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Contact  Contact Persons

Tel.: +49 6221 516-851
Fax: +49 6221 516-852
Scientific Coordinator

Postal Address
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
P.O. Box 10 39 80
69029 Heidelberg
Visitor Address
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics
Saupfercheckweg 1
Building: Gentner lab,
room 134
69117 Heidelberg


Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center for

Time, Constants and Fundamental Symmetries


Events with the participation of the Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center for Time, Constants and Fundamental Symmetries.


Former Events

Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries

Organizers: Christian Ospelkaus, Klaus Blaum, Stefan Ulmer

Seminar Poster: pdf, 1.34 MB

Dates: 1st seminar (Mar 31, 2020) - 93rd seminar (Jan 30, 2025)
Usually two seminars per week, which will take place Tuesday and Thursday. For each seminar 90 minutes are allocated.
Website: Further information and seminar program external Link


2. TCFS-Workshop

Second Workshop of the Center for Time, Constants and Fundamental Symmetries

March 23, 2022

For further information, please visit the website external Link.



Online Workshop of the Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center on Time, Constants and Fundamental Symmetries

March 9, 2021

For further information, please visit the website external Link.


Outreach Talk: Gefangen auf Ewigkeit - Das kosmische Antimaterie-Rätsel

Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum, MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany

Date: 05.03.2020
Location: Sternwarte Radebeul, Germany


LECTURE: CPT and Lorentz Violation - the Standard-Model Extension (SME) and its relevance for the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) experiments at CERN

Ralf Lehnert, Indiana University, Center for Spacetime Symmetries, USA

Date: 28.01.2020, 10:00 - 12:30
Location: 93/R-031, CERN, Geneva


Outreach Talk: Gefangen auf Ewigkeit - Vom Elektron und Proton zum kosmischen Antimaterie-Rätsel

Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum, MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany

Date: 24.01.2020
Location: Heidelberger Life-Science Lab des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ, Heidelberg), Germany


LECTURE: CPT and Lorentz Tests with Antiprotons and Antihydrogen

Ralf Lehnert, Indiana University, Center for Spacetime Symmetries, USA

Date: 26.11.2019, 10:00 - 12:00
29.11.2019, 10:00 - 12:00
Location: 93/R-031, CERN, Geneva


WE-Heraeus-Symposium: Measurements at the Limit

Date: 07.11.2019
Location: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin

Further information external Link


Outreach Talk: Gefangen in der Ewigkeit - Das kosmische Antimaterie-Rätsel

Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum, MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany

Date: 23.10.2019
Location: Planetarium Wolfsburg, Germany


PTB Kolloquium: Physics with Penning traps towards the precision limit

Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum, MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany

Date: 23.10.2019, 15:00 - 16:00
Location: Braunschweig, Hörsaal im Kohlrausch-Bau mit Übertragung nach Berlin, Raum 310 im Förster-Bau

Further information external Link


Outreach Talk: Gefangen auf Ewigkeit - Das kosmische Antimaterie-Rätsel

Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum, MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany

Date: 22.10.2019
Location: Kleines Haus, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Germany


A tube trap for the demonstration of the storage of charged particles

Outreach Event with the participation of the Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center

Researcher's Night Heidelberg | Mannheim, 27.09.2019

MPIK interactive experiments external Link


Inaugural Symposium of the
Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center for Time, Constants and Fundamental Symmetries

Date: 08.04.2019
Location: RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan

Further information external Link