Publications and conference contributions 2001
Most recent contributions first
Das H.E.S.S. Teleskop-System
K. Bernlöhr
Transparencies shown at the DPG Spring Meeting, Bonn, 2001
K. Bernlöhr
Transparencies shown at the Rencontres de Moriond 2001: Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe, Les Arcs
K. Bernlöhr
Proc. of the Rencontres de Moriond 2001: Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe, Les Arcs
Gamma-Ray Astronomy of Cosmic Rays
H. Völk
Hess-Lecture 2001, at the 27th ICRC, Hamburg, 2001
Status of the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) Project
W. Hofmann
Proc. of the 27th ICRC, Hamburg, 2001, OG 2.05
The HESS project camera, tests, and status
M. Punch
Proc. of the 27th ICRC, Hamburg, 2001, OG 2.05
Alignment of the mirror facets of the H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescopes
R. Cornils, I. Jung
Proc. of the 27th ICRC, Hamburg, 2001, OG 2.05
The central data acquisition system for the H.E.S.S. telescope system
C. Borgmeier, K. Mauritz, C. Stegmann
Proc. of the 27th ICRC, Hamburg, 2001, OG 2.05
Flat-fielding of H.E.S.S. Phase I
K.M. Aye et al.
Proc. of the 27th ICRC, Hamburg, 2001, OG 2.05