The Standard Model of Particle Physics (MVHE3)

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The lecture will cover the Standard Model of Particle Physics from the theoretical and from the experimental perspective. The gauge theories of electroweak and strong interactions and their experimental tests will be described. The present status of the Standard Model, open experimental questions, and some directions of beyond the Standard Model physics are discussed. The course will include the necessary relativistic quantum field theory but with emphasis on applications rather than formal details.
Tutorials offer the possibility to discuss open questions and the exercises.

Necessary/useful knowledge: Content of PEP5 (Bachelor) or MKEP1 (Master), PTP4 (Bachelor), MKTP1 (Master)


Dr. Werner Rodejohann (werner.rodejohann"at", www), Tel.: 06221 516824

Prof. Dr. Andre Schöning (schoening"at", www), Tel.: 06221 549311



Mondays, 11.15 -- 12.45, Phil12, gHS
Wednesdays, 11.15 -- 12.45, Phil12, gHS


Tuesdays, 9.15 -- 10.45, Alb.-Ueberle-Str. 3-5, SR I
Thursdays, 14.15 -- 15.45, Phil12, kHS

Credit Points:

You will get the 8 ECTS points if you have solved at least 50% of the exercises, and have handed in solutions of all exercise sheets. There will be no grades.


Here is the link to the Kummerkasten.


will be announced during the lecture. Some useful books are:

Aitchison, Hey: Gauge Theories in Particle Physics
Nachtmann: Elementarteilchenphysik. Phänomene und Konzepte
Perkins: Introduction to High Energy Physics
Byckling, Kajantie: Particle Kinematics
Berger: Elementarteilchenphysik
Halzen, Martin: Quarks and Leptons
Schmüser: Feynman Graphen für Experimentalphysiker