Particle Physics Tag Cloud,
          based on the arXiv/hep-ph listing from Jan 31, 2013;
          generated at

Journal Club

Day: Friday
Time: 12:00-12:30
Place: Gentner laboratory, Seminar room 339, 2nd floor

Date Main topic
July 17 Speaker: Hiren Patel
"Identifying velocity suppressed dark matter annihilation and direct detection channels by partial wave analysis"

July 10 Speaker: Farinaldo Queiroz
" Search for high-mass diboson resonances at sqrt{s}=8 TeV with ATLAS detector"
arXiv:1506.00962, arXiv:1506.06641

July 3 Speaker: Branimir Radovcic
"Is the Higgs boson composed of neutrinos?"

June 26 Speakers: Juri Smirnov & Michael Duerr (15'+15')
"Simplified Dirac dark matter models "

June 19 Speaker: Shao-Feng Ge
"The Georgi algorithms of jet clustering and the connection with parton showers"
arXiv:1408.3823, arXiv:1408.1161

June 12
No Journal Club (WIN 2015 Workshop)

June 5
No Journal Club ("bridge day")

May 29 Speaker: Ninetta Saviano
" Cosmological bounds for secret interactions among eV sterile neutrinos"
arXiv:1410.1385, arXiv:1409.1680
Background material in arXiv:1505.02795

May 22 Speaker: Miguel Campos
" Dark matter, singlet extensions of the nuMSM, and symmetries"
Background material in hep-ph/0503065, arXiv:0901.0011
May 15
No Journal Club ("bridge day")

May 8 Speaker: Shao-Feng Ge
"Basics of parton showers"
Background material in hep-ph/0310083, arXiv:0803.0883
May 1
No Journal Club (Labour Day)

April 24
No Journal Club (regular seminar Farinaldo Queiroz)

April 17 Speaker: Shao-Feng Ge
"Effect of gravitational focusing on annual modulation in dark-matter direct-detection experiments"
Suggestions for future topics:
  • arXiv:1409.0492 Is the Standard Model saved asymptotically by conformal symmetry?
  • arXiv:1403.4638 Relic Gravity Waves and 7 keV Dark Matter from a GeV scale inflaton
  • arXiv:1411.2162 Differences between axions and generic Light Scalars in lab experiments
  • arXiv:1411.5124 Spontaneous radiatively induced breaking of conformal invariance in SM
  • arXiv:1411.5633 An upper limit on the scale of new physics phenomena from high multiplicity Higgs and vector boson events
  • arXiv:1411.4673 Attempts at determination of \alpha from first principles: An overview
  • arXiv:1406.6105 WIMPy baryogenesis with sterile neutrinos and other realizations
  • arXiv:1402.3848 Electric charge as magnetic dipole when in magnetic field
  • arXiv:1402.3620 Muon g-2, Rare K decays and parity violation from dark bosons
Previous semesters:
SS 2013
WS 2013/2014
SS 2014
WS 2014/2015