Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center for
Time, Constants and Fundamental SymmetriesPublications
Pr10+ as a candidate for a high-accuracy optical clock for tests of fundamental physics
S. G. Porsev, C. Cheung, M. S. Safronova, H. Bekker, N.-H. Rehbehn, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and S. M. Brewer
Phys. Rev. A 110, 042823 (2024)
Countdown to a nuclear clock
A. Pálffy & J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Nature 633, 43-45 (2024)
Precision spectroscopy on 9Be overcomes limitations from nuclear structure
S. Dickopf, B. Sikora, A. Kaiser, M. Müller, S. Ulmer, V. A. Yerokhin, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, A. Mooser & K. Blaum
Nature 632, 757–761 (2024)
Orders of Magnitude Improved Cyclotron-Mode Cooling for Nondestructive Spin Quantum Transition Spectroscopy with Single
Trapped Antiprotons
B. M. Latacz, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, G. Umbrazunas, B. P. Arndt, S. R. Erlewein, E. J. Wursten, J. A. Devlin, P. Micke,
F. Abbass, D. Schweitzer, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, C. Smorra, A. Soter,
W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, and S. Ulmer (BASE Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 053201 (2024)
Image-Current Mediated Sympathetic Laser Cooling of a Single Proton in a Penning Trap Down to 170 mK Axial Temperature
C. Will, M. Wiesinger, P. Micke, H. Yildiz, T. Driscoll, S. Kommu, F. Abbass, B. P. Arndt, B. B. Bauer, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck,
J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, A. Mooser, D. Schweitzer, G. Umbrazunas, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, J. A. Devlin, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint,
A. Soter, J. Walz, C. Smorra, and S. Ulmer (BASE Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 023002 (2024)
Long-distance chronometric leveling with a portable optical clock
J. Grotti, I. Nosske, S. B. Koller, S. Herbers, H. Denker, L. Timmen, G. Vishnyakova, G. Grosche, T. Waterholter, A. Kuhl,
S. Koke, E. Benkler, M. Giunta, L. Maisenbacher, A. Matveev, S. Dörscher, R. Schwarz, A. Al-Masoudi, T. W. Hänsch, Th. Udem,
R. Holzwarth, and C. Lisdat
Phys. Rev. Appl. 21, L061001 (2024)
Josephson voltage standards as ultra-stable low-noise voltage sources for precision Penning-trap experiments
A. Kaiser, S. Dickopf, M. Door, R. Behr, U. Beutel, S. Eliseev, A. Kaushik, K. Kromer, M. Müller, L. Palafox, S. Ulmer,
A. Mooser, K. Blaum
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 224002 (2024)
Laser Excitation of the Th-229 Nucleus
J. Tiedau, M. V. Okhapkin, K. Zhang, J. Thielking, G. Zitzer, E. Peik, F. Schaden, T. Pronebner, I. Morawetz, L. Toscani De Col,
F. Schneider, A. Leitner, M. Pressler, G. A. Kazakov, K. Beeks, T. Sikorsky, and T. Schumm
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 182501 (2024)
Penning-trap measurement of the Q value of electron capture in 163Ho for the determination of the electron neutrino mass
C. Schweiger, M. Braß, V. Debierre, M. Door, H. Dorrer, C. E. Düllmann, C. Enss, P. Filianin, L. Gastaldo, Z. Harman,
M. W. Haverkort, J. Herkenhoff, P. Indelicato, C. H. Keitel, K. Kromer, D. Lange, Y. N. Novikov, D. Renisch, A. Rischka,
R. X. Schüssler, S. Eliseev & K. Blaum
Nat. Phys. 20, 921–927 (2024)
Sympathetic cooling of trapped Th3+ alpha-recoil ions for laser spectroscopy
G. Zitzer, J. Tiedau, M. V. Okhapkin, K. Zhang, C. Mokry, J. Runke, Ch. E. Düllmann, and E. Peik
Phys. Rev. A 109, 033116 (2024)
Closed-cycle noble gas recycling system for high-repetition rate high-harmonic generation
J.-H. Oelmann, L. Guth, T. Heldt, N. Griesbach, R. Hector, N. Lackmann, J. Nauta, T. Pfeifer, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 035115 (2024)
Experimental and theoretical Ritz–Rydberg analysis of the electronic structure of highly charged ions of lead and bismuth by optical spectroscopy
M. K. Rosner, N.-H. Rehbehn and J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57, 055001 (2024)
Atomic mass determination of uranium-238
K. Kromer, C. Lyu, J. Bieron, M. Door, L. Enzmann, P. Filianin, G. Gaigalas, Z. Harman, J. Herkenhoff, W. Huang, C. H. Keitel,
S. Eliseev, and K. Blaum
Phys. Rev. C 109, L021301 (2024)