CFEL - ASG Software Suite  2.5.0
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1 /**
2  * @file pausablethread.h declaration of a pausable QThread
3  *
4  * @author Lutz Foucar
5  */
10 #include <stdexcept>
12 #include <QtCore/QThread>
13 #include <QtCore/QMutex>
14 #include <QtCore/QWaitCondition>
16 namespace lmf
17 {
18 /** A QThread that has the ability to be paused and resumed
19  *
20  * This class inherits from QThread and enhances the QThread class to be able
21  * to be paused and resumed
22  *
23  * @todo check the logic whether this is threadsafe (maybe need to add some
24  * more mutexlockers.)
25  *
26  * @author Lutz Foucar
27  */
28 class PausableThread : public QThread
29 {
31 public:
32  /** enum describing the internal status of the thread */
35  /** enum describing the control status of the thread */
38  /** enum describing which exception was thrown */
40  {
48  };
50 public:
51  /** constructor
52  *
53  * You can construct this thread to be either paused or running when you
54  * call the start() member of the created object.
55  *
56  * @param control the initial state of the thread
57  * @param parent pointer to the parent object
58  */
59  PausableThread(control_t control=_run, QObject *parent = 0)
60  : QThread(parent),
62  _control(control),
63  _pausecount((control==_run?0:1)),
65  _invarg_excep(""),
66  _runt_excep(""),
67  _outrange_excep(""),
68  _logic_excep("")
69  {}
71  /** destructor
72  *
73  * stops the threads execution before deleting the thread. Make sure that
74  * all waitconditions are properly shut down.
75  */
76  virtual ~PausableThread();
78  /** run the thread
79  *
80  * this will call the pure virtual function runthis that needs to be
81  * implemented with the code that the thread should execute.
82  * It will handle all exceptions and ensures that they are not leaving the
83  * thread. One can check after exectution of the thread which exceptions have
84  * been thrown. Supported are
85  * std::invalid_argument
86  * std::runtime_error
87  * std::out_of_range
88  */
89  void run();
91  /** contains the code to run in the thread
92  *
93  * needs to be implemented by the derived threads
94  */
95  virtual void runthis()=0;
97  /** pause the thread
98  *
99  * Will tell the thread to pause. The function can be told to block until
100  * the thread is paused. It does that by waiting internaly on
101  * waitUntilPaused() to return. If one does not want this function to block,
102  * just call it with the default argument (false).
103  *
104  * @param block if true this function call will block until the thread is
105  * paused. If false this will return immidiatly (default).
106  */
107  void pause(bool block=false);
109  /** waits until thread is paused
110  *
111  * Waits until the thread is paused by using the wait condition.
112  */
113  void waitUntilPaused();
115  /** resume the thread
116  *
117  * Will tell the thread to resume by waking up the Condition
118  */
119  void resume();
121  /** return the current status of the thread */
122  status_t status()const {return _status;}
124  /** query whether this thread is told to quit
125  *
126  * @return true when it should quit, false otherwise
127  */
128  bool shouldQuit()const {return (_control == _quit);}
130  /** rethrow the thrown exception
131  *
132  * this should only be called when the thread has quitted
133  */
134  void rethrowException()const;
136  /** @return the exception thrown */
139 public slots:
140  /** tell the thread to quit */
141  virtual void end() {_control = _quit;}
143 protected:
144  /** point where the thread will be paused
145  *
146  * Call this function from within your run() at the point where you can
147  * pause the thread whithout leaving it in an undefined state. It will check
148  * whether the thread is requested to pause, if so it will pause the thread.
149  */
150  void pausePoint();
152 protected:
153  /** mutex to wait on until thread is paused */
156  /** wait condition to wait on until thread is resumed */
159  /** wait condition to wait unitl thread is paused */
162  /** the internal status of the thread */
165  /** the internal control status of the thread */
168  /** a counter how many threads have pause this thread */
169  size_t _pausecount;
171  /** flag to show that general exception was thrown */
174  /** the invalid arguemnt exception thrown */
175  std::invalid_argument _invarg_excep;
177  /** the invalid arguemnt exception thrown */
178  std::runtime_error _runt_excep;
180  /** the invalid arguemnt exception thrown */
181  std::out_of_range _outrange_excep;
183  /** the invalid arguemnt exception thrown */
184  std::logic_error _logic_excep;
185 };
187 }//end namespace lmf
188 #endif // PAUSABLETHREAD_H
std::out_of_range _outrange_excep
the invalid arguemnt exception thrown
void rethrowException() const
rethrow the thrown exception
status_t _status
the internal status of the thread
void pause(bool block=false)
pause the thread
enum describing the internal status of the thread
void waitUntilPaused()
waits until thread is paused
QWaitCondition _waitUntilPausedCondition
wait condition to wait unitl thread is paused
std::runtime_error _runt_excep
the invalid arguemnt exception thrown
std::invalid_argument _invarg_excep
the invalid arguemnt exception thrown
PausableThread(control_t control=_run, QObject *parent=0)
QMutex _pauseMutex
mutex to wait on until thread is paused
std::logic_error _logic_excep
the invalid arguemnt exception thrown
virtual ~PausableThread()
void run()
run the thread
exception_t _exception_thrown
flag to show that general exception was thrown
enum describing which exception was thrown
virtual void end()
tell the thread to quit
bool shouldQuit() const
query whether this thread is told to quit
control_t _control
the internal control status of the thread
void resume()
resume the thread
virtual void runthis()=0
contains the code to run in the thread
enum describing the control status of the thread
void pausePoint()
point where the thread will be paused
QWaitCondition _pauseCondition
wait condition to wait on until thread is resumed
status_t status() const
return the current status of the thread
exception_t exceptionThrown() const
A QThread that has the ability to be paused and resumed.
size_t _pausecount
a counter how many threads have pause this thread