CFEL - ASG Software Suite  2.5.0
Install instructions for CASS

Table of Contents


The following software packages need to be installed and available for building and running CASS:

QT(version 4.6.x and above)

Download source from

to compile and install

./configure -prefix somewhere -opensource
make install

in case you're using a custom version of gcc, then you need to provide the lb path to that installation during the configure step like follows

./configure -prefix somewhere -opensource -confirm-license -R /path/to/gcc/lib

gSOAP (version 2.8.50 and above)

Download gSOAP from

to compile and install do the following

./configure --prefix=/somewhere
make install

where "somewhere" is the place that you want to install the libraries to be installed to (ie. /usr/local)

Optional Prerequisites

The following software packages are needed when enabeling optional components in CASS:

gcc (version 4.6.4 and above)

Download a recent version of gcc here:

after the tarball is extracted in order to compile and install one has to create a separate build dir.

mkdir gcc$VERSION-build

download the prerequisites with the help of the script in contrib from within the src dir


to compile and install run the follwing from the build dir

$srcdir/configure --prefix=somewhere
make install

QWT (version 6.1.0 and above / 6.1.2 (in case version qt5.4.x is used))

Download the version of qwt from here:

to compile and install the libs one needs to modify qwtconfig.pri and set QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX to where the libraries should be installed to (eg. /usr/local). Then one needs to run

make install

ZLIB (version 1.2.7 or higher)

Download the latest version from

to compile and install

./configure --prefix=somewhere
make test
make install

where "somewhere" is the place that you want to install the libraries to be installed to (ie. /usr/local)

HDF5 (version 1.8.5 and above)

Download hdf5 library from here

to compile and install do the following:

LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/path/to/zlib/lib" \
./configure --prefix=/somewhere --enable-threadsafe --with-pthread=/usr
make check
make install

where "somewhere" is the place that you want to install the libraries to be installed to (ie. /usr/local)

Use this command as the LDFLAGS part if you want to use a custom gcc

LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/path/to/zlib/lib,-rpath,/path/to/gcc/lib" \

the rest of the lines above are the same.

VIGRA (version 1.7.0 and above)

Download vigra template library from here:

just install the headers by copying them

cp -r include/ /somewhere/.

where the above /somewhere/. is the location where to install the headers

ROOT (version 5.28.00c and above)

Download root sources using git from here

to compile and install (without the need of setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH later on)

./configure --prefix=/somewhere --enable-rpath --etcdir=/somewhere
make [-j]
make install

where "somewhere" is the place that you want to install the libraries to be installed to (ie. /usr/local)

DOXYGEN (version 1.8.4 and above)

Download doxygen sources from here:

to compile and install do the following:

./configure --prefix somewhere
make install

where "somewhere" is the place that you want to install the libraries to be installed to (ie. /usr/local)

GRAPHVIZ used for doxgen

Download graphviz from

to compile and install do the following:

./configure --prefix=/somewhere
make install

where "somewhere" is the place that you want to install the libraries to be installed to (ie. /usr/local)

FFTW (version 3.3.3 or above)

Download the sources from

to compile and install do

./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/somewhere
make install

where "somewhere" is the place that you want to install the libraries to be installed to (ie. /usr/local)

zeromq (for XFEL Interface)

Download the sources from

to compile and install do

./configure --prefix=/somewhere
make install

Where somwhere is the place that you want to install the libraries to be installed to (ie. /usr/local). The additionally required c++ bindings need to be downloaded them from the git repository at

and copy the header files to the include dir of the zeromq installation

cp *.hpp /somewhere/.

where "somewhere" is the location of the zeromq include directory

msgpack (for XFEL Interface)

Download the c/c++ version of msgpack from the git repository

just install the headers by copying them

cp -r include/ /somewhere/.

where the above /somewhere/. is the location where to install the headers

SACLA offline and online libraries

You can find the SACLA libraries at the HPC at SACLA. You need to have a sacla account in order to get access to the SACLA HPC.

Achims resort routine

Please contact Achim Czasch to get the latest version of the resort routine. Be adviced that the CASS interface might have to be adapted to the latest version.

Needed Environment Variables

Building CASS

To configure CASS for your needs please copy the default config as follows:

cp cass_defaultconfig.pri cass_myconfig.pri

and make all your changes to the created cass_myconfig.pri. By changing the PREFIX variable you can control where cass will be installed. Optionally this parameter can also be set when calling the qmake utility (see below).

The following sequence of commands will build and install CASS:

qmake [PREFIX=/path/to/your/preferred/binary/directory]
make [-j]
make install