The 4th High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows (HEPRO IV) meeting was hold in Heidelberg, July 23-26, 2013. Following our previous meetings, which took place in Dublin (2007; HEPRO I), Buenos Aires (2009, HEPRO II) and Barcelona (2011, HEPRO III), the main idea behind these series is a comprehensive discussion of the high-energy phenomena related to all type of relativistic outflows in astrophysics, including pulsar winds, microquasars, active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts.
All aspects related to relativistic outflows, including theory, phenomenology and key observations, were covered during the 3.5 day meeting. Scientific topics included gamma-ray production in relativistic outflows and large-scale radio lobes, the past activity of the black hole in the Galactic Centre, accretion disk physics, multi-wavelength outflow properties, formation and propagation of relativistic jets, as well as particle acceleration and transport in different relativistic contexts.
Invited review and highlight talks will occupy approximately 1/3 of the time slots, with a fraction of 2/3 dedicated to contributed talks. There will also be space for a limited number of posters. All contributions presented at HEPRO IV will be published in a special volume of International Journal of Modern Physics.
The meeting was hosted by the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik and took place at the Max-Planck Haus in Heidelberg. About a hundred scientists from all over the world attended the meeting.
On behalf of SOC: F. Aharonian (Chair) and LOC: F. Rieger (Chair)
Group photo - 2013-07-26
A group photo and a few other photos are available.
Program available - 2013-07-05
Program details are now available here .
Accepted contributions - 2013-06-20/21
The list of accepted oral presentations can be found here; for the list of accepted poster presentations, please click here .
Abstract Submission closed - 2013-06-07
The www abstract submission page has been closed. A huge number of abstracts has been received and is now under considerations. Participants will be informed about the status of their submissions within the next 2-3 weeks.