GLoBES toolsThe following is a collection of tools and add-ons which solve common problem such as degeneracy finding, simulating new physics, etc. These tools are not part of GLoBES itself, and the responsibility for development, documentation, and support lies with the respective authors.For comments or questions on the individual tools, please contact the respective authors directly. If you have a GLoBES add-on that you would like to share with other users through this website, please contact us at globes@mpi-hd.mpg.de. Degeneracy finding
New physics
MonteCUBESby Mattias Blennow and Enrique Fernandez-MartinezA GLoBES plugin that replaces the deterministic GLoBES minimizer by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method that is able to handle higher dimensional parameter spaces and has a better chance of finding degenerate solutions. MonteCUBES also extends GLoBES by including support for non-unitary mixing matrices and non-standard interactions. The software comes with a versatile Matlab interface for analyzing simulation results. |