Abteilung für Teilchen- & Astroteilchen-Physik
Particle Physics Tag Cloud,
          based on the arXiv/hep-ph listing from Jan 31, 2013;
          generated at http://www.wordle.net

Journal Club

Day: Friday
Time: 12:00-12:30
Place: Gentner laboratory, Seminar room 339, 2nd floor
Conveners: Johannes Herms for BYOA; Evgeny Akhmedov and Tim Herbermann for 30-min talks

Date Main topic
Dec. 8 Yi Chung
"Dynamical origin of Type-I Seesaw with large mixing" - In presence/video seminar
Dec. 1 Aika Tada
"High-temperature electroweak baryogenesis with composite Higgs" - In presence/video seminar
arXiv:2307.14426, arXiv:1804.07314
Oct. 27 Sophie Klett
"Leptonic CP violation from the seesaw" - In presence/video seminar
July 28 Guoyuan Huang
"Disentangle neutrino electromagnetic properties with radiative emission of neutrino pairs" - In presence/video seminar
arXiv:2206.11717, arXiv:2306.12953
July 21 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

July 14 Sven Fabian
""Dirac leptogenesis via scatterings"" - In presence/video seminar
arXiv:2306.13707, arXiv:2304.09893
July 7 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

June 30 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

June 23 Andrei Angelescu
"A nearly Dirichlet Higgs for lower-scale warped extra dimensions" - In presence/video seminar
June 16 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

June 9 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

June 2 Nele Volmer
"IceCube and the origin of ANITA-IV events" - In presence/video seminar
May 26 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

May 19 Alvaro Pastor
"Ultrahigh-energy neutrino nucleon cross-sections and perturbative unitarity" - In presence/video seminar
May 12 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

May 5 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Apr. 28 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

April 21 Amir Khan
"Extra dimensions with light and heavy neutral leptons: an application to CEνNS" - In presence/video seminar
Feb. 10 Thede de Boer
"Celestial objects as strongly-interacting asymmetric dark matter detectors" - In presence/video seminar
Feb. 3 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Jan. 27 Oliver Scholer
"Lifting the core-collapse supernova bounds on keV-mass sterile neutrinos" - In presence/video seminar
Jan. 20 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Jan. 13 Tim Herbermann
"Quantum tunneling of ultralight dark matter out of satellite galaxies" - In presence/video seminar
Dec. 16 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Dec. 9 Cristina Benso
"Is cold dark matter favored by cosmological data?" - In presence/video seminar
Dec. 2 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Nov. 25 Frederik Depta
"Does dark matter freeze-in produce isocurvature fluctuations?" - In presence/video seminar
arXiv:2210.15691, arXiv:2211.08359, arXiv:2211.08719
Nov. 18 Thomas Rink
"Neutrino forces in neutrino backgrounds" - In presence/video seminar
Nov. 11 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Nov. 4 Salvador Centelles Chuliá
"How broad is a neutrino?" - In presence/video seminar
Oct. 28 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Oct. 21 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Oct. 14 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Oct. 7 Jeff Kuntz
"Strong CP with and without gravity" - In presence/video seminar
Sept. 30 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc. - In presence/video meeting

Sept. 23 Manibrata Sen
" Towards powerful probes of neutrino self-interactions in supernovae" - Video seminar
Sept. 16 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

July 22 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

July 15 Carlos Jaramillo
"A new probe of relic neutrino clustering using cosmogenic neutrinos" - Video seminar
July 8 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

July 1 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

June 24 Jonas Rezacek
"On the cosmological stability of the Higgs instability" - Video seminar
June 17 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

June 10 Philipp Saake
"Asymptotically free and safe fate of symmetry nonrestoration" - Video seminar
June 3 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

May 27 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

May 20 Aqeel Ahmed
"Axion kinetic misalignment mechanism and its implications" - Video seminar
May 13 Ting Cheng
"Recent W mass measurement at CDF II and its theoretical implications" - Video seminar
Science 376 (2022) 170, arXiv:2204.05283, arXiv:2204.05260
May 6 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Apr. 29 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Apr. 22 Andreas Bally
"Supercool composite Dark Matter beyond 100 TeV" - Video seminar
arXiv:2110.13926, arXiv:2007.08440
Feb. 25 Christian Doering
"Primordial black holes from first-order cosmological phase transitions" - Video seminar
arXiv:2105.07481, arXiv:2110.00005
Feb. 18 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Feb. 11 Susan van der Woude
"Filtered baryogenesis"- Video seminar
Feb. 4 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Jan. 28 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Jan. 21 Johannes Herms
"Dark Matter abundance via thermal decays and leptoquark mediators"- Video seminar
Jan. 14 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Dec. 17 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Dec. 10 Sophie Klett
"Flavor hierarchies from clockwork in SO(10) GUT"- Video seminar
Dec. 3 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Nov. 26 Sven Fabian
"Axial anomaly in galaxies and the Dark Universe" - Video seminar
Nov. 19 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Nov. 12 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Nov. 5 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Oct. 29 Karla Tame
"Higgs to charm quarks in vector boson fusion plus a photon" - Video seminar
Oct. 22 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Oct. 15 Andrei Angelescu
"Sliding naturaleness: Cosmological Selection of the Weak Scale" - Video seminar
arXiv:2106.04591, arXiv:2109.13249
Oct. 8 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Oct. 1 Nele Volmer
"TeV-scale Lepton Number Violation: Connecting leptogenesis, neutrinoless double beta decay, and colliders" - Video seminar
Sept. 24 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Sept. 17 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Sept. 10 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

Sept. 3 Remote JC meeting in extended BYOA format: Interesting papers of the week, etc.

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