import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import astropy.units as u import numpy as np from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects from gammapy.estimators import FluxPoints import plot_params as pparams import scipy data_path = './data/' def prepare_data(): x_axis_vertical = np.load(data_path + "flux_points/x_axis.npy")*u.deg data_points + "flux_points/SS433_flux_profile_along_jet_J1908_subtracted.fits", format='profile') data_points.sqrt_ts_threshold_ul = 0 # get flux and eror and flip correctly flux = np.flip(, axis=0) flux_err = np.flip(, axis=0) x = np.flip(x_axis_vertical) # split energy tanges data_low = flux[:,0,0,0].copy() data_error_low = flux_err[:,0,0,0].copy() data_mid = flux[:,1,0,0].copy() data_error_mid = flux_err[:,1,0,0].copy() data_high = flux[:,2,0,0].copy() data_error_high = flux_err[:,2,0,0].copy() return x, np.stack([data_low, data_mid, data_high]), np.stack([data_error_low, data_error_mid, data_error_high]) x, data, data_err = prepare_data() # read the model curves models = np.loadtxt(data_path + 'misc/fig4_curves.txt', delimiter=',') final_x_m = models[:,0] model_low = models[:,1]*u.deg model_mid = models[:,2]*u.deg model_high = models[:,3]*u.deg # read the systematics band systematics = np.loadtxt(data_path + 'misc/fig4_systematics.txt', delimiter=',') x_syst = systematics[:,0]*u.deg low_energy_1 = systematics[:,1] low_energy_2 = systematics[:,2] mid_energy_1 = systematics[:,3] mid_energy_2 = systematics[:,4] high_energy_1 = systematics[:,5] high_energy_2 = systematics[:,6] # Functions to make the axis in pc d = 5.5*u.kpc def ang_to_dist(ang): """ Angle to distance in pc """ return (((ang*u.deg).to_value('rad')*d)).to_value('pc') def convert_ax_ang_to_dist(ax): """ Update second axis according with first axis. """ x1, x2 = ax.get_xlim() ax_pc.set_xlim(ang_to_dist(x1), ang_to_dist(x2)) ax_pc.figure.canvas.draw() # x-ray interaction regions to mark in the plot ss433 = SkyCoord(287.9497,4.9806, unit="deg", frame="icrs").galactic w2 = SkyCoord(l = 39.49459783913566, b = -1.7422062350119902, unit='deg', frame='galactic') w1 = SkyCoord(l = 39.603841536614645, b=-1.9520383693045562, unit='deg', frame='galactic') e1 = SkyCoord(l = 39.85354141656663, b=-2.664268585131895, unit='degree', frame='galactic') e2 = SkyCoord(l = 39.91596638655462, b=-2.833333333333333, unit='degree', frame='galactic') e3 = SkyCoord(l = 40.05402160864346, b=-3.248201438848921, unit='degree', frame='galactic') x_reg = [e1, e2, e3, w1, w2] x_reg_lab = ["e1", "e2", "e3", "w1", "w2"] x_reg_distances = [] for temp in x_reg: ang_sep = ss433.separation(temp).deg if temp.b > ss433.b: ang_sep = -ang_sep x_reg_distances.append(ang_sep) # And finally, plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,1,figsize=(12,10)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace= 0.3) f = 1e-14 # absorb this factor into axes ax_pc = axes[0].twiny() axes[0].callbacks.connect("xlim_changed", convert_ax_ang_to_dist) ax_pc.set_xlim(ang_to_dist(-0.8), ang_to_dist(0.8)) ax_pc.set_xlabel('Distance from central binary (pc)') ax_pc.tick_params(axis='x', which='major', pad=4) for ax in axes: for xray in x_reg_distances: ax.axvline(xray, ls=':', color='k', lw=4, alpha=0.4) axes[0].plot(final_x_m,model_low/f,color='teal',lw=3, ls='-') axes[0].fill_between(final_x_m, low_energy_1/f, low_energy_2/f, color='teal', alpha=0.3) axes[0].errorbar(x.value,data[0]/f, yerr = data_err[0]/f, ls='', color='teal', elinewidth=2.3, marker='o', label='0.8 - 2.5 TeV') axes[0].legend(loc='lower right') axes[1].plot(final_x_m, model_mid/f,color='goldenrod',lw=3, ls='-',) axes[1].errorbar(x.value,data[1]/f, yerr = data_err[1]/f, ls='', color='goldenrod', label='2.5 - 10 TeV', elinewidth=2.3, marker='o') axes[1].fill_between(final_x_m, mid_energy_1/f, mid_energy_2/f, color='goldenrod', alpha=0.3) axes[1].legend(loc='lower right') axes[2].plot(final_x_m,model_high/f,color='darkred',lw=3, ls='-') axes[2].errorbar(x.value,data[2]/f, yerr = data_err[2]/f, ls='', color='darkred', label='above 10 TeV', elinewidth=2.3, marker='o') axes[2].fill_between(final_x_m, high_energy_1/f, high_energy_2/f, color='darkred', alpha=0.3) axes[2].legend(loc='lower center') axes[2].set_xlabel('Distance from central binary (deg)') axes[1].set_ylabel(r'Photon flux (10$^{-14}$ · s$^{-1}$ · cm$^{-2}$)', labelpad=20) axes[2].set_xlim(-0.8,0.8) axes[1].set_xlim(-0.8,0.8) axes[0].set_xlim(-0.8,0.8) axes[0].set_ylim(-9.9,28) axes[1].set_ylim(-1.5,5) axes[2].set_ylim(-0.6, 1.4) axes[0].text(-0.8, 30, "west", weight='bold', fontsize=17) axes[0].text(0.7, 30, "east", weight='bold', fontsize=17) axes[0].text(-0.75, 20, "A", weight='bold', fontsize=25) axes[1].text(-0.75, 3.5, "B", weight='bold', fontsize=25) axes[2].text(-0.75, 0.95, "C", weight='bold', fontsize=25) fig.text(0.23,0.15, "w2", weight='bold', rotation=90, color='gray') fig.text(0.34,0.15, "w1", weight='bold', rotation=90, color='gray') fig.text(0.705,0.15, "e1", weight='bold', rotation=90, color='gray') fig.text(0.795,0.15, "e2", weight='bold', rotation=90, color='gray') # plt.savefig('ss433/plots/fig3.pdf', transparent = True, bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0.1) # plt.savefig('ss433/plots/fig3.png', transparent = False, bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0.1)