'Integration & Schedule' Session at Ringberg, Feb 13, 2007
Summary by K.T. Knoepfle, Version 3 of Mar 6, 2007 including 
(partially modified) comments by Bela and results from 
Infrastructure Meeting at LNGS

Agreement on final Dimensions:

                            >>> All numbers need to be confirmed !! <<<
o Superstructure

    Adjustment range of lock on superstructure ......................... +-20 mm
    Superstructure must be built to this precision.
    There will be a cutout in the superstructure floor around the 
    shutter body (dimensions have been specified by Mr. Ackerman 
    to Matthias before). At this cutout the clean room floor will 
    start at 9660 mm directly on the beams.

o Lock
    lowest surface of lock flange ...................................... 9935 mm
    thickness of horizontal shutter head................................  180 mm
    lowest surface of shutter .......................................... 9755 mm
    clean room floor top surface........................................ 9760 mm
    superstructure floor top surface ................................... 9700 mm
    upper surface of HEB700 & IPE120 beams ............................. 9660 mm
    (top of IPE120 beams could be lowered to 9600 mm if needed)
    lower surface of IPE120(6) beams between HEB700 beams .............. 9540 mm

o Cryostat

    total height ................................................... 8900 - 7 mm

o Water Tank

    thickness of bottom of WT.............................................. 7 mm
    inner diameter of hole in WT roof .................................. 2000 mm tbd
    final height of WT roof @ dia 2000.................................. 8800 mm 
    thickness of WT flange at dia 2000..................................         tbd
    hole circle on WT roof for fixation of interface WT - cryostat .....         tbd

  > A damped fixation of lock on supertructure is not needed w.r.t. 
    earthquake effects according to Pace seismic report. However, 
    decoupling of lock from superstructure w.r.t. vibrations should be 
    considered - even if lock has internal vibrational decoupling already 
  > How to access the manifold and how to transport not too heavy loads 
    (<250 kg) to the manifold will proposed by MPI-HD.


    (see http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/ge76/tg04.html for latest but still 
                                                 PRELIMINARY drawings).

 o Template has been ordered by MPI at German company;  shipment to LNGS 
   will be in week 10.

 o Interface to WT: prelim. drawings available

 o  Guiding bolts need to be discussed between MPI-K and MPP-M

 o Mounting of PMT's in skirt: drawing in prep.

 o Mounting of reflector foil: drawing in prep.

 o Protection during WT building
   Protection is needed; minimum plastic foil; better protection also against 
   mechanical impact.
   > MPI will provide possible design.
   > Carla will ask WT fab company for opinion/quote.

Water Tank

 o Interface WT - cryostat
   > design to be provided by MPI HD; interface material needs to be flexible 
     and Rn- & light tight; proposed interface material: NEOPRENE.
   > Check if this fulfils all requirements

 o Location of heat exchanger for exhaust gas: Outside WT only possible if 
   impact of temperature gradient on WT wall established.
   No way to decide that within short time??!
   > The 'final decision' to implemented exchanger within WT has been revised 
     during follow-up meeting at LNGS on Mar 05.
     Carla will ask engineers to find out what must be done to mount heat
     exchangers outside the WT.
   > Responsible for  heat exchanger: MPI-HD.
Muon Veto on roof
   > Final configuration/dimensions are needed; enough material is available.
     So two layers, each 3cm thick, could be implemented.

Exhaust gas tubes, cryogenic lines. cables, etc...
  > It is agreed that halogen-free cables are used unless there are convincing 
    reasons for deviating from this agreement.
  > All below to be discussed at LNGS on Monday, March 5.
      plan for tubes, cryogenic lines, cables,....
      dto for respective fixations
      feedthrus for cables cleanroom-electronics room
      dto for pipes cleanroom-cryogenics room
      connection to LNGS ventilation

Electronics Room
  > It is decided that this room should have steel/tin walls but needs not to 
    be a Faraday cage.
  > Layout will be provided by Carla and Bernhard.
  > MPI Munich is responsible for building this room together and in the same/similar 
    technology as the cleanroom.

Grounding Scheme & Implications for Isolation of Cryostat, Lock, ...
  > No isolation of cryostat, lock, etc. foreseen. However, if long tubing from 
    distant locations can be relativley easy isolated, it should be done.
  > All electric lines including the electronic ground must enter the lock or 
    cryostat via isolated flanges.
  > WT and cryostat will be well grounded.
  > Detailed grounding scheme still lacking.

Cables for Phase 1 (Phase 2) Detectors
  > Candidate cables for Phase 1 have been identified by Carla.
  > Carla will deliver 3x 7m of these cables to Bela for lock tests.
  > Cables for Phase 2 have not been discussed.

    Carla stresses the need to conduct thorough tests of complete readout 
    chain using all components including e.g. pogopin contacts.

Installation needed already this year at GERDA Site
  > electric power, pressurized air, scaffolding : all available
  > LN2 .........................................: line to be implemented
  > exhaust gas line ............................: forgotten to be discussed
  > protective wall in front of LVD..............: provided by LNGS

Coverage of Superstructure Tender
    The tender covers the steel structure, walls, doors, and floors.
  > All the rest including in particular electrical installation and
    other utilities have to be acquired in addition.
  > Detailed list of these items including their priority needed.

Location of LN2 and LAr Storage Tanks
  > Integral concept needed for GERDA and GERDA Detector Lab.
  > To be discussed in March 5 meeting.
  > At present, it is assumed that LAr 5.0 qualitydoes meet all our purity specs.

Radon Reduction Unit
  There is no consens on the need for such a unit. - It is pointed out that the clean 
  room specs depend quite a bit on the question if the use of Rn reduced air is 
  indispensable in the cleanroom. Alternatively, it is considered to operate the clean-
  room without Rn reduced air and to use clean benches that are purged with pure N2.
  > The decision on the Radon Reduction Unit has been postponed.
  > If costs do allow, the cleanroom should be specified such that its construction is 
    compatible with and adequate for a later operation with Rn reduced air.

  The T_zero for planning the works in Hall A is determined by the  delivery of the 
  cryogenic vessel. Due to a 3 month delay in the production of the vessel heads, this 
  delivery will be not before September 2007. While schedules for WT, superstructure, and 
  electronics are available, the time schedule for the installation of the cleanroom and 
  lock is still being optimized.

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