CFEL - ASG Software Suite  2.5.0
processing Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for processing:


file  above_noise_finder.cpp [code]
 contains hll like pixel finder using noise maps
file  above_noise_finder.h [code]
 contains hll like finder for pixels
file  achimcalibrator_hex.cpp [code]
 file contains class that uses achims calibration capabilities
file  achimcalibrator_hex.h [code]
 file contains class that uses achims calibration capabilities
file  achimsorter_hex.cpp [code]
 file contains class that uses achims resort routine
file  achimsorter_hex.h [code]
 file contains class that uses achims resort routine
file  acqiris_analysis_definitions.hpp [code]
 contains the global definitions for acqiris analysis
file  acqiris_detectors.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of processors that extract information of acqiris detectors.
file  acqiris_detectors.h [code]
 file contains declaration of processors that extract information of acqiris detectors.
file  acqiris_detectors_helper.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of classes that extract information of acqiris detectors.
file  acqiris_detectors_helper.h [code]
 file contains declaration of classes that extract information of acqiris detectors.
file  advanced_pixeldetector.cpp [code]
 file more advanced pixeldetectors
file  advanced_pixeldetector.h [code]
 advanced pixeldetectors
file  alignment.cpp [code]
 processors that calculate laser alignment parameters
file  alignment.h [code]
 processors that calculate laser alignment parameters
file  autocorrelation.cpp [code]
 containing the class to calculate the autocorrelation of a 2d histogram
file  autocorrelation.h [code]
 containing the class to calculate the autocorrelation of a 2d histogram
file  cbf_output.cpp [code]
 output of 2d histograms into the cbf.
file  cbf_output.h [code]
 output of 2d histograms into the cbf.
file  cfd.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of class that does a constant fraction descrimination like analysis of a waveform
file  cfd.h [code]
 file contains declaration of class that does a constant fraction descrimination like analysis of a waveform
file  coalesce_simple.cpp [code]
 contains class that does the pixel coalescing in a simple way.
file  coalesce_simple.h [code]
 contains class that does the pixel coalescing in a simple way.
file  coalescing_base.cpp [code]
 file contains base class for all coalescing functors.
file  coalescing_base.h [code]
 file contains base class for all coalescing functors.
file  coltrims_analysis.cpp [code]
 file contains the processor specific for coltrims analysis
file  coltrims_analysis.h [code]
 file contains the processor specific for coltrims analysis
file  com.cpp [code]
 file contains defintion of class that does a center of mass analysis of a waveform
file  com.h [code]
 file contains declaration of class that does a center of mass analysis of a waveform
file  common_data.cpp [code]
 data contains commonly used for all AdvancedDetectors.
file  common_data.h [code]
 contains the common data for one advanced pixeldetector
file  commonmode_calculator_base.cpp [code]
 contains base class for all common mode calculators.
file  commonmode_calculator_base.h [code]
 contains base class for all common mode calculators.
file  commonmode_calculators.cpp [code]
 contains all available common mode calculators.
file  commonmode_calculators.h [code]
 contains all available common mode calculators.
file  convenience_functions.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of functions that help other processors to do their job.
file  convenience_functions.h [code]
 file contains declaration of classes and functions that help other processors to do their job.
file  delayline_detector.cpp [code]
 file contains the implementatio of classes that describe a delayline detector.
file  delayline_detector.h [code]
 file contains the classes that describe a delayline detector.
file  delayline_detector_analyzer_backend.hpp [code]
 file contains base class for all delayline detector analyzers.
file  delayline_detector_analyzer_simple.cpp [code]
 file contains the definition of classes and functions that analyzses a delayline detector.
file  delayline_detector_analyzer_simple.h [code]
 file contains the declaration of classes that analyzses a delayline detector.
file  delayline_non_sorting.cpp [code]
 ile contains the class that finds detectorhits without sorting
file  delayline_non_sorting.h [code]
 file contains the class that finds detectorhits without sorting
file  detector_analyzer_backend.cpp [code]
 contains base class implementation for all detector analyzers.
file  detector_analyzer_backend.h [code]
 file contains base class for all detector analyzers.
file  detector_backend.cpp [code]
 contains the base class definition for all detectors that are attached to an acqiris device.
file  detector_backend.h [code]
 contains the base class declaration for all detectors that are attached to an acqiris device.
file  fft.cpp [code]
 containing the class to calculate the fast fourier transform
file  fft.h [code]
 containing the class to calculate the fast fourier transform
file  frame_processor_base.cpp [code]
 contains base class for all frame processors
file  frame_processor_base.h [code]
 contains base class for all frame processors.
file  gaincalibration.cpp [code]
 contains a gain calibration functor
file  gaincalibration.h [code]
 contains a gain calibration functor
file  hdf5_converter.cpp [code]
 definition of pp1001 (hdf5_converter)
file  hdf5_converter.h [code]
 declaration of pp1001 (hdf5_converter)
file  helperfunctionsforstdc.hpp [code]
 file contains functions that help analysing an acqiris waveform
file  hitfinder.cpp [code]
 contains processors that will extract pixels of interrest from 2d histograms.
file  hitfinder.h [code]
 contains processors that will extract pixels of interrest from 2d histograms.
file  hitrate.cpp [code]
 processors for single particle hitfinding
file  hitrate.h [code]
 processors for single particle hitfinding
file  hll_frame_processor.cpp [code]
 contains hll correctionlike frame processor.
file  hll_frame_processor.h [code]
 contains hll correctionlike frame processor.
file  cass/processing/id_list.cpp [code]
 file contains the classes that can serialize the key list
file  cass/processing/id_list.h [code]
 file contains the classes that can serialize the key list
file  image_manipulation.cpp [code]
 file contains processors that will manipulate 2d histograms
file  image_manipulation.h [code]
 file contains processors that will manipulate 2d histograms
file  imaging.cpp [code]
 processors to generate a test image
file  imaging.h [code]
 processors to generate a test image
file  machine_data.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of processors that extract information from the beamline and epics data.
file  machine_data.h [code]
 file contains declaration of processors that extract information from the beamline and epics data.
file  mapcreator_base.cpp [code]
 contains base class for all correction map creators.
file  mapcreator_base.h [code]
 contains base class for all correction map creators.
file  mapcreators.cpp [code]
 contains all correction map creators.
file  mapcreators.h [code]
 contains all correction map creators.
file  mapcreators_online.cpp [code]
 contains correction map creators that work fast easy for online purposes.
file  mapcreators_online.h [code]
 contains correction map creators that work fast easy for online purposes.
file  momenta_calculator.cpp [code]
 file contains the classes that calculate the momenta of particles from their detector hits.
file  momenta_calculator.h [code]
 file contains the classes that calculate the momenta of particles from their detector hits.
file  operations.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of processors that will operate on results of other processors
file  operations.h [code]
 file contains processors that will operate on results of other processors
file  partial_covariance.cpp [code]
 processors to calculate partical covariance
file  partial_covariance.h [code]
 processors to calculate partical covariance
file  particle.cpp [code]
 file contains the classes that describe a particle that hit a delayline detector.
file  particle.h [code]
 file contains the classes that describe a particle that hit a delayline detector.
file  pixel_detector_calibration.cpp [code]
 processors that do calibrations on pixel detector data
file  pixel_detector_calibration.h [code]
 processors that do calibrations on pixel detector data
file  pixel_detector_helper.cpp [code]
 contains classes that extract and add information of pixel detectors.
file  pixel_detector_helper.h [code]
 contains classes that extract and add information of pixel detectors.
file  pixel_detectors.cpp [code]
 contains processor dealing with more advanced pixel detectors.
file  pixel_detectors.h [code]
 contains processor dealing with more advanced pixel detectors.
file  pixel_finder_base.cpp [code]
 file contains base class for all coalescing functors.
file  pixel_finder_base.h [code]
 contains base class for all pixel finders.
file  pixel_finder_simple.cpp [code]
 contains pixel finder that works like Per Johnsons
file  pixel_finder_simple.h [code]
 contains pixel finder that works like Per Johnsons
file  pixeldetector_mask.cpp [code]
 contains definition of the mask of a pixeldetector
file  pixeldetector_mask.h [code]
 contains definition of the mask of a pixeldetector
file  poscalculator.hpp [code]
 contains classes for calculating the position in a DLD
file  processor.cpp [code]
 file contains processors baseclass definition
file  processor.h [code]
 file contains processors baseclass declaration
file  processor_manager.cpp [code]
 contains the manager for the processors
file  processor_manager.h [code]
 contains the manager for the processors
file  rankfilter.cpp [code]
 contains definition of processors that will operate on histograms of other processors, calculating statistical rank filters like median filter.
file  rankfilter.h [code]
 file contains processors that will operate on histograms of other processors, calculating statistical rank filters like median filter.
file  root_converter.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of processor 2000
file  root_converter.h [code]
 file contains declaration of processor 2000
file  rootfile_helper.cpp [code]
 contains singleton definition for creating root files
file  rootfile_helper.h [code]
 contains singleton definition for creating root files
file  roottree_converter.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of processor 2001
file  roottree_converter.h [code]
 file contains declaration of processor 2001
file  signal_extractor.cpp [code]
 file contains base class for all classes that extract signals from the recorded data
file  signal_extractor.h [code]
 file file contains base class for all classes that extract signals from the recorded data
file  signal_producer.cpp [code]
 file contains the classes that describe how to analyze the waveform and stores the result.
file  signal_producer.h [code]
 file contains the classes that describe how to analyze the waveform and stores the result.
file  spectrometer.cpp [code]
 file contains the classes that describe a REMI type spectrometer.
file  spectrometer.h [code]
 contains the classes that describe a REMI type spectrometer.
file  table_operations.cpp [code]
 contains processors that will operate on table like histograms of other processors.
file  table_operations.h [code]
 contains processors that will operate on table like histograms of other processors.
file  tdc_extractor.cpp [code]
 file contains class that extracts the right hits from the tdc data
file  tdc_extractor.h [code]
 file contains class that extracts the right hits from the tdc data
file  tof_detector.cpp [code]
 file contains the definition of the class that describes a Time Of Flight Detector.
file  tof_detector.h [code]
 file contains the declaration of the class that describes a Time Of Flight Detector.
file  tree_structure.h [code]
 defining structures for the root tree
file  tree_structure_linkdef.h [code]
 definitions for root cint
file  waveform.cpp [code]
 file contains acqiris data retrieval processor definition
file  waveform.h [code]
 file contains acqiris data retrieval processor declaration
file  worker.cpp [code]
 file contains definition of class Worker and Workers
file  worker.h [code]
 file contains declaration of class Worker and Workers