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New Constraints on the Mid-IR EBL from the HESS Discovery of VHE gamma rays from 1ES 0229+200

F. Aharonian et al. (H.E.S.S. Collaboration), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 475, L9, 2007

H.E.S.S. data points for Figure 2 (VHE Spectrum)

Energy interval         Mean energy     Flux           Flux Error
[TeV]               	[TeV]           [/TeV cm^2 s]

0.500	0.734           0.598414	3.22343e-12	1.32767e-12
0.734	1.077		0.878289	9.27544e-13	2.79173e-13
1.077	1.581		1.288970	2.3247e-13	1.03762e-13
1.581	2.321		1.892220	1.62988e-13	4.79364e-14
2.321	3.406		2.777400	7.40983e-14	2.3304e-14
3.406	5.000		4.076390	2.43744e-14	1.11647e-14
5.000	8.891		6.486650	3.78954e-15	3.1869e-15
8.891	15.811		11.53490	1.42778e-15	1.03067e-15

Remarks: Statistical errors only.