isotope mass-ratios for King Plot Analysis
- 07.12.2022, 15:00 Uhr, Felix Nüsslein, MPIK: New Lifetime Limit for the Ground State Vinylidene Anion H2CC-
- 16.11.2022, 15:00 Uhr, Matthias Heinz, TU Darmstadt and MPIK: Recent progress in ab initio nuclear structure calculations with the in-medium similarity renormalization group
- 02.11.2022, 15:00 Uhr, JProf. Dr. Skyler Degenkolb, Universität Heidelberg, Physikalisches Institut: CANCELED New approaches to old problems: ultracold neutrons and the electric dipole moment
- 19.10.2022, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Timothy Chupp, University of Michigan: Quantum Sensors for Fundamental Physics Experiments
- 27.07.2022, 15:00 Uhr, Charlotte König, MPIK: Hyperfine spectroscopy of a single HD+ ion at ALPHATRAP
- 13.07.2022, 15:00 Uhr, Leonard Isberner, MPIK: First dielectronic recombination studies at the CSR
- 08.06.2022, 15:00 Uhr, Antonia Schneider, MPIK: Direct measurement of the 3He+ and 3He2+ magnetic moments
- 01.06.2022, 15:00 Uhr, Annika Oetjens, MPIK: Planning and testing the laser beam transfer line at the CSR
- 12.01.2022, 15:00 Uhr, Sangeetha Puthukodath, MPIK: High-precision determination of the atomic mass of Helium-4 at the LIONTRAP experiment
- 08.12.2021, 15:00 Uhr, Viviane Schmidt, MPIK: The role of rotational excitation on the decay channels of anionic dimers
- 01.12.2021, 16:00 Uhr, Dr. Takayuki Miyagi, TU Darmstadt: Towards heavy-mass region from first principles
- 17.11.2021, 15:00 Uhr, Jonathan Morgner, MPIK: Test of bound-state QED in strong electric fields: Measurement of bound electron g-factors in highly charged tin
- 14.07.2021, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Alexander Rischka, MPIK: Towards a Penning Trap based Quantum Simulator
- 16.06.2021, 15:00 Uhr, Abel Kalosi, MPIK: Threefold role of electrons in collisions with molecular ions at CSR
- 02.06.2021, 15:00 Uhr, Laszlo Varga, GSI Darmstadt: Recent proton-capture experiments in the Experimental Storage Ring of GSI
- 12.05.2021, 15:00 Uhr, Tim Sailer, MPIK: Coupled ions in a Penning trap: A new measurement technique
- 21.04.2021, 15:00 Uhr, Christoph Schweiger, MPIK: High-precision mass measurements for neutrino physics with PENTATRAP
- 13.01.2021, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Manfred Grieser, MPIK: Isochronous Mass Spectrometry in the CSR
- 09.12.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Alexander Tichai, TU Darmstadt: Recent Advances in Ab Initio Nuclear Structure Theory
- 18.11.2020, 14:30 Uhr, Ragandeep Singh Sidhu, GSI Darmstadt: Measurement of the bound-state beta decay of bare 205Tl81+ ions at the Experimental Storage Ring
- 21.10.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Liss Vazquez Rodriguez, CERN: Laser spectroscopy of tin isotopes: simplicity from complexity.
- 08.07.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Jonathan Morgner, MPIK: Developments towards high-fidelity entangling gates in a surface-electrode ion trap
- 01.07.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Alexander Egl, MPIK: High-Precision Laser Spectroscopy of the Fine Structure in 40Ar13+ at ALPHATRAP
- 27.05.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Daniel Paul, MPIK: Rotational state selective electron recombination of CH+ molecules
- 13.05.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Manfred Grieser, MPIK: Investigation of dispersive heating effects in the CSR electron target
- 22.04.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Matthew Bohman, MPIK: Toward Sympathetic Cooling of Protons
- 29.01.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Damian Müll, MPIK: Metastable states of the silicon anion observed in CSR
- 22.01.2020, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Yeunhwan Lim, TU Darmstadt/MPIK: Nuclear Equation of State for Hot Dense Matter
- 27.11.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Frank Arnold, MPIK: Atmospheric Nanoparticles: Formation and Effects New insights from Mass Spectrometric measurements aboard Rockets, Balloons and airplanes
- 30.10.2019, 14:00 Uhr, Rima Schüssler, MPIK: Discovery of metastable electronic states using Penning-trap mass spectrometry
- 03.07.2019, 15:00 Uhr, PD Dr. Sebastian Kempf, Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University: Application and potential benefits of SQUIDs for precision experiments in Penning traps
- 29.05.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Oliver Kaleja, MPIK/GSI Darmstadt: Direct high-precision mass spectrometry of (super-)heavy elements at SHIPTRAP
- 08.05.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Rodric Seutin, MPIK/TU Darmstadt: Electromagnetic currents from chiral effective field theory: results for two- and three-body systems
- 24.04.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Emiliano Piselli, CERN: CERN proton synchrotron beam optimization tool
- 17.04.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Felix Nüßlein, MPIK: Electrostatic ion injection and magnetic mass spectrometer calibration
- 23.01.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Tommi Eronen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland: Mass Measurements and More Utilizing the PI-ICR Technique at JYFLTRAP
- 16.01.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Sunny Saurabh, MPIK - CANCELED: Electron collision resonance line-shapes at the CSR electron cooler
- 09.01.2019, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Wenjia Huang, MPIK: The Atomic Mass Evaluation 2016 and the coil design for PENTATRAP
- 14.11.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Patrick Wilhelm, MPIK: Electron cooling at the CSR
- 17.10.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Beatriz Jurado, Centre Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan: Indirect measurements of neutron-induced cross sections at heavy-ion storage rings
- 25.07.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Frank Arnold, MPIK: Aircraft Emissions: Impact on Climate and Air Quality
- 27.06.2018, 09:30 Uhr, Rodney Orford (McGill University, Montreal): Mass measurements of rare-earth isotopes with the Canadian Penning Trap
- 20.06.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Pauline Yzombard (MPIK): Toward the laser cooling of antimatter, within the AEgIS experiment
- 09.05.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Alexander Rischka, MPIK: The high-precision mass spectrometer PENTATRAP and its application to neutrino physics
- 18.04.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Malcolm James Simpson, Institute for Ion and Applied Physics, University of Innsbruck: Photodetachment Spectroscopy of CN- and C3N- in a 22-Pole Ion Trap
- 17.01.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Martin Eibach, GSI Darmstadt: Precise Atomic Mass Measurements for Tests of Fundamental Interactions
- 10.01.2018, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Alexandre Obertelli, TU Darmstadt: PUMA: a trap project for antiprotons and short-lived nuclei
- 13.12.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Arindam Sikdar, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India: Studies of fission time anomaly in very heavy nuclei and Penning-trap studies
- 29.11.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Bingsheng Tu, MPIK: Studies of photorecombination process and plasma simulation at an electron beam ion trap
- 08.11.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Rodric Seutin, TU Darmstadt: Development of electroweak currents in light nuclei
- 25.10.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Christoph Schweiger, MPIK: A room-temperature EBIT as a source of highly-charged 163-Ho for the PENTATRAP experiment
- 12.07.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Lukas Huth, TU Darmstadt: Shell-Model Interactions From Chiral Effective Field Theory
- 28.06.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Stefan Erlewein, MPIK: Trapping of negative ions in a linear Paul trap
- 31.05.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Tim Sailer: 9Be1+ ions for laser cooling in the ALPHATRAP g-factor experiment
- 10.05.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Akira Noda, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Japan: Approach for Re-Acceleration of Radioactive 11C Ion Beam by HIMAC - Toward Real-Time High Precision Dose Distribution Measurement
- 19.04.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Stefan Schmidt, GSI Darmstadt: Laser spectroscopy of Bi80,82+ in the past and in the future
- 08.02.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Fabian Heisse, MPIK: A high-precision experiment for the determination of the atomic mass of the proton
- 01.02.2017, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Sunil Kumar, MPIK: A Novel Spectroscopic Technique towards Solving the Century-old Puzzle of the Diffuse Interstellar Bands
- 13.12.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Mikhail Krivoruchenko, Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow: Neutrinoless Double Electron Capture: Current Status and Perspectives
- 07.12.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Shan-Gui Zhou (Inst. Theoretical Phys., CAS, China): Neutron halo in deformed nuclei and shape decoupling effects
- 30.11.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Milad Al-Anssari (Uni Münster): Precision mass measurements in the context of neutrino-nuclear physics
- 16.11.2016, 15:00 Uhr, PD Dr. Wolfgang Quint, GSI Darmstadt: Test of fundamental interactions by precision experiments in ion traps
- 26.10.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Georg Schneider (Uni Mainz): The BASE Experiment - CPT tests with protons and antiprotons
- 27.07.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Alexander Egl (MPIK): Laser Cooling in Penning traps
- 20.07.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Christian Meyer, MPIK: Radiative cooling of OH- anions in the CSR
- 06.07.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Kerstin Schönung (KIT, Karlsruhe): The Rear Wall - Why a gold coated plate is so important for the KATRIN experiment
- 22.06.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Loredana Gastaldo (Kirchhoff Institut für Physik, Universität Heidelberg): ECHo: A cool neutrino mass experiment
- 01.06.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Christian Breitenfeldt, MPIK: Delayed electron detachment and the internal energy of anions
- 11.05.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Hanne Heylen, KU Leuven: Shedding a light on the nuclear structure of the neutron-rich Mn isotopes
- 04.05.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Holger Podlech, IAP Frankfurt: The MYRRHA-Project: A Challenge for Accelerator Technology
- 27.01.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Szilard Nagy, MPIK: Towards ground-state properties of thermal-neutron-induced fission products with TRIGA-SPEC
- 13.01.2016, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Nathan Leefer, Uni Mainz: Searching for new physics with atomic systems
- 02.12.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Johannes Simonis, Uni Darmstadt: Three-nucleon forces: From oxygen to calcium
- 18.11.2015, 16:00 Uhr, Prof. Ed Myers, Florida State University: Atomic Mass Measurements of Tritium and Helium-3
- 04.11.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Boris Zelener, FAIR-Russia Research Center, ITEP and Kurchatov Institute: Simulations of trapping anti-hydrogen atoms. Theory and experiment
- 22.07.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Andreas Mooser, CERN: The Magnetic Moments of the Proton and the Antiproton
- 01.07.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Dmitry Strelnikov, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT): Optical Spectroscopy of Fullerene Ions in Cryogenic Matrixes. Implications for Astronomy
- 24.06.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Sebastian George, MPIK: The Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) project: commissioning and first results
- 20.05.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Phillipp Bräunig, Uni Heidelberg: Atom Optical Tools for Antimatter Experiments
- 06.05.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Frank Arnold, MPIK-Heidelberg and DLR-IPA München: Atmospheric Ions - Pioneering Mass Spectrometric Measurements on Rockets, Stratospheric Balloons, and Air Planes
- 22.04.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Laurent Wiesenfeld, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble: Molecular Collisions for Astrophysics: Theory and Experiments
- 18.03.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Dinko Atanasov: Nuclear astrophysics using precision mass measurements of ISOLTRAP
- 21.01.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Martin Höcker: Techniques in High Precision Mass Spectrometry
- 07.01.2015, 15:00 Uhr, Giovanni Cerchiari: High-precision laser spectroscopy on La$^{-}$
- 10.12.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Sunil Kumar: Photofragmentation dynamics of small gas-phase (bio)molecular ions
- 26.11.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Preeti Mishra: Collective excitation in ion-PAH collisions
- 29.10.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Fabian Schneider, Universität Mainz: First Penning Trap Mass Measurements of the $^{163}$Ho Electron Capture
- 15.10.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Andreas Wolf: A view forward to experiments in the first cold beamtime at CSR
- 23.07.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Enrique Minaya Ramirez: Recent results and achievements performed at SHIPTRAP
- 09.07.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Andreas Dörr: The PENTATRAP-experiment - status and perspectives
- 25.06.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Stephen Vogel: First measurements with diagnostics of CSR
- 11.06.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Christian Breitenfeldt: Laser-induced photodetachment of anions
- 28.05.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Christine Böhm: High precision mass measurements of neutron-deficient Tl isotopes at ISOLTRAP and an ultra stable voltage source for the PENTATRAP experiment
- 07.05.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Xavier Urbain, Univ. Catholique de Louvain: Mutual neutralization and charge transfer at low collision energies: the power of imaging
- 16.04.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Oldrich Novotny: Microcalorimeter detector - a tool for CSR
- 05.02.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Thomas Beyer: Off-line commissioning of the TRIGA-SPEC ion preparation beamline
- 22.01.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Mikhail Goncharov, MPIK: New Penning trap techniques and their applications
- 08.01.2014, 15:00 Uhr, Andreas Mooser: The proton magnetic moment
- 11.12.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Arno Becker: A neutral particle detector in the cryogenic environment of CSR
- 27.11.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Elena Jordan: Status of the AEGIS antimatter gravity experiment
- 13.11.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Manfred Grieser: The plans for first ion beams at CSR
- 16.10.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Aodh O'Connor: Neutral atom merged beams collisions at CSR
- 17.07.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Martin Eibach, MPIK: High precision mass measurements in the transuranium region
- 03.07.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Kim Kreim: Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of Potassium Nuclear Charge Radii beyond N=28
- 05.06.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Akira Noda; Universität Kyoto: Low temperature ion beams realized by beam cooling at S-LSR
- 22.05.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Michael Lange: Delayed electron emission from cobalt and copper cluster ions
- 08.05.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Kaija Spruck: Dielectronic recombination of tungsten ions with a complex electron shell
- 24.04.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Philipp Herwig: Coulomb explosion imaging of the metastable anion $D^-_2$
- 06.02.2013, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Martin Cízek/Charles University, Prague: Theoretical description of molecular anions stabilized by rotation, hydrogen and hydrogen halides
- 31.01.2013, 14:30 Uhr, Dr. Pauline Ascher, MPIK: Development of a Penning trap based isobar separator for the PIPERADE project
- 12.12.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Jochen Ketter: Secularity watch: A look at the first-order effects of $C_n$ and $B_n$
- 14.11.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Eric Herbst, University of Virginia, Charlottesville: Complex Organic Molecules (COM's) and Their Formation in Assorted Interstellar Sources
- 31.10.2012, 16:00 Uhr, Dr. Charles C. Havener, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee: Atomic and Molecular Ion Merged-Beams Experiments with Atomic H
- 17.10.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Michael Heck, MPIK: Investigation of different excitation and detection schemes of stored ions in a Penning trap
- 18.07.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Ofir Alon/Haifa: Quantum Dynamics of Ultracold Attractive Bose Gases
- 04.07.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Holger Kreckel: Nuclear spin relaxation measurements in a buffer-gas multipole ion trap
- 20.06.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Julia Repp: The commissioning of the high-precision mass spectrometer PENTATRAP and first ion production studies
- 06.06.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Christian Smorra: Resonance conditions of double-electron capture transitions investigated at TRIGA-TRAP
- 23.05.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Holger Kracke: Towards the proton g-factor: recent results
- 09.05.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Stefan Schippers/Universität Gießen: Dielectronic recombination of tungsten ions with a complex electron shell
- 25.01.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Daria Shubina: Weighting exotic nuclei with a storage ring
- 11.01.2012, 15:00 Uhr, Christian Domesle: Momentum imaging of photofragments and photoelectrons using fast ion beams
- 07.12.2011, 15:00 Uhr, Crícia de Carvalho Rodegheri: First observation of single proton spin flips in a Penning trap - status of the experiment
- 23.11.2011, 15:00 Uhr, Bian Yang: Dissociative recombination of $NH^+$: Collision energy dependence of atomic product states
- 26.10.2011, 15:00 Uhr, Marta Ubieto Diaz: Characterization of a Penning trap system for the KATRIN experiment
- 21.07.2011, 15:30 Uhr, Fedor Simkovic, Comeniu University, Bratislava: Massive neutrinos in nuclear processes
- 13.07.2011, 15:30 Uhr, Michael Kamp-Froese: Advantages of ion bunching in a cryogenic EIBT
- 29.06.2011, 15:30 Uhr, Sayyora Artikova: Beam dynamics studies and deceleration experiments with stored ion beam
- 15.06.2011, 15:30 Uhr, Holger Kreckel: Nuclear spin of interstellar H$_3^+$ and H$_2$
- 01.06.2011, 15:30 Uhr, Felix Berg: The CSR Injection Beamlines
- 04.05.2011, 15:30 Uhr, Bertram Blank/ Universität Bordeaux: Studies with proton-rich nuclei: From super-allowed beta decay to two-proton radioactivity
- 20.04.2011, 15:30 Uhr, Christoph Diehl: First mass measurements with the MPIK/UW-PTMS
- 26.01.2011, 10:00 Uhr, Rafael Ferrer, KU Leuven: Low energy beams for experiments on mass spectrometry and on laser spectroscopy
- 12.01.2011, 15:00 Uhr, Christian Roux: Status Report of PENTATRAP and Q-values for the neutrinoless double electron capture process
- 08.12.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Mathias Hamberg, University of Stockholm: Dissociative Recombination Experiments on Astrochemically Important Molecular Ions
- 24.11.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Andrey Shornikov: The ultra-low energy electron cooler for the CSR
- 10.11.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Felix Laux: Beam diagnostics using capacitive pickups at the Cryogenic Storage Ring
- 27.10.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Christine Weber, LMU München: Selected Topics studied with JYFLTRAP and MLLTRAP
- 13.10.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Daniel Fischer: Dynamics in ion-impact induced ionization of atoms
- 14.07.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Oliver Trapp, Universität Heidelberg: Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Chiral Molecules by CEI
- 30.06.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Christian Domesle: Momentum imaging of photofragments and photoelectrons from fast ion beams
- 16.06.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Sebastian Menk: Expanding Cluster Physics with the CTF
- 09.06.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Michael Holzscheiter: Antiproton Cancer Therapy - Physics meets Biology
- 19.05.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Christian Nordhorn: Dissociative recombination of deuterated formyl cations
- 05.05.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Dr. Manas Mukherjee, Raman Center for AMO Sciences: Single-ion-single-photon source and metrology for fundamental interest
- 21.04.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Dennis Neidherr: Nuclear structure studies in the xenon and radon region and the discovery of a new radon isotope by Penning trap mass spectrometry
- 13.01.2010, 15:00 Uhr, Max Berg: Vibrational spectroscopy of H3+ : advancing into the visible spectral region
- 16.12.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Jens Ketelaer: TRIGA-TRAP: High-precision mass measurements on neutron-rich fission products and actinoides
- 02.12.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Mario Mendes: Isomers in Space - Dissociative Recombination of DCND+
- 18.11.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Yuri Litvinov: Mass and lifetime measurements of stored exotic nuclei
- 11.11.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Prof. Oliver Trapp, Universität Heidelberg: Determination of the absolute configuration of chiral molecules by CEI
- 21.10.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Henrik Buhr: Hot Water in a Cool Place - Dissociative Recombination of D3O+
- 01.07.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Frank Herfurth: Highly charged ions at rest - the HITRAP project
- 17.06.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Michael Froese: Cryogenic cooling and photo-dissociation of negative aluminium clusters
- 03.06.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Julia Stützel: Three-dimensional imaging of molecular decays
- 06.05.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Sebastian George: First Ramsey-type mass measurements with ISOLTRAP and the new PENTATRAP project
- 29.04.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Claude Krantz: Intense electron beams from GaAs photocathodes
- 22.04.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Jeff Sherman, Oxford University: Demonstration of qubit readout with 99.99 percent fidelity and novel ion traps at Oxford
- 08.04.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Guenter Werth, Universitaet Mainz: Determination of the electron's mass
- 28.01.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Daniel Rodriguez: Measurements of the beta-neutrino correlation in 6He using a transparent Paul trap
- 14.01.2009, 15:00 Uhr, Sergey Eliseev: First direct mass measurement of a superheavy element with SHIPTRAP
- 17.12.2008, 15:00 Uhr, Annemieke Petrignani: Spectroscopy and collision experiments with cold H3+
- 03.12.2008, 15:00 Uhr, Sebastian Menk: Beam dynamics in the cold fast-beam ion trap CTF
- 19.11.2008, 15:00 Uhr, Sven Sturm: g Factor measurements with highly charged hydrogenlike ions
- 05.11.2008, 15:00 Uhr, David Pinegar: Seattle Penning trapping with R.S. Van Dyck Jr. - First axial resonance in 2002 to cyclotron resonance in 2008
- 22.10.2008, 14:00 Uhr, Manfred Grieser (MPI-K): Short Ion pulses in TSR - New Experiments