Previous HEPRO conferences



The meeting will officially start on Tuesday morning (9:00) and close with Friday lunch time.

Invited review and highlight talks will occupy approximately 1/3 of the time slots, with a fraction of 2/3 dedicated to contributed talks. A limited number of posters can be accommodated and will be on show during the whole conference.

Full program details can be found here.

General program structure:

The conference dinner will take place on Thursday (25th) evening (7pm) in the cultural Biermuseum in the NH Hotel Heidelberg (Bergheimer Str. 91). The menu choice is available here.

Confirmed Invited Speakers

E. Amato M. Baring M. Begelman A. Beloborodov
N. Bucciantini R. Buehler A. Chen P. Coppi
E. de Ona Wilhelmi H. Krawczynski P. Kronberg M. Lemoine
J-P. Lenain A. Levinson Y. Lyubarsky K. Murase
M. Perucho L. Sironi A. Timokhin S. Wagner
V. Zabalza