>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 15 Nov: still some talks lacking <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Talks of Wednesday - Nov 09 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Welcome ppt ................................................ J.Jochum Organizational Issues pdf................................... P. Grabmayr Remarks on Topical Meetings ppt............................. S. Schoenert Summary of TG11 activities (TG11 pdf........................ W. Hampel Recent results on gamma-spectr. measurements at LNGS ppt.... M. Laubenstein Status Report on Front End electronics (TG 3) ppt........... C. Cattadori Update from DAQ Group (TG 9) pdf............................ B.Schwingenheuer Muon Veto Simulations for GERDA pdf......................... M. Knapp The Muon Veto at GERDA (TG 7) pdf........................... P.Grabmayr Progress of TG-1 Activities ppt............................. S. Schoenert Adaptation of Existing Ge-Detectors for Phase I ppt......... M. Shirchenko Some Technical Aspects of Testing and Adaptation of Existing Detectors ppt...................................... K. Gusev Enriched Germanium (TG 2) ppt............................... A. Caldwell Task Group 2 Report ppt..................................... X. Liu Update on Infrastructure (TG 8) ppt......................... M. Junker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Talks of Thursday - Nov 10 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Status of the Water Tank (TG 6) ppt......................... A. Bettini Status of the Cryostat (TG 4) pdf........................... K.T. Knoepfle 3rd Wall / Skin Concept ppt................................. A. Bettini 3rd Wall ppt................................................ C. Cattadori 3rd Wall: Activities at MPI HD pdf.......................... K.T. Knoepfle Infrastructure on top of Water Tank (TG 5) pdf.............. I. Abt Sensitivity from Ensemble Tests ppt......................... K. Kroeninger MC Studies Overview (TG 10) ppt............................. L. Pandola Gammas from Cryostat, 3rd Wall, External ppt............... L. Bezrukov Gammas from Water Buffer ppt............................... L. Pandola Influence of Shield on Muon Induced Background pdf.......... M. Bauer Neutron Induced Background in N/Water Scenario pdf......... D. Kollar Alternative Option: Stainless Steel Cryostat: LN And LAr Background ppt........ V.N. Kornoukhov PE vs Water and Requirements on Wall Materials ppt........ B. Majorovits Some Remarks about the Neck pdf............................ I. Abt Ice Shield ppt............................................. L. Inzhechik Nitrogen and Argon Radiopurity ppt.......................... G. Zuzel Neutron Transport in Argon and Nitrogen pdf................. D. Kollar Results from LArGe at MPIK ppt............................. P. Peiffer LN vs LAr: Cryogenic Aspects pdf........................... K.T. Knoepfle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Talks of Friday - Nov 11 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Double Beta Decay and Neutrino Masses ppt................... A. Faessler Majorana Overview and Status ppt............................ H. Miley & C. Aalseth CB Meeting summary ppt...................................... A. Caldwell