Fourth Circular (2012-07-06)
We look forward to welcoming you to the Gamma2012 Symposium in Heidelberg (Stadthalle) next week (July 9-13, 2012). This is to give you some final details that may be of relevance to you:
(1) CONFERENCE PROGRAM:The latest version of the program is available here
(2) REGISTRATION: Registration will open on Monday morning (July 9th) at 8 am, and we kindly ask you to be on time for the opening of the conference. If you still need to formally register or pay for one of the social events, please proceed directly to the office of BESL (sign-posted); otherwise simply pick up your material at our counter in the foyer (checkroom). If you arranged for bank transfer, please make sure that your payment has been processed to avoid additional on-site payment.
The conference rooms is equipped with overhead projector etc. Please
note that all contributed talks have to be uploaded to a central
computer in the internet room (sign-posted) well in advance. Accepted
formats are *PDF* (recommended) and *Powerpoint*. Note that presenting
contributed talks from other than the central computer is not possible
because of the tight schedule. The preferred form for bringing your
presentation is on a USB memory stick.
Posters (with dimensions limited to ISO A0) can be put up on Monday
morning (after 8am) and will be on display on the first floor (Ballsaal)
during the *whole* conference. They will be grouped together according to
the associated field chosen during submission. Allocations follow the
identification numbers (ID above each abstract) given in the program
booklet that you will receive during registration.
(4) POSTER DINNER: There will be a dedicated poster dinner session on Monday evening (starting at 6:30 pm) and authors are kindly asked to stay close to their posters during this time.
(5) LOCAL TRANSPORT: The conference site ("Stadthalle") is close to the central tram (lines 5, 21, 22, 23, 26) and bus station at "Bismarckplatz" (approx. 500m along the river). Please check our webpage for further details on transportation here
(6) LOCAL WEATHER: Temperatures may reach up to 25 degrees (daily max), getting down to 14 degrees (daily min) at night. A few scattered showers may occur over the day.
We wish you a smooth and safe journey!
Third Circular (2012-04-30)
The deadline for Abstract Submission (May 13th) to the 5th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2012) is approaching. If you wish to present a contribution, please complete your abstract submission by May 13, 2012.
End of early registration: To avail yourself of early regular (student) registration fees of EUR 380 (EUR 200), please complete your registration by May 31. Please note that payment needs to be received in time, and that for student registration a status verification is required.
Visa application: If you need an invitation letter for a visa application, please download the invitation letter here, fill in the required details and send it back to the conference secretariat (Fax: +49 6221 516 549). Please note that you have to register first before applying for a visa invitation letter.
We look forward to welcoming you in Heidelberg.
Second Circular (2012-03-06)
Registration and abstract submission for Gamma2012 can now be done at http://
(1) Registration: To avail yourself of regular (student) registration fees of EUR 380 (EUR 200), please complete your registration by *May 31st 2012*. After this date the registration fee will be EUR 430.
(2) Social Program: Tickets for the Conference Dinner (Thursday, EUR 50.-) and the traditional Boat Trip (Wednesday, EUR 19.-) are optional and can be booked along with financial registration.
(3) Abstract Submission: If you wish to present a contribution, please complete your abstract submission by *Sunday, May 13th 2012*. As we are only able to accommodate a limited number of contributed talks, posters are particularly encouraged. All accepted contributions will be published as AIP conference Proceedings.
(4) Visa application: If you need an invitation letter for a visa application, please download the invitation letter here, fill in the required details and send it back to the conference secretariat (Fax: +49 6221 516 549). Please note that you have to register first before applying for a visa invitation letter. Note also that June is usually a particularly busy month in German Embassies and it may thus be useful to get in contact with them well in advance.
(5) Accommodation: We have pre-booked a total of about 150 rooms in hotels of different price categories near the centre of Heidelberg, please see here. If you wish to avail yourself of these offers, please complete your booking before *June 3rd, 2012* via the link provided on the conference web page.
We look forward to seeing you in Heidelberg!
First Circular (2011-12-19)
We are pleased to announce that the 5th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2012) organized by the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, will take place in Heidelberg, Germany, from Monday 9th to Friday 13th of July 2012.
Following the tradition of past Symposia, the meeting will cover the major observational and theoretical aspects of the field with an emphasis on the high (GeV) and very high (TeV) energy intervals of the electromagnetic spectrum. Scientific topics to be addressed will range from the origin of Galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays to the physics and astrophysics of compact objects and cosmological issues related to Dark Matter and intergalactic radiation and magnetic fields.
Being dedicated to the centenary of cosmic ray research initiated by Victor Hess' report in Physikalische Zeitschrift 13 (1912), the 2012 Symposium will have a special focus on the link between VHE gamma- and cosmic-rays.
The Symposium will be held at Heidelberg's magnificent Stadthalle (Town Hall), situated between the historic heart of the city (Altstadt) and the Neckar river.
News and up-to-date information about the conference are available on the conference website at Full registration including abstract submission will open in March 2012.
We look forward to seeing you in Heidelberg!
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