
Quantum Dynamics and Control



Dr. Kirsten Schnorr

phone: +49 6221 516-438
e-mail: Click to reveal e-mail address!
office: Bothe laboratory, 305

Time-Resolved Study of ICD in Ne Dimers Using FEL Radiation
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom 204B, 245–256 (2015)

XUV Pump-Probe Experiments on Electron Rearrangement and Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Diatomic Molecules
Dissertation in HeiBIB (2014) / Springer Theses Series (2015) / Google Books

Multiple ionization and fragmentation dynamics of molecular iodine studied in IR-XUV pump-probe experiments
Faraday Discuss., 171, 41-56 (2014)

Electron Rearrangement Dynamics in Dissociating In+2   Molecules Accessed by Extreme Ultraviolet Pump-Probe Experiments
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 073001 (2014)
Press Releases: MPIK
Accompanying highlight article in DESY Photon Science 2014

Time-Resolved Measurement of Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Ne2
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 093402 (2013) / arXiv:1308.0118
Press Releases: MPIK, DESY English / German
Accompanying highlight article in DESY Photon Science 2013

Coronium in the Laboratory: Measuring the Fe XIV Green Coronal Line by Laser Spectroscopy
ApJ 776 121 (2013)

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