Publications and conference contributions 1997
Most recent contributions first
HESS - an array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes for stereoscopic observations of air showers in the 100 GeV energy range
W. Hofmann
Proc. of the Workshop ``Towards a major atmospheric Cherenkov detector - V'', Kruger Park, 1997, O.C. de Jager (Ed.), p. 405
The HESS array: a new system of 100 GeV IACTs for stereoscopic observations
G. Hermann
Proc. XXXII Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, 1997, Y. Giraud-Heraud, J. Thanh Van (Eds), p.
The HESS array: a new system of 100 GeV IACTs for stereoscopic observations
G. Hermann
Transparencies shown at the XXXII Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, 1997
The potential of ground based arrays of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes: I. Determination of shower parameters
F.A. Aharonian et al.
Astropart. Phys. 6 (1997) 343
The potential of ground based arrays of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes: II. Gamma ray flux sensitivities
F.A. Aharonian et al.
Astropart. Phys. 6 (1997) 369