Applications have started!

Within the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) program of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, outstandingly qualified junior scientists from all over the world are provided with a structural doctoral training to obtain their doctoral degrees at universities in Germany. IMPRS students may work at Max Planck Institutes or at the university. In Germany all PhD degrees are awarded only by universities. The IMPRS-PTFS is one of 3 IMPRS in Heidelberg with physics topics, the other ones being the IMPRS-QD on Quantum Dynamics and the IMPRS-HD on Astronomy. They are joined by several Research Training Groups organized by the university. Overarching the PhD education in Heidelberg is the Heidelberg Graduate School For Physics (HGSFP).

Usually all Heidelberg physics PhD schools have a call for applications taking place at the same time. Please carefully think about your research interests before applying, and pick the right school(s) for you.

Before applying, read the following information carefully:

As mentioned above, in Germany all PhD degrees are awarded only by universities. The IMPRS-PTFS and its faculty are therefore part of the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics (HGSFP) of Heidelberg University, which handles the admission and application procedure. The link to the application site is here.

IMPORTANT: First you have to register with username and passwort. Then, after login, you need to choose the branches "Astronomy and Cosmic Physics" and/or "Fundamental Interactions and Cosmology" and/or "Mathematical Physics". Then, you have to choose "IMPRS-PTFS" as school, because typically several schools are having calls for applications.

We strongly discourage you to apply in more than one graduate school in Heidelberg!! Check the webpages of the schools and think carefully in which scientific profile your interests fit best. Talk to potential supervisors in which school to apply!

Please include in your application a motivational statement why the research and educational program in the IMPRS fits your interests best.
We require two letters of recommendation. The links on which those have to be uploaded are sent to the writers of the letters only after your application is complete and submitted. Take this into account, the letters have to arrive before the end of the deadline, do not finish your application on the last day.
Please note the admission requirements for acceptance to the doctoral programme specified here.

Deadline is November 1st.

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