GLoBES - Pre-defined AEDL-Files

Variable β-Beam - Totally Active Liquid Scintillator Detector

A variable β-beam scenario with a Totally Active Liquid Scintillator Detector can be simulated with the file BBvar_TASD.glb. The gamma factor and the baseline can be set up by the AEDL variables gammafactor and baselinefactor. Furthermore the scaling of ion decays as a fuction of gamma can be adjusted with the AEDL variable EXP_FACTOR. Please check the header of the files for references of their origin. Please do not forget to cite these references if the file BBvar_TASD.glb is used for a scientific publication or a talk. Check the appendix of the GLoBES manual for more details of the experiment description.


The GLoBES Team


AEDL file(s) required data file(s) combined tar file AEDL-Variables
BBvar_TASD.glb (md5)
XCC.dat (md5)
XNC.dat (md5)
BBvar_TASD.tar.gz (md5)

Experiment Attributes

Gamma factorgammafactor
Isotope decays (18Ne)(100/gammafactor)EXP_FACTOR × 2.2×1018 per year
Isotope decays (6He)(60/gammafactor)EXP_FACTOR × 5.8×1018 per year
Data taking4 years ν + 4 years ν
Baselinegammafactor × baselinefactor km
Detector technologyTotally Active Liquid Scintillator Detector
Detector mass50 kt

Last modified: 5 May 2020, 15:42 CET