 (Each voter had 10 points to distribute among the proposed names.)    

 [ 4] B4S     Beyond four Sigma

 [ 3] CLOG    CryoLiquid cOoled Germanium 

 [ 3] CRYLOG  CryoLiquid Operated Germanium

 [32] EGEO    Enriched GErmanium Observatory

 [ 6] ENGELS  Enriched Naked Germanium Exp. in Large Scale

 [18] ETTORE

 [ 6] GAUSS   Germanium Assembly for Unique Signal Searches
              on Neutrinos

 [ 2] GEDEON  GERmanium DEtector Observatory of Neutrinos

 [17] GERDA   GERmanium Detectors in Action

 [48] GERDA   GERmanium Detector Assembly 

 [11] GESINE  GErmanium Setup In Nitrogen  Environment
              GErmanium Setup In Noble gas  Environment

 [19] GLOBUS  Germanium Large Observatory for Unique Signals

 [16] INGA    Investigation of Neutrino with Germanium Assembly

 [  ] LANOG   Liquid Argon/Nitrogn Operated Germanium

 [31] LEGENDA Large Enriched GErmanium Naked Detector Assembly 

 [ 7] NEGETEL Naked Enriched Germanium TELescope

 [  ] NIGER   Neutrino Investigation with GERmanium

 [  ] LENIN   Large Electron Neutrino INstrument

 [ 5] LOBAGE  LOw BAckground Germanium Experiment

 [27] LOGO    LO background Germanium Observatory 
 [  ] MEGERA  Majorana Experiment (Effect) for GErmanium 

 [  ] MEGERA  Massive GERmanium Assembly

 [19] NEGA    Naked Enriched Germanium Assembly

 [17] NUGGET  New UnderGround GErmanium Test experiment

 [  ] PUTIN   Powerful Underground Telescope for Investigation

 [ 2] URGEND  Underground Radiopure GErmanium Naked Diodes

 RANKING ( >20 points)

 1.)  [48] GERDA   GERmanium Detector Assembly           Anatoly Smolnikov

 2.)  [32] EGEO    Enriched GErmanium Observatory        Carla Cattadori

 3.)  [31] LEGENDA Large Enriched GErmanium Naked        Anatoly Smolnikov 
                   Detector Assembly  

 4.)  [27] LOGO    LOw background Germanium Observatory  Peter Peiffer