All conference contributions (both talks and posters) will be
published as AIP Conference
Proceedings, after having been refereed.
The registration fee includes a free volume of the conference proceedings.
Proceedings of invited talks must not exceed 12 pages, and write-ups of contributed talks and posters are limited to 4 pages.
All colour figures will be printed in black-and-white unless you make arrangements with AIP for colour printing (at your expense). Please make sure that colour figures still display nicely in black-and-white.
Deadline for the submission of contributions is Oct 1,
Submissions received after this date cannot be accepted.
Instructions and templates for preparation of the proceedings can be found here.
Please note that you have to fill in and sign the AIP
copyright form. Please fax it to +49 6221 516549 after having
submitted your proceeding.
If your contribution includes material which has been previously
published, you must obtain written permission from the
publisher/author. See the AIP
instructions for further details.
Important note to authors who aim to present their work on behalf of a collaboration
Unfortunately, the AIP latex style does not allow to put the collaboration's name after the author list. Please use this modification in your document to make this feature work.
Document Upload
The upload facility has been closed and the review process has started.
Submission of proceedings is not possible anymore.
Instructions for Presenters
The conference room is equipped with an overhead projector. Contributed talks have to be uploaded to a central computer which will be used for the presentations. Accepted formats are PDF (recommended) and Powerpoint. Note that presenting contributed talks from other than the central computer is not possible because of the tight schedule.
Please contact the local organisation team well in advance of your scheduled presentation. The preferred form for bringing your presentation is on a USB memory stick.
Contributed talks are limited to a strict 10 minutes plus 3 minutes for discussion.
Poster Presentations
Posters are planned to be on show during the whole conference. There will be three dedicated poster sessions (Mon, Tue, Thu - during the afternoon coffee breaks). We kindly ask the authors to stay in front of their posters during this time.
Poster dimensions are limited to ISO A0, i.e. 84 cm width x 119 cm height (33" width x 46.5" height). Material for mounting the posters will be provided.
Information about the allocation of poster slots will be provided in the poster rooms at the beginning of the conference.