Publications and conference contributions 2006
Most recent contributions first
H.E.S.S. detects historically high fluxes of Very High Energy gamma-rays from PKS 2155-304
H.E.S.S. collaboration, W. Benbow et al.
ATel #867
H.E.S.S. observations of the supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622: shell-type morphology and spectrum of a widely extended VHE gamma-ray source
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astrophys. Journal 661 (2007) 236-249, Aux. information and data points
Primary particle acceleration above 100 TeV in the shell-type supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 with deep H.E.S.S. observations
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 464 (2007) 235-243; Erratum 531 (2011) C1; Aux. information and data points
3.9 day orbital modulation in the TeV gamma-ray flux and spectrum from the X-ray binary LS 5039
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 460 (2006) 743-749; Aux. information and data points
Energy dependent gamma-ray morphology in the Pulsar wind nebula HESSJ1825-137
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 460 (2006) 365-374; Aux. information and data points
The H.E.S.S. view of the central 200 parsecs
J. Hinton (for the H.E.S.S. Collaboration)
Proceedings of the Galactic Centre Workshop 2006
H.E.S.S. observations of the Galactic Center region and their possible dark matter interpretation
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 221102; Aux. information and data points
Fast variability of Tera-Electron Volt gamma-rays from the radio galaxy M87
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Science 314 (2006) 1424 - 1427; Aux. information and data points
Neue Ergebnisse der Gammaastronomie
H.J. Völk,
Sterne und Weltraum (SuW), 45, Nr.8 (2006) 36-45
Observations of the Crab Nebula with H.E.S.S
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 457 (2006) 899-915
Precision measurement of optical pulsation using a Cherenkov telescope
J. A. Hinton et al.
Astropart. Phys. 26 (2006) 22-27
Discovery of the two wings of the Kookaburra complex in VHE gamma-rays with H.E.S.S
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 456 (2006) 245-251 ; Aux. information and data points
Discovery of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the BL Lac Object H2356-309 with the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov Telescopes
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 455 (2006) 461-466; Aux. information and data points
A low level of extragalactic background light as revealed by gamma-rays from blazars
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Nature 440 (2006) 1018-1021; Aux. information and data points
A detailed spectral and morphological study of the gamma-ray supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 with H.E.S.S
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 449 (2006) 223-242; Aux. information and data points
First detection of a VHE gamma-ray spectral maximum from a Cosmic source: H.E.S.S. discovery of the Vela X nebula
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 448 (2006) L43-L47; Aux. information and data points
Evidence for VHE gamma-ray emission from the distant BL Lac PG 1553+113
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astron. Astrophys. 448 (2006) L19-L23; Aux. information and data points
Discovery of very-high-energy gamma-rays from the Galactic Centre ridge
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Nature 439 (2006) 695-698; Aux. information and data points
The H.E.S.S. survey of the Inner Galaxy in very high-energy gamma-rays
H.E.S.S. collaboration, F. Aharonian et al.
Astrophys. Journal 636 (2006) 777-797; Aux. information and data points