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Fast and accurate: probing the homogeneous biochemical stage of radiation damage with the new TRAX-CHEMxt code

G. Camazzola
Dissertation (2024)

Electronic energy level determination in the 4f-subshell in highly charged lead and the 5d-subshell in highly charged bismuth by atomic structure calculation-assisted optical spectroscopy

M. K. Rosner
Dissertation (2024)

Time-and-Energy–Resolved Electron Dynamics in Atoms and Molecules with Intense Short-Wavelength Light

A. Magunia
Dissertation (2024)

Coherent control of 6Li multiphoton ionization by a bichromatic laser field

S. Mezinska
Dissertation (2024)

Controlling two-electron systems in their excited state by an intense laser field: Strong-field ionization of atomic helium & Wave-packet manipulation in molecular hydrogen

G. D. Borisova
Dissertation (2024)

Attosecond dynamics of dipole-coupled doubly excited states in helium

S. Hu
Dissertation (2023)

Measurement of highly charged Ca and Xe ions and their sensitivity to a hypothetical fifth force beyond the Standard Model

N. Rehbehn
Dissertation (2023)

Energy and Charge Transfer in Dimers and Trimers of Xenon

H. Lindenblatt
Dissertation (2023)

Multi-Sideband Photoelectron Interferometry in Argon and Helium

D. Bharti
Dissertation (2023)

Electron impact ionization studies from atoms to complex molecules and clusters

D. M. Mootheril Thomas
Dissertation (2023)

Ultrafast Electronic Dynamics in Macroscopic Gaseous Media

Y. He
Dissertation (2023)

Time-resolved Fragmentation of Diiodomethane studied in an XUV Pump-Probe Experiment

F. Trost
Dissertation (2023)

Highly nonlinear light-matter interaction using cavity-enhanced frequency combs

J. Oelmann
Dissertation (2023)

XUV-IR pump-probe measurements on Argon, Krypton and Nitrogen

H. Srinivas
Dissertation (2023)

Controlling the time-dependent dipole response in liquid-phase targets

C. da Costa Castanheira
Dissertation (2023)

Ultrafast Laser Control of Molecular Quantum Dynamics from a Core-Electron Perspective

P. Rupprecht
Dissertation (2022)

Nonlinear spectroscopy on an autoionizing two-electron resonance in intense, extreme ultraviolet fields at a free-electron laser

L. Aufleger
Dissertation (2022)

Photoelectron spectroscopy of laser-dressed helium and sequentially ionized argon. Employing free-electron laser XUV radiation in the few-photon regime

S. Meister
Dissertation (2021)

High-precision soft X-ray transition measurements of neon-like mid-Z ions using ultra monochromatic synchrotron radiation

S. Kühn
Dissertation (2021)

Attosecond dynamics of strong-field generated ions

M. D. Hartmann
Dissertation (2021)

Attosecond Electron-Nuclear Dynamics in Photodissociation of H2 and D2

F. Shobeiry
Dissertation (2021)

Kinematically complete multiphoton ionization studies on optically trapped 6Li and 6Li2 created by single-color photoassociation

N. Kurz
Dissertation (2021)

All-XUV pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy on the dissociation dynamics of small molecules

M. A. A. Rebholz
Dissertation (2020)

TrapREMI - Development of a Reaction Microscope inside a Zajfman Trap and First Photodissociation Experiments on Stored Molecular Ions

F. F. Schotsch
Dissertation (2020)

The Dipole Response of an Ionization Threshold within Ultrashort and Strong Fields

P. Birk
Dissertation (2020)

Electron-nuclear correlation, singly-excited Rydberg states and electron emission asymmetry in multiphoton ionization of H2

P. Froß
Dissertation (2020)

An Ultralow-Noise Superconducting Radio-Frequency Ion Trap for Frequency Metrology with Highly Charged Ions

J. Stark
Dissertation (2020)

An extreme-ultraviolet frequency comb enabling frequency metrology with highly charged ions

J. Nauta
Dissertation (2020)

Fine-structure investigations in highly charged ions using spectroscopy in the vacuum ultraviolet regime

M. Blessenohl
Dissertation (2020)

Quantum Logic Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Ions

P. Micke
Dissertation (2020)

Charge-exchange studies of bare and hydrogen-like low-Z ions in the X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet ranges inside an electron beam ion trap

S. Dobrodey
Dissertation (2019)

Two-Color Pump-Probe Experiments on O2 and N2 at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg

Y. Liu
Dissertation (2019)

Strong-Field Spectroscopy: From Absorption to Time-Resolved Dynamics in Strong Fields

V. Stooß
Dissertation (2018)

Two-Color Pump-Probe Experiments on Small Quantum Systems at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg

G. Schmid
Dissertation (2018)

Kinematically complete experiments for electron induced break-up of small molecules and clusters

K. Hossen
Dissertation (2018)

Quantum dynamics in weak and strong fields measured by XUV nonlinear spectroscopy

T. Ding
Dissertation (2018)

Photoionization in strong laser fields: from atoms to complex molecules

M. Laux
Dissertation (2017)

Strong-field ionization of atoms and molecules with two-color laser pulses

Y. Mi
Dissertation (2017)

Kalte hochgeladene Ionen für Frequenzmetrologie

L. Schmöger
Dissertation (2017)

Atomic excitation and molecular dissociation by low energy electron collisions

M. Weyland
Dissertation (2016)

Optical and EUV spectroscopy of highly charged ions near the 4 f –5s level crossing

H. Bekker
Dissertation (2016)

Impulsive control of the atomic dipole response in the time and frequency domain

A. Blättermann
Dissertation (2016)

Tracing ultra-fast molecular dynamics in O2+ and N2+ with XUV–IR pump–probe experiments

P. Cörlin
Dissertation (2015)

Identification of optical transitions in complex highly charged ions for applications in metrology and tests of fundamental constants

A. Windberger
Dissertation (2015)

Bestimmung von absoluten Auger- und radiativen Zerfallsraten K-Schalen-angeregter hochgeladener Eisenionen

R. F. Steinbrügge
Dissertation (2015)

Dissociative Photoionization of Molecular Hydrogen : A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Electron-Electron Correlations induced by XUV Photoionization and Nuclear Dynamics on IR-Laser Dressed Transition States

A. Fischer
Dissertation (2015)

On the Contribution of autoionizing states to XUV radiation-induced double ionization of nitrous oxide (N2O)

M. Schönwald
Dissertation (2015)

High resolution experiments on strong-field ionization of atoms and molecules: test of tunneling theory, the role of doubly excited states, and channel-selective electron spectra

L. Fechner
Dissertation (2014)

Coherent and statistical phase control and measurements of time-dependent quantum dynamics

K. Meyer
Dissertation (2014)

Imaging Molecular Structure with Photoelectron Diffraction

R. Boll
Dissertation (2014)

One- and two-electron processes in charge transfer and single ionization in ion-lithium collisions

J. Goullon
Dissertation (2014)

Fano Resonances in the Time Domain - understanding and controlling the absorption and emission of light

A. Kaldun
Dissertation (2014)

Few-cycle multidimensional laser control of attosecond pulse generation

P. N. Raith
Dissertation (2012)

Attosecond multidimensional interferometry of single and two correlated electrons in atoms

C. R. Ott
Dissertation (2012)