September 23-25, 2024: IMPRS Retreat at Sportschule Schöneck.April 17, 2024: 21th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 10-14, 2023: XLIX Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
September 21, 2023: 20th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
January 23, 2023: 19th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 28-29, 2022: Course on Scientific Writing
April 11-14, 2022: XLVIII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
April 6-8, 2022: IMPRS Retreat at Sportschule Schöneck.
January 24, 2022: 18th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 4-8, 2021: XLVII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
May 25, 2021: 17th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 6-9, 2021: XLVI Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
October 5-9, 2020: XLV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
May 20, 2020: IMPRS-PTFS Evaluation.
April 14-17, 2020: XLIV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
February 19, 2020: Talk by Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold on career paths.
January 16, 2020: 16th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 07-11, 2019: XLIII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
September 25-27, 2019: IMPRS Retreat at NaturKulturHotel Stumpf.
September 10-14, 2019: WE-Heraeus School "Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics", see webpage.
July 22, 2019: Full day training course for job applications.
May 28-June 4, 2019: ISAPP Summer School "The Dark Side of the Universe", see webpage.
April 08-12, 2019: XLII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
January 22, 2019: 15th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 08-12, 2018: XLI Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
July 16, 2018: Full day training course for job applications.
May 2, 2018: 14th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 09-13, 2018: XL Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
October 09-13, 2017: XXXIX Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
October 05-07, 2017: IMPRS Retreat at Sportschule Schöneck.
July 28, 2017: Full day training course for job applications.
July 3, 2017: 13th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 10-13, 2017: XXXVIII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
November 4, 2016: 12th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 10-14, 2016: XXXVII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
July 25, 2016: Full day training course for job applications.
June 8, 2016: 11th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 11-15, 2016: XXXVI Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
January 16-20, 2016: 9th HGSFP Winter school, see webpage.
December 15, 2015: Lecture on "The physics of time travel and the nature of time" by Prof. Heinrich Päs.
December 15, 2015: 10th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 5-9, 2015: XXXV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
July 17, 2015: Full day training course for job applications.
July 7, 2015: 9th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 7-10, 2015: XXXIV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
November 25, 2014: 8th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 6-10, 2014: XXXIII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
July 25, 2014: Full day training course for job applications.
July 1, 2014: IMPRS-PTFS Evaluation.
May 20, 2014: Two lectures on "Quantum Metrology" by Prof. Markus Oberthaler, at MPIK, central seminar room. Joined event with IMPRS-QD.
May 8, 2014: 7th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 7-11, 2014: XXXII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
January 18-22, 2014: 7th HGSFP Winter school, see webpage.
November 7, 2013: 6th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 31-November 3, 2013: 17th Annual German Conference of Women in Physics.
October 7-11, 2013: XXXI Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
July 19, 2013: Full day training course for job applications.
May 22, 2013: 5th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 8-12, 2013: XXX Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
April 8-11, 2013: 2013 International Workshop on Baryon and Lepton Number Violation (BLV2013).
January 19-23, 2011: 6th HGSFP Winter school, see webpage.
December 3, 2012: 4th IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
October 8-12, 2012: XXIX Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
June 29, 2012: Full day training course for job applications.
May 22, 2012: Two lectures on "Strong Interactions" by Prof. Boris Kopeliovich. The slides are here.
April 24, 2012: 3rd IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
April 9-13, 2012: XXVIII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
January 21-25, 2012: 5th HGSFP Winter school, see webpage.
November 18, 2011: Talk by patent attorney Dr. Christian Heine on career opportunities in patent law firms (joined with IMPRS-QD), plus 2nd IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
November 3, 2011: Talk on Scientific Integrity by Prof. Siegfried Hunklinger (joined with IMPRS-QD).
October 5-7, 2011: Mini-workshop on Advanced Statistics, see webpage.
October 4-7, 2011: XXVII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
July 8-15, 2011: ISAPP Summer School "The Dark Side of the Universe", see webpage.
April 4-8, 2011: XXVI Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
February 4, 2011: 1st IMPRS seminar, see webpage.
January 16-20, 2011: 4th HGSFP Winter school, see webpage.
December 3, 2010: Annual Meeting of the HGSFP, see the program.
November 2, 2010: Official inauguration of the IMPRS, the program is here.
October 4-8, 2010: XXV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days.
July 27 + 29, 2010: Two lectures on "Big Bang Nucleosynthesis" by Prof. Gary Steigman, at MPIK, GE 339. The slides are here.
April 6-9, 2010: XXIV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days
April 1, 2010: Start of the IMPRS!