Division Particle & Astroparticle Physics
Current publications of the group

Earlier publications of the group

  • Low and High Energy Phenomenology of Quark-Lepton Complementarity Scenarios
    K. A. Hochmuth and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0607103 published as: Physical Review D 75 (2007) 073001

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  • Split-SUSY versus SUSY GUTs
    N. Haba and N. Okada
    arXiv: hep-ph/0602013 published as: Progress of Theoretical Physics 116 (2007) 757-769

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  • Family Symmetry and Single Right-Handed Neutrino Dominance in Five Dimensions
    M.-T. Eisele and N. Haba
    arXiv: hep-ph/0603158 published as: Physical Review D 74 (2006) 073007

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  • Scaling Laws for the Cosmological Constant
    F. Bauer
    arXiv: gr-qc/0512007

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  • Quantum Corrections in Quintessence Models
    M. Garny
    arXiv: hep-ph/0606120 published as: Physical Review D 74 (2006) 043009

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  • Complex CKM from Spontaneous CP Violation Without Flavor Changing Neutral Current
    G. C. Branco and R. N. Mohapatra
    arXiv: hep-ph/0607271

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  • Vanishing dimension five proton decay operators in the SU(5) SUSY GUT
    N. Haba and T. Ota
    arXiv: hep-ph/0608244

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  • A universal seesaw mechanism in five dimensions
    N. Haba
    arXiv: hep-ph/0608257 published as: Physical Review D 74 (2006) 113002

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  • Leptonic Dark Energy and Baryogenesis
    F. Bauer and M.-T. Eisele and M. Garny
    arXiv: hep-ph/0510340 published as: Physical Review D 74 (2006) 023509

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  • Breaking of L_mu - L_tau Flavor Symmetry, Lepton Flavor Violation and Leptogenesis
    T. Ota and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0605231 published as: Physics Letters B 639 (2006) 322

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  • Comparison of Boltzmann Equations with Quantum Dynamics for Scalar Fields
    M. Lindner and M. M. Müller
    arXiv: hep-ph/0512147 published as: Physical Review D 73 (2006) 125002

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  • S4 Flavor Symmetry and Fermion Masses: Towards a Grand Unified theory of Flavor
    Hagedorn, C. and Lindner, M. and Mohapatra, R.N.
    arXiv: hep-ph/0602244 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics JHEP06 (2006) 1-33

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  • Constraining Mass Spectra with Sterile Neutrinos from Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, Tritium Beta Decay and Cosmology
    S. Goswami and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0512234 published as: Physical Review D 73 (2006) 113003

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  • Quark-lepton complementarity with quasidegenerate Majorana neutrinos
    A. Dighe and S. Goswami and P. Roy
    arXiv: hep-ph/0602062 published as: Physical Review D 73 (2006) 071301

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  • The Elements of the Neutrino Mass Matrix: Allowed Ranges and Implications of Texture Zeros
    A. Merle and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0603111 published as: Physical Review D 73 (2006) 073012

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  • Seesaw duality
    E. Kh. Akhmedov and M. Frigerio
    arXiv: hep-ph/0509299 published as: Physical Review Letters 96 (2006) 061802

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  • Improved Limit on theta_13 and Implications for Neutrino Masses in Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay and Cosmology
    M. Lindner and A. Merle and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0512143 published as: Physical Review D 73 (2006) 053005

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  • Twisted Flavors and Tri/bi-Maximal Neutrino Mixing
    N. Haba and A. Watanabe and K. Yoshioka
    arXiv: hep-ph/0603116 published as: Physical Review Letters 97 (2006) 041601

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  • 5D seesaw, flavor structure, and mass textures
    N. Haba
    arXiv: hep-ph/0603119 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0605 (2006) 030

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  • A Supersymmetric Contribution to the Neutrino Mass Matrix and Breaking of mu-tau Symmetry
    N. Haba and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0603206 published as: Physical Review D 74 (2006) 017701

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  • Physics and optimization of beta-beams: From low to very high gamma
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and M. Rolinec and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0506237 published as: Physical Review D 73 (2006) 053002

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  • Discrete Flavor Symmetry, Dynamical Mass Textures, and Grand Unification
    N. Haba and K. Yoshioka
    arXiv: hep-ph/0511108 published as: Nuclear Physics B 739 (2006) 254-284

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  • New contribution to dimension five operators on proton decay in anomaly mediation scenario
    N. Haba and N. Okada
    arXiv: hep-ph/0601003

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  • The See-Saw Mechanism, Neutrino Yukawa Couplings, LFV Decays l_i to l_j + gamma and Leptogenesis
    S. T. Petcov and W. Rodejohann and T. Shindou and Y. Takanishi
    arXiv: hep-ph/0510404 published as: Nuclear Physics B 739 (2006) 208

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  • Effective theoretical approach of Gauge-Higgs unification model and its phenomenological applications
    N. Haba and S. Matsumoto and N. Okada and T. Yamashita
    arXiv: hep-ph/0511046 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0602 (2006) 073

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  • Scaling in the Neutrino Mass Matrix
    R. N. Mohapatra and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0608111 published as: Physics Letters B 644 (2006) 59-66

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  • Gentner und die Kosmochemie: Hobby oder Symbiose?
    Kirsten, Till


  • Neutrino detectors in ice: results and perspectives
    Proceedings of Les Rencontres de la Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste

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  • Vacuum Energy from an Extra Dimension with UV/IR Connection
    Florian Bauer and Gerhart Seidl
    arXiv: hep-ph/0506184 published as: Physics Letters B 624 (2005) 250

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  • Renormalization Group Evolution of Dirac Neutrino Masses
    M. Lindner and M. Ratz and M. A. Schmidt
    arXiv: hep-ph/0506280 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0509 (2005) 081

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  • Deviations from Tribimaximal Neutrino Mixing
    F. Plentinger and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0507143 published as: Physics Letters B 625 (2005) 264

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  • Broken mu-tau Symmetry and Leptonic CP Violation
    R. N. Mohapatra and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0507312 published as: Physical Review D 72 (2005) 053001

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  • The Running of the Cosmological and Newton Constant controlled by the Cosmological Event Horizon
    F. Bauer
    arXiv: gr-qc/0501078 published as: Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (2005) 3533-3548

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  • Enhancement of Line Gamma Ray Signature from Bino-like Dark Matter Annihilation due to CP Violation
    S. Matsumoto and J. Sato and Y. Sato
    arXiv: hep-ph/0505160

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  • Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Future Neutrino Oscillation Precision Experiments
    Sandhya Choubey and Werner Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0506102 published as: Physical Review D 72 (2005) 033016

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  • Oscillations of high energy neutrinos in matter:Precise formalism and parametric resonance
    E. Kh. Akhmedov and M. Maltoni and A. Yu. Smirnov
    arXiv: hep-ph/0506064 published as: Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 211801

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  • Flavor Symmetry L_mu - L_tau and quasi-degenerate Neutrinos
    W. Rodejohann and M. A. Schmidt
    arXiv: hep-ph/0507300 published as: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nonaccelerator New Physics (NANP 05), Dubna, Russia, 20-25 Jun 2005 69 (2005) 1833-1841

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  • Minimal Mass Matrices for Dirac Neutrinos
    C. Hagedorn and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0503143 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0507 (2005) 034

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  • Screening of Dirac flavor structure in the seesaw and neutrino mixing
    Manfred Lindner and Michael A. Schmidt and Alexei Yu. Smirnov
    arXiv: hep-ph/0505067 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0507 (2005) 048

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  • Running Neutrino Mass Parameters in See-Saw Scenarios
    S. Antusch and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and M. Ratz and M. Schmidt
    arXiv: hep-ph/0501272 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0503 (2005) 024

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  • Future Precision Neutrino Oscillation Experiments and Theoretical Implications
    M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0503101 published as: Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium 2004: Neutrino Physics, Haga Slott, Enkoping, Sweden, 19-24 Aug 2004 (2005)

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  • Monoenergetic Neutrino Beam for Long Baseline Experiments
    J. Sato
    arXiv: hep-ph/0503144 published as: Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 131804

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  • NOvA Proposal to Build a 30 Kiloton Off-Axis Detector to Study Neutrino Oscillations in the Fermilab NuMI Beamline
    D. Ayres ... and M. Lindner et al.
    arXiv: hep-ex/0503053 published as: Fermilab-Proposal-0929 (2005)

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  • Lepton Flavor Violation in a Long Baseline Experiment
    T. Ota and J. Sato
    arXiv: hep-ph/0410408 published as: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Neutrino Factory and Superbeams, NuFact04, Osaka,Japan, July 26 - August 1, 2004, (2005)

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  • R2D2 - a symmetric measurement of reactor neutrinos free of systematical errors
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0411166 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0502 (2005) 029

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  • Signature of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with Right-Handed Neutrinos in Long Baseline Experiments
    T. Ota and J. Sato
    arXiv: hep-ph/0502124 published as: Physical Review D 71 (2005) 096004

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  • Prospects of the Coming Reactor and Accelerator Neutrino Experiments
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the XI International Workshop on "Neutrino Telescopes",February 2005, Venice, Italy (2005) 19

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  • Minimal mass matrices for Dirac neutrinos
    Hagedorn, Claudia and Rodejohann, Werner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0503143 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 07 (2005) 034

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  • A Flavor Symmetry for quasi-degenerate Neutrinos: L_mu - L_tau
    S. Choubey and W. Rodejohann
    arXiv: hep-ph/0411190 published as: The European physical journal. C, Particles and fields 40 (2005) 259-268

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  • From parameter space constraints to the precision determination of the leptonic Dirac CP phase
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0412199 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0505 (2005) 020

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  • Theory of Neutrinos
    R. N. Mohapatra and S. Antusch and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and M. Ratz and W. Rodejohann and et al.
    arXiv: hep-ph/0412099

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  • Combined potential of future long-baseline and reactor experiments
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and M. Rolinec and T. Schwetz and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0412133 published as: Proceedings of the NOW2004 workshop, 11-17 Sept. 2004, Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Italy (2004)

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  • Neutrinoless double beta decay and direct searches for neutrino mass
    C. Aalseth and W. Rodejohann and et al.
    arXiv: hep-ph/0412300

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  • The Neutrino Factory and Beta Beam Experiments and Development
    C. Albright and ... and P. Huber and M. Lindner and W. Winter et al.
    arXiv: physics/0411123

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  • Stability of texture zeros under radiative corrections in see-saw models
    Hagedorn, Claudia and Kersten, Joern and Lindner, Manfred
    arXiv: hep-ph/0406103 published as: Physics Letters B 597 (2004) 63-72

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  • Prospects of accelerator and reactor neutrino oscillation experiments for the coming ten years
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and M. Rolinec and T. Schwetz and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0403068 published as: Physical Review D 70 (2004) 073014

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  • Precision spectroscopy with reactor anti-neutrinos
    P. Huber and T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0407026 published as: Physical Review D 70 (2004) 053011

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  • Terra Incognita I - Working Group Summary
    M. Lindner and S. Schönert
    Proceedings of NOW2004, September 2004, Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Italy (2004) 6

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  • Status of global fits to neutrino oscillations
    M. Maltoni and T. Schwetz and M. A. Tortola and J. W.F. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/0405172 published as: New Journal of Physics 6 (2004) 122

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  • Discretized Gravity in 6D Warped Space
    F. Bauer and T. Hülgren and G. Seidl
    arXiv: hep-th/0608176 published as: Nuclear Physics B 781 (2004) 32-63

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  • Stability of Texture Zeroes under Radiative Corrections in See-Saw Models
    C. Hagedorn and J. Kersten and M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0406103 published as: Physics Letters B 597 (2004) 63-72

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  • Simulation of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments with GLoBES
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0407333 published as: Computer Physics Communications 167 (2004) 195

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  • The seesaw mechanism and renormalization group effects
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of SEESAW25, international conference on the see-saw mechanism, Institut Henri Poincar´e, Paris, France, (2004) 12

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  • Renormalization Group Evolution of Neutrino Mixings and Applications
    J. Kersten
    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY04),June 17-23, 2004, Tsukuba, Japan, (2004)

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  • Understanding CP phase-dependent measurements at neutrino superbeams in terms of bi-rate graphs
    W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0310307 published as: Physical Review D 70 (2004) 033006

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  • Series expansions for three-flavour neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter
    E. K. Akhmedov and R. Johansson and M. Lindner and T. Ohlsson and T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0402175 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0404 (2004) 078

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  • Letter of Intent for Double-CHOOZ: a Search for the Mixing Angle theta13
    F. Ardellier and .... and P. Huber and M. Lindner and T. Schwetz and W. Winter and et al
    arXiv: hep-ex/0405032

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  • GLoBES - General Long Baseline Experiment Simulator
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and T. Schwetz and M. Rolinec and W. Winter
    Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2004), College de France, Paris, June 14-19, 2004,Paris, France, (2004) 1

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  • Is there maximal mixing in the lepton sector?
    S. Antusch and P. Huber and J. Kersten and T. Schwetz and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0404268 published as: Physical Review D 70 (2004) 097302

    BibTeX arXiv

  • Whitepaper on Using Nuclear Reactors to Search for theta_13
    P. Huber and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and T. Schwetz and W. Winter and M. Rolinec and et al.
    arXiv: hep-ex/0402041

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  • Casimir Energy in Deconstruction and the Cosmological Constant
    F. Bauer and M. Lindner and G. Seidl
    arXiv: hep-th/0309200 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0405 (2004) 026

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  • Reactor Neutrino Experiments Compared to Superbeams
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and T Schwetz and and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0303232 published as: Nuclear Physics B 665 (2003) 487

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  • Status of neutrino oscillations II: How to reconcile the LSND result?
    T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0311217 published as: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Astroparticle and High Energy Physics, October 14 - 18, 2003, Valencia, Spain (2003)

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  • The path to measuring theta_13, matter effects and leptonic CP violation
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on: "Neutrino Oscillations in VEnice" - NO-VE, December 3-5, 2003, Venice, Italy (2003) 8

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  • Testing theta_13, matter effects and leptonic CP violation
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Astroparticle and High Energy Physics, October 14 - 18, 2003, Valencia, Spain (2003) 21

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  • Seesaw Neutrino Masses with Large Mixings from Dimensional Deconstruction
    K. R.S. Balaji and M. Lindner and G. Seidl
    arXiv: hep-ph/0303245 published as: Physical Review Letters 91 (2003) 161803

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  • Variations on KamLAND: likelihood analysis and frequentist confidence regions
    T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0308003 published as: Physics Letters B 577 (2003) 120

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  • Running Neutrino Masses, Mixings and CP Phases: Analytical Results and Phenomenological Consequences
    S. Antusch and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and M. Ratz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0305273 published as: Nuclear Physics B 674 (2003) 401

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  • Status of the CPT Violating Interpretations of the LSND Signal
    M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia and M. Maltoni and T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0306226 published as: Physical Review D 68 (2003) 053007

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  • Status of three-neutrino oscillations after the SNO-salt data
    M. Maltoni and T. Schwetz and M. A. Tortola and J. W.F. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/0309130 published as: Physical Review D 68 (2003) 113010

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  • The role of matter density uncertainties in the analysis of future neutrino factory experiments
    T. Ohlsson and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0307178 published as: Physical Review D 68 (2003) 073007

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  • Resolving degeneracies for different values of theta_13
    W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0308227 published as: Proceedings of NuFact 03, 5th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories & Superbeams, 5-11 June 2003, Columbia University, New York, USA (2003)

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  • Neutrino Factories and the "Magic" Baseline
    P. Huber and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0301257 published as: Physical Review D 68 (2003) 037301

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  • Testing the statistical compatibility of independent data sets
    M. Maltoni and T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0304176 published as: Physical Review D 68 (2003) 033020

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  • Can four neutrinos explain global oscillation data including LSND and cosmology?
    M. Maltoni and T. Schwetz and M. A. Tortola and J. W.F. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/0305312 published as: Proceedings of the NOON 2003 workshop, February 10-14, 2003, Kanazawa, Japan (2003)

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  • Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking by a Neutrino Condensate
    S. Antusch and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and M. Ratz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0211385 published as: Nuclear Physics B 658 (2003) 203

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  • Tomography of the Earth's Core using Supernova Neutrinos
    M. Lindner and T. Ohlsson and R. Tomas and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0207238 published as: Astroparticle Physics 19 (2003) 755-770

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  • Combining first KamLAND results with solar neutrino data
    M. Maltoni and T. Schwetz and J. W.F. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/0212129 published as: Physical Review D 67 (2003) 093003

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  • Synergies between the first generation JHF-SK and NuMI superbeam experiments
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0211300 published as: Nuclear Physics B 654 (2003) 3

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  • The Physics Potential of Future Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
    M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0209083 published as: Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 190 (2003) 209-242

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  • The effects of matter density uncertainties on neutrino oscillations in the Earth
    B. Jacobsson and T. Ohlsson and H. Snellman and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0209147 published as: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 29 (2003) 1873

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  • CP, T and CPT violation in future long baseline experiments
    P. Huber
    arXiv: hep-ph/0210140 published as: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 29 (2003) 1853

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  • The Physics Potential of Future Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
    M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0210377 published as: Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 118 (2003) 118

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  • Deconstruction and Bilarge Neutrino Mixing
    G. Seidl
    arXiv: hep-ph/0301044

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  • Radiative Generation of the LMA Solution from Small Solar Neutrino Mixing at the GUT Scale
    S. Antusch and M. Ratz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0208136 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0211 (2002) 010

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  • Neutrino Masses, Oscillations, and Tests with Future Superbeams and a Neutrino Factory
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the Conference "Neutrinos and Implications for Physics Beyond the Standard Model", Stony Brook, USA (2002) ppp

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  • Supergraph Techniques and Two-Loop Beta-Functions for Renormalizable and Non-Renormalizable Operators
    S. Antusch and M. Ratz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0203027 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 0207 (2002) 059

    BibTeX arXiv

  • Letter of Intent to build an Off-axis Detector to study numu to nue oscillations with the NuMI Neutrino Beam
    D. Ayres and .... and P. Huber and M. Lindner and W. Winter and et.al
    arXiv: hep-ex/0210005

    BibTeX arXiv

  • Oscillation Physics with a Neutrino Factory
    M. Apollonio and .... and P. Huber and M. Lindner and W. Winter and et.al
    arXiv: hep-ph/0210192 published as: CERN Yellow Report (2002)

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  • Capabilities of Future Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the IDM2002 Conference, York, UK (2002) 8

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  • Quark and Lepton Mass Patterns and the absolute Neutrino Mass Scale
    M. Lindner and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0111263 published as: Physical Review D 66 (2002) 057303

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  • The LMA Solution from Bimaximal Lepton Mixing at the GUT Scale by Renormalization Group Running
    S. Antusch and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and M. Ratz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0206078 published as: Physics Letters B 544 (2002) 1

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  • A Flavor Symmetry Model for Bilarge Leptonic Mixing and the Lepton Masses
    T. Ohlsson and G. Seidl
    arXiv: hep-ph/0206087 published as: Nuclear Physics B 643 (2002) 247

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  • Renormalization Group Analysis of Neutrino Mass Parameters
    S. Antusch
    arXiv: hep-ph/0208179 published as: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unfication of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY02), Hamburg, Germany, 17-23 (2002)

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  • Could One Find Petroleum Using Neutrino Oscillations in Matter?
    T. Ohlsson and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0111247 published as: Europhysics Letters 60 (2002) 34

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  • Superbeams versus Neutrino Factories
    P. Huber and M. Lindner and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0204352 published as: Nuclear Physics B 645 (2002) 3

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  • Confusing non-standard neutrino interactions with oscillations at a neutrino factory
    P. Huber and T. Schwetz and J. W.F. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/0202048 published as: Physical Review D 66 (2002) 013006

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  • Bilarge leptonic mixing from Abelian horizontal symmetries
    T. Ohlsson and G. Seidl
    arXiv: hep-ph/0203117 published as: Physics Letters B 537 (2002) 95

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  • Effects of random matter density fluctuations on the neutrino oscillation transition probabilities in the Earth
    B. Jacobsson and T. Ohlsson and H. Snellman and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0112138 published as: Physics Letters B 532 (2002) 259

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  • Neutrino Mass Matrix Running for Non-Degenerate See-Saw Scales
    S. Antusch and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and M. Ratz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0203233 published as: Physics Letters B 538 (2002) 87

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  • Tests of CPT Invariance at Neutrino Factories
    S. M. Bilenky and M. Freund and M. Lindner and T. Ohlsson and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0112226 published as: Physical Review D 65 (2002) 073024

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  • Decays of Supernova Neutrinos
    M. Lindner and T. Ohlsson and W. Winter
    arXiv: astro-ph/0105309 published as: Nuclear Physics B 622 (2002) 429-456

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  • Constraints on |U_e3|^2 from a Three-Neutrino Oscillation Analysis of the CHOOZ Data
    S. M. Bilenky and D. Nicolo and S. T. Petcov
    arXiv: hep-ph/0112216 published as: Physics Letters B 538 (2002) 77

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  • See-saw mechanisms for Dirac and Majorana neutrino masses
    M. Lindner and T. Ohlsson and G. Seidl
    arXiv: hep-ph/0109264 published as: Physical Review D 65 (2002) 053014

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  • Neutrino Mass Operator Renormalization in Two Higgs Doublet Models and the MSSM
    S. Antusch and M. Drees and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and M. Ratz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0110366 published as: Physics Letters B 525 (2002) 130

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  • How sensitive is a neutrino factory to the angle theta_13?
    P. Huber and T. Schwetz and J. W.F. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/0111224 published as: Physical Review Letters 88 (2002) 101804

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  • Coupling the Superstring to a D-brane Ramond-Ramond background
    S. Antusch
    arXiv: hep-th/0108087

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  • Non-standard interactions: Atmospheric versus neutrino factory experiments
    P. Huber and J. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/0108193 published as: Physics Letters B 523 (2001) 151

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  • Effects and influences on neutrino oscillations due to a thin density layerperturbation added to a matter density profile
    T. Ohlsson
    arXiv: hep-ph/0109003 published as: Physics Letters B 522 (2001) 280

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  • On the Status of Three-Neutrino Mixing
    S. M. Bilenky
    arXiv: hep-ph/0110210 published as: Presented at NO-VE International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations,Venice, Italy, 24-26 Jul 2001 (2001)

    BibTeX arXiv

  • Present Status of Neutrino Mixing
    S. M. Bilenky
    arXiv: hep-ph/0110306 published as: Proceedings of Advanced Study Institute on Symmetries and Spin, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-28 Jul 2001 (2001)

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  • Neutrino mass operator renormalization revisited
    S. Antusch and M. Drees and J. Kersten and M. Lindner and M. Ratz
    arXiv: hep-ph/0108005 published as: Physics Letters B 519 (2001) 238-242

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  • Dynamical localization of gauge fields on a brane
    E. Akhmedov
    arXiv: hep-th/0107223 published as: Physics Letters B 521 (2001) 79-86

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  • T-violating effects in three flavor neutrino oscillations in matter
    T. Ohlsson
    arXiv: hep-ph/0108048 published as: Talk given at the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS HEP 2001), Budapest, Hungary, July 12-18, 2001 (2001)

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  • Effects of periodic matter in kaon regeneration
    E. Akhmedov and A. Barroso and P. Keränen
    arXiv: hep-ph/0107235 published as: Physics Letters B 517 (2001) 355

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  • Neutrino oscillations with three flavors in matter of varying density
    T. Ohlsson and H. Snellman
    arXiv: hep-ph/0103252 published as: European Physical Journal 20 (2001) 507

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  • A combined treatment of neutrino decay and neutrino oscillations
    M. Lindner and T. Ohlsson and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0103170 published as: Nuclear Physics B 607 (2001) 326

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  • Majorana Neutrinos, Neutrino Mass Spectrum, CP-Violation, and Neutrino-less Double \beta-Decay: II: Mixing of four Neutrinos
    S. Bilenky and S. Pascoli and S. T. Petcov
    arXiv: hep-ph/0104218 published as: Physical Review D 64 (2001) 113003

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  • T violation in neutrino oscillations in matter
    E. Akhmedov and P. Huber and M. Lindner and T. Ohlsson
    arXiv: hep-ph/0105029 published as: Nuclear Physics B 608 (2001) 394-422

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  • Systematic Exploration of the Neutrino Factory Parameter Spaceincluding Errors and Correlations
    M. Freund and P. Huber and M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0105071 published as: Nuclear Physics B 615 (2001) 331-357

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  • Reconstruction of the Earth's Matter Density Profile Using a Single Neutrino Baseline
    T. Ohlsson and W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0105293 published as: Physics Letters B 512 (2001) 357

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  • Neutrino mass spectra, CP-violation and neutrinoless double beta-decay
    S. M. Bilenky and S. Pascoli and S. T. Petcov
    arXiv: hep-ph/0105144 published as: Talk given at 36th Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactionsand Unified Theories, Les Arcs, France, 10-17 Mar 2001 (2001)

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  • Analytic approximations for three neutrino oscillation parameters and probabilities in matter
    M. Freund
    arXiv: hep-ph/0103300 published as: Physical Review D 64 (2001) 053003

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  • Neutrinos
    S. Bilenky
    arXiv: physics/0103091

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  • Neutrino Factory Parameter Correlations
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the Snowmass 2001 Summer Study on the Future of Particle Physics, Snowmass, USA, July 2001 (2001) 3

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  • Correlations in neutrino factory parameter space
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Neutrino Factory based on Muon Storage Rings (NuFACT'01), Tsukuba, Japan, 24-30 May 2001 (2001) 4

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  • Matter effects and CP violation at neutrino factories
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of "NOW 2000", Conca Spechiulla, Italy (2001) 3

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  • Matter effects and CP violation in neutrino oscillation
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of "ICHEP 2000", Osaka, World Scientific (2001) 2

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  • A Comparison of the Physics Potential of Future Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
    K. Dick and M. Freund and P. Huber and M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0008016 published as: Nuclear Physics B 598 (2001) 543-553

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  • Matter Effects and CP-Violation at Neutrino Factories
    M. Lindner
    Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 100 (2001) 207-209

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  • Equivalence between Gaussian averaged neutrino oscillationsand neutrino decoherence
    T. Ohlsson
    arXiv: hep-ph/0012272 published as: Physics Letters B 502 (2001) 159-166

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  • Neutrino oscillations in matter and their applications
    T. Ohlsson
    Physica Scripta T 93 (2001) 18-25

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  • Peculiar effects in the combination of neutrino decay and neutrino oscillations
    W. Winter
    arXiv: hep-ph/0106270 published as: Talk given at the ESF-NORDITA Workshop on neutrino physics and cosmology, June 11-22, 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark (2001)

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  • Precision Measurements of Neutrino Mixing Parameters
    M. Freund
    Proceedings of the Euro Conference on Frontiers in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain (2000) 2

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  • A consistent nonperturbative Approach to Thermal Damping-Rates
    B. Bergerhoff and J. Reingruber
    arXiv: hep-ph/0004039 published as: Physics Letters B 488 (2000) 435-442

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  • Matter Enhanced Neutrino Oscillations with a Realistic Earth Density Profile
    M. Freund and T. Ohlsson
    arXiv: hep-ph/9909501 published as: Modern Physics Letters A 15 (2000) 867-874

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  • Masses and Mixings from Neutrino Beams pointing to Neutrino Telescopes
    K. Dick and M. Freund and P. Huber and M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0006090 published as: Nuclear Physics B 588 (2000) 101-109

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  • Extracting Matter Effects, Masses and Mixings at a Neutrino Factory
    M. Freund and P. Huber and M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/0004085 published as: Nuclear Physics B 585 (2000) 105-123

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  • Leptogenesis with Dirac Neutrinos
    K. Dick and M. Lindner and M. Ratz and D. Wright
    arXiv: hep-ph/9907562 published as: Physical Review Letters 84 (2000) 4039-4042

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  • Testing Matter Effects in Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
    M. Freund and M. Lindner and S. T. Petcov and A. Romanino
    arXiv: hep-ph/9912457 published as: Nuclear Physics B 578 (2000) 27-57

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  • New Physics with Mirror Particles
    G. Triantaphyllou
    arXiv: hep-ph/9811250 published as: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 26 (2000) 99-112

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  • Strategy towards Mirror-fermion Signatures
    G. Triantaphyllou
    arXiv: hep-ph/9906283 published as: International Journal of Modern Physics A 15 (2000) 265-282

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  • The Thermal Renormalization Group for Fermions, Universality, and the Chiral Phase-Transition
    B. Bergerhoff and J. Manus and J. Reingruber
    arXiv: hep-ph/9912474 published as: Physical Review D 61 (2000) 125005

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  • Matter Effects and CP-Violation in Neutrino Oscillations
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of ICHEP 2000, Osaka, Japan, 27 July - 2 August 2000 (2000)

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  • Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experments and the MSW Effect
    M. Freund and M. Lindner and S. T. Petcov and A. Romanino
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment A 451 (2000) 18-35

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  • Dynamics of Metastable Vacua in the Early Universe
    B. Bergerhoff and M. Lindner and M. Weiser
    arXiv: hep-ph/9909261 published as: Physics Letters B 469 (1999) 61-68

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  • CP-Violation in Neutrino Oscillations
    K. Dick and M. Freund and M. Lindner and A. Romanino
    arXiv: hep-ph/9903308 published as: Nuclear Physics B 562 (1999) 29-56

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  • Mirror Fermions and the Hierarchy Problem
    G. Triantaphyllou
    arXiv: hep-ph/9908250 published as: Proceedings of the International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics (EPS-HEP99), Tampere, Finland, Jul 1999 (1999)

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  • Dynamical Symmetry Breaking with Mirror Fermions
    G. Triantaphyllou
    arXiv: hep-ph/9908251 published as: Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic School and Workshop on Elementary Particle Physics, Corfu, Greece, Sep 1998 (1999)

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  • Gap Equation in a Finite Temperature Gauge Theory Beyond the Bare Vertex Approximation
    G. Triantaphyllou
    arXiv: hep-ph/9805420 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 9903 (1999) 020

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  • Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations
    S. M. Bilenky and C. Giunti and W. Grimus
    arXiv: hep-ph/9812360 published as: Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 43 (1999) 1-86

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  • Anomalous U(1) Gauge Symmetry and Lepton Flavor Violation
    K. Kurosawa and N. Maekawa
    arXiv: hep-ph/9902469 published as: Progress of Theoretical Physics 102 (1999) 121-140

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  • Neutrinos, their Partners and Unification
    G. Triantaphyllou
    arXiv: hep-ph/9901346 published as: European Physical Journal 10 (1999) 703-713

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  • Haggling Over the Fine-Tuning Price of LEP
    P. H. Chankowski and J. Ellis and M. Olechowski and S. Pokorski
    arXiv: hep-ph/9808275 published as: Nuclear Physics B 544 (1999) 39-63

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  • Thermal Renormalization Group-Equations and the Phase-Transition of Scalar O(N)-Theories
    B. Bergerhoff and J. Reingruber
    arXiv: hep-ph/9809251 published as: Physical Review D 60 (1999) 105036

    BibTeX arXiv

  • Neutrino mass spectrum and mixing from neutrino oscillation data
    S. M. Bilenky and C. Giunti and W. Grimus
    arXiv: hep-ph/9807568 published as: Proceedings of the Ringberg Euroconference: New Trends in Neutrino Physics, Tegernsee, Ringberg Castle, Germany, 24-29 May 1998 (1998)

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  • Four-neutrino mixing, oscillations and BBN
    S. M. Bilenky and C. Giunti and W. Grimus and T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/9807569 published as: Proceedings of the Ringberg Euroconference: New Trends in Neutrino Physics, Tegernsee, Ringberg Castle, Germany, 24-29 May 1998 (1998)

    BibTeX arXiv

  • On the neutrino mass spectrum and neutrino mixing from oscillationdata
    S. M. Bilenky and C. Giunti and W. Grimus
    arXiv: hep-ph/9809368 published as: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (NEUTRINO 98), Takayama, Japan, 4-9 Jun 1998 (1998)

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  • Four-Neutrino Mixing, Oscillations and Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis
    S. M. Bilenky and C. Giunti and W. Grimus and T. Schwetz
    arXiv: hep-ph/9809466 published as: Proceedings of the Symposium on New Era in Neutrino Physics, Tokyo, Japan, 11-12 Jun 1998 (1998)

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  • Supersymmetry Breakdown at a Hidden Wall
    H. P. Nilles and M. Olechowski and M. Yamaguchi
    arXiv: hep-th/9801030 published as: Nuclear Physics B 530 (1998) 43-72

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  • Critical Behavior of phi^4-Theory from the Thermal Renormalization Group
    B. Bergerhoff
    arXiv: hep-ph/9805493 published as: Physics Letters B 437 (1998) 381-389

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  • Mirror Families in Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking
    M. Lindner and G. Triantaphyllou
    arXiv: hep-ph/9803383 published as: Physics Letters B 430 (1998) 303-313

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  • Relic Abundance of Neutralinos in Heterotic String Theory: Weak Coupling vs. Strong Coupling
    Y. Kawamura and H. P. Nilles and M. Olechowski and M. Yamaguchi
    arXiv: hep-ph/9805397 published as: Journal of High Energy Physics 9806 (1998) 008

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  • New Insight in Dynamical Symmetry Breaking via Imaginary Part Analysis
    A. Blumhofer and J. Manus
    arXiv: hep-ph/9704367 published as: Nuclear Physics B 515 (1998) 522-534

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  • Higher Dimensional Operators in Top Condensation from a Renormalization Group Point of View
    A. Blumhofer and R. Dawid and J. Manus
    arXiv: hep-ph/9710495 published as: Physical Review D 58 (1998) 035009

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  • Dynamical Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking with a Standard Model Limit
    M. Lindner and E. Schnapka
    arXiv: hep-ph/9712489 published as: Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics 15 (1998) 707-754

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  • Dynamical Mass Generation in a finite Temperature abelian Gauge Theory
    G. Triantaphyllou
    arXiv: hep-ph/9801245 published as: Physical Review D 58 (1998) 065006

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  • The Role of a Standard Model Decoupling Limit in Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of "Beyond the Standard Model 97", Valencia, World Scientific (1997)

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  • Phenomenologically Viable Dynamical Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking
    M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/9704362 published as: Proceedings of the Workshop "The Higgs puzzle - What can we learn from LEP II, LHC, NLC and FMC?", Ringberg Castle, Germany, December 8-13, 1996. Ed. B. Kniehl, World Scientific, Singapore (1997)

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  • The Goldstone Boson Equivalence Theorem with Fermions
    L. Durand and K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9512224 published as: Physical Review D 55 (1997) 1533-1547

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  • Pion Wavefunctions and Truncation Sensitivity of QCD Sum Rules
    A. Duncan and S. Pernice and E. Schnapka
    arXiv: hep-ph/9602247 published as: Physical Review D 55 (1997) 2422-2429

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  • Ruling Out a Strongly-Interacting Standard Higgs Model
    K. Riesselmann and S. Willenbrock
    arXiv: hep-ph/9608280 published as: Physical Review D 55 (1997) 311-321

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  • Resonant Neutrino Spin-Flavour Precession and Supernova Shock Revival
    E. Kh. Akhmedov and A. Lanza and S. T.Petcov and D. W.Sciama
    arXiv: hep-ph/9603443 published as: Physical Review D 55 (1997) 515-522

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  • Matching conditions and Higgs mass upper bounds revisited
    T. Hambye and K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9610272 published as: Physical Review D 55 (1997) 7255-7262

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  • SUSY violation in effective theories
    R. Dawid and S. Reznov
    arXiv: hep-ph/9701258 published as: Physics Letters B 401 (1997) 268-272

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  • Model independent constraints on Topcolor from R_b
    G. Burdmann and D. Kominis
    arXiv: hep-ph/9702265 published as: Physics Letters B 403 (1997) 101-107

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  • Higher-order Corrections in the SM Higgs Sector: The Right Scale
    K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9608356 published as: Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 51C (1996) 88-96

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  • Left-Right Symmetry Breaking in NJL-Approach
    E. Akhmedov and M. Lindner and E. Schnapka and J. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/9507275 published as: Physics Letters B 368 (1996) 270

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  • Dynamical Left-Right Symmetry Breaking
    E. Akhmedov and M. Lindner and E. Schnapka and J. Valle
    arXiv: hep-ph/9509255 published as: Physical Review D 53 (1996) 2752

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  • Large Uncertainties in the Crossection of Elastic W_L^+W_L^- Scattering
    K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9507413 published as: Physical Review D 53 (1996) 6226

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  • Higgs Sector Renormalization Group in the MSbar and OMS Scheme:The Breakdown of Perturbation Theory for a Heavy Higgs
    U. Nierste and K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9511407 published as: Physical Review D 53 (1996) 6638

    BibTeX arXiv

  • GIM Violation and New Dynamics of the Third Generation
    G. Buchalla and G. Burdman and C. T.Hill and D. Kominis
    arXiv: hep-ph/9510376 published as: Physical Review D 53 (1996) 5185

    BibTeX arXiv

  • Gauge Coupling Unification in Left-Right Symmetric Models
    M. Lindner and M. Weiser
    arXiv: hep-ph/9605353 published as: Physics Letters B 383 (1996) 405

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  • Heavy-Higgs Lifetime at Two Loops
    A. Frink and B. Kniehl and D. Kreimer and K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9606310 published as: Physical Review D 54 (1996) 4548

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  • Propagating Higgs Boundstates in SUSY
    R. Dawid and S. Reznov
    arXiv: hep-ph/9607458 published as: Physics Letters B 388 (1996) 315

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  • Perturbation Theory and Its Limitations in the Higgs Sector of the SM
    K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9610273 published as: Acta Physica Polonica B 27 (1996) 3661-3670

    BibTeX arXiv

  • Consistency of Higgs and W Mass Determinations in a Model with Composite Scalars
    A. Blumhofer and R. Dawid and M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop "Perspectives for Electroweak Interactions in e+e- Collisions" (1995) 11

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  • Two-loop O(G_F^2 M_H^4) corrections to the fermionic decay rates of the Higgs boson
    L. Durand and B. Kniehl and K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9412311 published as: Physical Review D 51 (1995) 5007-5015

    BibTeX arXiv

  • Connections between Dynamical and Renormalization Group Techniques in Top Condensation Models
    A. Blumhofer and R. Dawid and M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/9503337 published as: Physics Letters B 360 (1995) 123

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  • Higgs Physics and the Equivalence Theorem
    K. Riesselmann
    arXiv: hep-ph/9504321 published as: Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop on "Perspectives for Electroweak Interactions in e^+e^- Collisions" (1995) 175

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  • Top Condensation: The Idea and its Phenomenological Viability
    M. Lindner
    Proceedings of the "Workshop on Electroweak Symmetry Breaking", Budapest, July 1994 (1994) 14

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  • Custodial SU(2) Violation and the Origin of Fermion Masses
    A. Blumhofer and M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/9304269 published as: Nuclear Physics B 407 (1993) 173-190

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  • Constraints on new Physics from the Higgs and Top Masses
    U. Ellwanger and M. Lindner
    arXiv: hep-ph/9211249 published as: Physics Letters B 301 (1993) 365

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  • Leptophilic Dark Matter in Direct Detection Experiments and in the Sun
    IDM 2010

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  • Neutrino oscillations in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory

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  • Flavor Physics and CP Violation
    Schwetz-Mangold, Thomas^

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  • Non-minimal coupling in inflation and inflating with the Higgs boson
    Proceedings of the 15th International Seminar on High Energy Physics QUARKS-2008

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  • Theory of the Neutrino Mass
    4th International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations in Venice on Ten Years after the Neutrino Oscillations

    BibTeX Abstract arXiv

  • Pulse shape analysis of scintillation signals from pure and xenon-doped liquid argon for radioactive background identification
    Peiffer, Peter and Pollmann, Tina and Schönert, Stefan and Smolnikov, Anatoly and Vasiliev, Sergej

    BibTeX DOI Ref.

  • Lepton Mixing and Cancellation of the Dirac Mass Hierarchy in SO(10) GUTs with Flavor Symmetries T7 and Sigma(81)
    Hagedorn, Claudia and Schmidt, Michael Andreas and Smirnov, Alexei
    arXiv: 0811.2955 published as: High Energy Physics ()

    BibTeX Abstract arXiv

  • Response to a critique of the Borexino result in “A new experimental limit for the stability of the electron”
    Hartmann, F. and Heusser, G. and Kiko, J. and Kirsten, T. and Resconi, E. and Schönert, S. and Zuzel, G.
    Physics Letters B ()

    BibTeX URL DOI Ref.

  • Measurement of the solar 8B neutrino flux with 246 live days of Borexino and observation of the MSW vacuum-matter transition.
    Bellini, G.
    arXiv: 0808.2868 published as: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A () 1-6

    BibTeX Abstract arXiv


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